To monitor and compare in vivo real-time intraocular pressure (IOP) in rabbit eyes undergoing LASIK flap creation using microkeratome and femtosecond laser.
Thirteen rabbit eyes in each group underwent LASIK flap creation using a microkeratome and a femtosecond laser. In vivo real-time IOP profile was measured using a 30-gauge needle with an IOP catheter sensor inserted into the anterior chamber from the limbus during surgery.
In vivo real-time IOP monitoring was achieved in all cases, showing IOP variations during different phases of LASIK flap creation from docking of the instrument, start of surgery to the end of procedure, and monitoring the post-LASIK stabilization. IOP fluctuations were significantly lower in corneal flaps made with the femtosecond laser than with the microkeratome during globe suction (81.78 ± 10.55 vs. 122.51 ± 16.95 mm Hg), cutting (62.25 ± 3.28 vs. 141.02 ± 20.46 mm Hg), and suction (41.40 ± 2.99 vs. 89.30 ± 12.15). In contrast, femtosecond laser requires double the time (19 ± 2 vs. 10 ± 2 seconds for globe suction and 19 ± 2 vs. 9 ± 2 seconds for cutting) for completion of the procedure.
The authors describe an accurate and reliable setup to measure and record in vivo real-time changes in IOP measurement from the anterior chamber during laser surgery. Femtosecond laser flap creation exerts less extreme IOP fluctuations with improved chamber stability but requires more procedure time than does microkeratome.
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) has emerged as the most popular method of choice among patients for refractive vision correction.
1–3 LASIK involves the formation of a thin corneal flap, with either a mechanical microkeratome or—now increasing in popularity—a femtosecond laser followed by excimer laser ablation of the corneal stromal bed to effect the refractive correction.
4–6 In the United States alone, more than 1 million patients are estimated to undergo LASIK each year.
7 The US Food and Drug Administration reports a complication rate of 1% to 5% after LASIK.
8 Rare but devastating complications of LASIK surgery involve the occurrence of posterior segment damage during the LASIK procedure, relating to the very significant alterations in IOP during the flap cutting procedure causing vascular or rhegmatogenous events.
9–11 Experimental and clinical studies have reported that LASIK patients experience 100 mm Hg or more pressure during the application of suction.
12 The increase in IOP during the application of suction can be especially critical in patients with preexisting glaucoma, optic nerve disease, and retinal pathologies.
13,14 Several retinal complications have been reported after LASIK, including retinal tears,
15 retinal detachment,
16,17 optic neuropathy,
18 macular holes,
19 and acute choroidal or foveal hemorrhage.
Real-time IOP measurement in patients undergoing LASIK has been a challenge for clinicians. One major limitation is the availability of a reliable noninvasive method to measure IOP with acceptable reproducibility.
21,22 Various models have been proposed to measure IOP during LASIK surgery, and most of these systems are based on recording of pressure values through cannulation of the vitreous chamber. Recently, Hernandez-Verdejo et al.
23 reported the use of a porcine model to measure real-time IOP changes induced during LASIK flap creation using a reusable blood pressure transducer connected to the anterior chamber by direct cannulation. Although this method has provided significant understanding and accuracy for the measurement of the IOP changes in enucleated pig eyes undergoing LASIK with a mechanical microkeratome and femtosecond laser, information is lacking about real-time IOP fluctuations in an in vivo physiologically active system. In the present study, we have used a rabbit experimental model to study in vivo real-time IOP fluctuations in the anterior chamber after LASIK flap formation comparing microkeratome with femtosecond laser.
Thirteen male or female New Zealand White rabbits (weight range, 2–2.5 kg) were procured from the animal holding unit of the National University of Singapore. Rabbits were housed individually at 25°C on a 12-hour light/12-hour dark cycle, with rabbit pellets and water available ad libitum. Approval was obtained from the SingHealth Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and all procedures performed in this study complied with the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research. Rabbits were anesthetized with a combination of ketamine and xylazine (ketamine 40 mg/kg; xylazine 20 mg/kg, administered intramuscularly), and topical anesthesia proparacaine drops were used during surgery.
In the present study, we provided a method to successfully measure in vivo real-time IOP in a rabbit model undergoing LASIK flap creation. During the entire surgical procedure of corneal flap creation, there was an initial surge in IOP levels as the suction ring was placed that persisted during globe suction and cutting and later subsided to baseline presurgery levels. In this study, we also compared IOP variations observed during the different stages of surgery, including the time required for the entire procedure using the two major forms of flap creation, namely a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. There were differences both in the procedure time and in the real-time IOP surge observed in both the groups with a very different pattern.
Increased intraocular pressure is considered one of the major risk factors for the development, progression, and evaluation of glaucoma. Little is known about the potential long-term damage to the eye caused by the sudden spike in IOP observed during surgery,
12,15–17 necessitating further investigation.
10,11 At present, no clinical technique is available to monitor in vivo IOP fluctuations during LASIK surgery. Two previous studies have investigated the IOP changes during LASIK using animal
24 and human cadaveric eye
25 models. These studies had weaknesses in their designs and in their IOP measurement methods. First, they were performed on enucleated eyes, and IOP was achieved by infusion of a glycosylated solution. Second, the IOP measurements were made by inserting an intravenous pressure sensor into the vitreous cavity through a pars plana incision. Therefore, these studies did not represent actual IOP because the pressure was transmitted in a fluid-filled tube that was dependent on fluid viscosity and thus did not represent the true values based on IOP measured directly in the anterior chamber. Recently, Hernandez-Verdejo et al.
