Parameter definitions. (
A) A representative digital sagittal slice showing the internal limiting membrane (ILM,
pink dots), Bruch's membrane (BM,
orange dots), anterior laminar/scleral surface (
white dots), posterior laminar/scleral surface (
black dots), and neural boundary (
green dots). (
B) A representative digital sagittal slice showing neural canal architectures (abbreviations in
Table A1). The neural canal includes the NCO (the opening in the Bruch's membrane/RPE complex,
red), the ASCO (
dark blue), the ALI (
dark yellow, partly hidden behind the ASCO in
dark blue), and the PLI (
green), the PSCO (
pink).The ASAS (
light blue) was also delineated. (
C) Definitions of the offset and depth using ASAS as an example. The rightmost ASAS point was projected to the NCO zero reference plane (
cyan line), the distance between the NCO centroid and the projection of ASAS is defined as
offset. The distance between the ASAS to the projection is defined as
depth of ASAS. The offset and depth of all other neural canal architectures were defined in the same way: (
D) Laminar position (
green arrow), the shortest distance from the delineated anterior laminar surface point (
white dot) to the NCO zero reference plane. (
E) LC thickness, determined at each delineated anterior surface point by fitting a continuous surface (
white line) to all anterior surface points and then measuring the distance along a normal vector of the anterior surface (
green arrows) from each anterior delineated point to the posterior surface. (
F) Thickness of the scleral flange at each delineated anterior surface point (
white dots), the distance between the neural canal boundary points (
green line) along a vector parallel to the PSCO normal vector (
blue arrows). (
light green: a measure of the laminar or connective tissue component of cupping), the volume beneath the NCO zero reference plane (
cyan line), above the LC and in the neural canal wall.