Studies in European, Turkish, Indian, and Chinese populations have collected IOP data in children by using different measurement devices, with mean IOP reading ranging from 12.0 to 17.5 mm Hg.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 The Singapore Cohort Study of Risk Factors for Myopia (SCORM) study reported that in Singapore Chinese children aged 9 to 12 years, the mean IOP was 16.6 ± 2.7 mm Hg when measured with a noncontact tonometer.
20 In another study of Chinese children (mean age, 14.7 years) in rural China, the mean IOP was 17.0 ± 3.4 mm Hg with an ocular response analyzer (ORA).
22 These studies showed somewhat higher mean IOP readings than our study. There is no clear explanation for this discrepancy, although differences in methodology and population structure could be the contributing factors. Despite the fact that twins and singletons are generally similar in many traits and diseases, whether our findings can be generalized to the population at large requires additional investigation.
The association of IOP with age in children is not consistent across studies. Sihota et al.
23 reported an increasing trend of IOP with age in Indian children, whereas the COMET study reported a decreasing trend in children with black, Hispanic, white, and mixed ethnicities.
26 Ethnic differences could be an explanation for this discrepancy. Another source of difference is that their study involved children at very young ages (0–12 years), whereas the COMET study participants were mainly myopic children (6–11 years). Of interest, the SCORM study in Singapore has demonstrated that IOP is not correlated with age.
20 The study involves Chinese Singaporean children at ages similar to those of our twins. It is therefore not surprising that this study demonstrates similar variations in IOP, not only with age but also with gender, compared with our findings.
To our best knowledge, we are the first to estimate genetic influences on IOP in Chinese. In a study of 61 MZ (mean age, 51.0 years) and 32 DZ (mean age, 38.8 years) twin pairs attending a twins festival in the United States, the ICC for IOP was 0.735 for MZ and 0.407 for DZ twins.
27 This is consistent with the considerable genetic contribution to IOP, although heritability was not estimated. In an elderly Finnish twins cohort (94 MZ and 96 DZ female twins) aged 63 to 76 years, measured with a noncontact tonometer, the heritability of IOP was 0.64 (95% CI, 0.53–0.71), with common and unique environmental factors explaining 0.18 (95% CI, 0.11–0.27) and 0.18 (95% CI, 0.15–0.23) of remaining variances, respectively.
13 In another study in the United Kingdom, with 211 MZ and 211 DZ adult twins (predominately Caucasians), the heritability of IOP was 0.62 (95% CI, 0.54–0.69), 0.63 (95% CI, 0.53–0.71), and 0.74 (95% CI, 0.67–0.76) with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT), dynamic contour tonometry (DCT), and ocular response analysis (ORA), respectively.
14 Despite ethnic variations of IOP in diverse populations and different measurement devices being used, our heritability estimate of IOP (0.67; 95% CI, 0.61–0.72) in Chinese children is very similar to these findings. That IOP is a dynamic measure that tends to fluctuate during the day partially explains relatively lower heritability estimation in comparison with other biometric traits (such as axial length) because the E component also includes other random effects including measurement errors. However, the fact that the IOP heritability is reasonably high across different ethnic populations, not only in elderly but also in young cohort, indicates evidence of genetic influences for IOP and strongly supports the attempt to map the genes for IOP.
Three recent publications have provided insights into the underlying genetic mechanisms for IOP. Based on an extended primary open-angle glaucoma pedigree, multipoint linkage analyses have identified significant linkage (LOD score = 3.3,
P = 0.00015) on 10q22 for maximum IOP.
28 In 244 sibling pairs with type 2 diabetes in West Africa, genome-wide linkage scan for IOP revealed suggestive linkages on 5q22 (LOD = 2.50, nominal
P = 0.0003 and empiric
P = 0.0004) and 14q22 (LOD = 2.95, nominal
P = 0.0001 and empiric
P = 0.0003).
29 In the Beaver Dam Eye Study, a genome-wide scan of 486 pedigrees have identified seven linkage regions, of which the short arm of chromosome 19 showed an empiric multipoint
P = 6.1 × 10
30 It should be noted that some of these regions are also identified in linkage studies for systemic hypertension.
28 30 Further investigations are needed to confirm genetic sharing of IOP and blood pressure.
Our twin sample was enrolled from a population-based twin registry, and therefore selection bias commonly seen in volunteer-based attendance was reduced.
31 Zygosity was determined by molecular methods based on genotyping of 16 microsatellite markers, thus minimizing the likelihood of misclassification introduced by zygosity questionnaire. The twins and their co-twins were measured together for IOP so that the measurement error due to IOP fluctuation was minimized. Given that healthy young twins are in general free of systematic and environmental influence on IOP and glaucoma, such as medication use for hypertension and glaucoma, the results may allow more accurate estimation on heritability. However, limitations should be noted as well. Our twins were healthy and aged from 8 to 16 years at the time of IOP measurement, and therefore these heritability estimates could not be directly applied to hypertensive children and adults. Furthermore, the use of the handheld tonometer (Tonopen; Mentor) for IOP measurement may introduce some measurement errors.
In summary, IOP measured with this tonometer did not correlate with age and sex in the Chinese children. Our study confirmed strong genetic influences of IOP in a Chinese young twin cohort.