23 reported real-time measurement of IOP changes on enucleated porcine eyes during LASIK flap creation with a reusable blood pressure transducer connected to the anterior chamber by direct cannulation. Although this study added insight into IOP measurements during LASIK, it lacked the response of a living biological system in vivo during surgery.
In the present study, we measured in vivo real-time IOP variations in a rabbit model using microneedle cannulations of the anterior chamber under general anesthesia and compared the corneal flaps made with the two most commonly used techniques in the LASIK field, the microkeratome and the femtosecond laser. Both groups of eyes showed significant spikes in IOP levels as soon as suction was applied. This sudden spike in IOP levels during LASIK may induce permanent changes in the posterior segment of the eye. Complications including retinal tears,
15 retinal detachments,
16,17 optic neuropathy,
18 macular holes,
19 and choroidal neovascular membranes
20 have been reported. Nonarthritic ischemic optic neuropathy
26 and visual field loss
27 after LASIK have been attributed to the sudden surge in IOP levels caused by the suction ring placed during surgery.
The maximal IOP differences comparing the two groups were observed during the globe suction and cutting stages; the mechanical microkeratome group showed more than a twofold increase in IOP values than the femtosecond laser group, which theoretically would put eyes that have undergone microkeratome surgery at higher risk for the posterior segment complications described here. We also observed that the corneal flaps made with the femtosecond laser facilitated more stable and lower IOP than with the surge and irregular pattern observed in the microkeratome group. During LASIK, a lamellar flap is made using a microkeratome blade or a femtosecond laser, followed by intrastromal ablation with an excimer laser beam. Stabilization of the cornea by a suction ring placed just behind the limbus is a prerequisite. This helps to suck the anterior segment into a vacuum device, firming the cornea to obtain a consistent flap of optimal thickness. A transient increase in IOP induced during globe suction contracts the anterior segment rapidly, which results in anterior-posterior compression and expansion of the globe. These events may cause extreme damage to the eye along the anterior-posterior axis and may result in the development of peripheral retinal tears
10,15 or macular disease.
The mean procedure time required for globe suction and cutting by femtosecond laser is twice that required for the microkeratome-created flaps, putting into question the superiority of the corneal flaps made with the former technique. The longer precut suction time can be attributed to the mechanism by which the femtosecond laser achieves suction and can vary depending on the contact between patient interface and corneal surface during surgery. Similar observations have been made in enucleated pig eyes.
23 At present, it is not possible to predict what is better for the eye—a longer and more stable IOP increase during LASIK, as observed with the femtosecond laser, or a shorter but higher surge obtained during the microkeratome cut. However, newer upgrades, such as the 500-kHz femtosecond laser (VisuMax; Carl Zeiss Meditec), enable LASIK flap creation at twice the speed of the laser used in our study. We now use the 500-kHz femtosecond laser from Carl Zeiss Meditec (VisuMax) clinically and complete the flap cutting procedure in 17 seconds, even shorter than the 19 seconds with the microkeratome. Results regarding the durations of different stages were statistically different, but the relevance of such parameters requires further investigation. Ultimately, faster lasers, such as the 500-kHz femtosecond laser from Carl Zeiss Meditec (VisuMax), will resolve this issue.
A limitation of our study was that we used a rabbit model instead of a primate model because the rabbit cornea is biomechanically more unstable and the anterior chamber is shallower than that of the human.
28 Hence, the rabbit cornea may be more susceptible to changes induced by raised IOP. The age of the rabbit will also have an effect on the biomechanical properties of the rabbit cornea. To minimize this effect, we performed a paired eye study so that the effects of age and biomechanical variation were minimized. The present study could have been strengthened if we had been able to make comparisons with other commercially available femtosecond lasers used for LASIK (e.g., Intralase [Abbott Medical Products, Abbott Park, IL], LDV [Ziemer, Port, Switzerland]). However, we did not have access to these lasers for animal experimentation, and the aim of our study was to examine the IOP variations in the new-generation, low-pressure femtosecond lasers.
In vivo intraocular pressure measurement during LASIK is not practiced in clinics around the world. This may be partially attributed to the lack of instruments measuring precise and accurate IOP levels with greater reproducibility. Our study corroborates our clinical experience with the Carl Zeiss Meditec laser (VisuMax), during which patients do not experience a blackout in vision during flap creation. They are able to fixate for 90% of the procedure, indicating the pressure increase must be lower than the retinal arterial pressure. This is different from microkeratome flap creation in which patients experience a complete blackout. Our present findings suggest that further improvements and studies are required to evaluate the long-term impact of IOP spikes during LASIK, and they highlight the importance of in vivo real-time IOP measurements during developments to improve the safety of contemporary LASIK surgery.
Supported National Research Foundation–Funded Translational and Clinical Research Programme Grants NMRC/TCR/002, SERI/2008, and TCR 621/41/2008.
S.S. Chaurasia, None;
F. Luengo Gimeno, None;
K. Tan, None;
S. Yu, None;
D.T. Tan, None;
R.W. Beuerman, None;
J.S. Mehta, None