The visual field defect characteristic of POAG usually but not always begins from the midperipheral regions, like a nasal step defect or paracentral scotoma.
2–4 In some advanced cases, central vision can be well preserved until the very late stage of the disease, leading to tunnel vision.
5 Although the central vision may remain normal, the patients' quality of life is affected, however, because of both the constricted visual field and the impaired detection of global motion, global form integration, color perception, and/or contrast sensitivity of the residual vision.
6–11 It has also been suggested that patients with glaucomatous field defect may find more difficulties with complicated visual tasks than is predicted through their field defect.
12 Decreased neuronal cell density and biological activity in the visual pathway and/or primary visual cortex have been demonstrated in both glaucoma animal models and patients.
12,13 In these studies, several methods, such as visual evoked potentials (mfVEPs), positron emission tomography (PET), and single-photon–emission computed tomography (SPECT) have been used to measure the functional alterations in glaucomatous neuropathy resultant from central neural activity in vivo.
14–21 Based on the fact that RGCs of the macula and paracentral retina project to different parts and layers of the visual cortex, the structural and functional changes in cortical neurons corresponding to midperipheral and peripheral fields could be modified in POAG. However, the mentioned investigative techniques are restricted by either poor spatial resolution or the requirement for radioisotopes, and no powerful evidence is available so far regarding the functional status of the primary visual cortex that corresponds to central normal vision. High-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which is based on the blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD) contrast technique, provides us an ideal choice because it possesses the advantages of high spatial resolution, noninvasiveness, and the ability to reflect task-related neuronal activity.
22,23 Previous studies have demonstrated that the spatial pattern of fMRI response observed in V1 is in agreement with the pattern of visual field loss measured by automated perimetry (in a retinotopic fashion).
24,25 This outstanding retinotopic localization ability of fMRI allows it to be a suitable method for physiopathological research in the visual pathway. In the present study, we attempted to use fMRI to test the hypothesis that the primary visual cortex corresponding to the central, apparently normal visual fields may be affected in POAG patients. Should the status of the cortex be found to be altered, then it may not only help us to better understand the pathophysiological characteristics of the disease but may also lead to new neuroprotective strategies in glaucoma treatment.