After sphere formation, cells were transferred to FGF-2 containing priming medium for 5 days and then to differentiation medium for 5 days (
Fig. 3A) based on the culture conditions described by Merhi-Soussi and colleagues.
31 Spheres in priming medium readhered to the dish, and individual cells migrated out (
Fig. 3C, arrowhead). After subsequent incubation in differentiation medium for 5 days (2D conditions), a subset of cells acquired a nonglial morphology, characterized by small cell bodies, compact nuclei with dense chromatin, and thin, branching neurite-like processes (
Fig. 3D, arrowheads). Under differentiation conditions, some cells upregulated the expression of general neuronal and retinal cell-specific markers. MAP1, a marker of differentiated neurons that is expressed by retinal ganglion cells, was present in a small number of differentiated ImM10 cells that often appeared in clusters (
Figs. 4A–C). CaBP1, expressed in OFF cone bipolars and subsets of amacrine cells,
32 showed diffuse cytoplasmic immunostaining in cells that retained a glial morphology (
Fig. 4D). In addition, robust CaBP1 immunoreactivity was visible in distinctly linear structures within the cytoplasm, potentially associated with the cytoskeleton (
Figs. 4D–F, arrowheads). In differentiation conditions, small clusters of cells with small nuclei were robustly stained by antibodies against Go
α (
Figs. 4G–I), a gene expressed in rod bipolar cells and ON cone bipolar cells.
33 Some cells with diffusely stained nuclei cells expressed vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGluT1), which often appeared to be localized to the membranes between juxtaposed cells (
Figs. 4J–L, arrowheads). Under both immortalizing growth conditions
23 and nonimmortalizing, sphere-forming conditions (
Fig. 3), all ImM10 cells expressed PAX6. In contrast, under differentiation conditions, only a subset of cells continued to express PAX6 (
Figs. 4M–O).