Fluorescence imaging of CAM vessels was performed with a Retriga EX camera (QImaging, Burnaby, BC, Canada) fitted to a fluorescence microscope (Eclipse 600 FN; Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with an objective CFI achromat magnification of 4×, a numerical aperture of 0.10, and a working distance of 30 mm. Illumination was provided by a filtered 100-W mercury arc lamp. Light doses were measured with a calibrated FieldMaster power meter (Coherent, Santa Clara, CA). For the studies with m-THPP, the microscope was equipped with a fluorescence cube (BV- 2A; Nikon). This cube is composed of a 420 CWL filter, which provides excitation wavelengths between 400 and 440 nm, a dichroic mirror (455 nm), and a long path filter (470 nm). An additional band path filter (D650/50m; Chroma Technology Corp., Rockingham, VT) was added. For the studies with BPD-MA, a fluorescence cube composed of a 420 CWL filter, a dichroic mirror (455 nm), and a long path filter (610 nm) was assembled. The fluorescence of sulforhodamine 101 was detected with a cube (G-2B; Nikon) composed of a D535/50× excitation filter, a dichroic mirror (575 nm), and a long path filter (610 nm). An additional band path filter (D650/50m; Chroma Technology Corp.) was added. Digital imaging, data display, and storage were performed with commercial hardware (Macintosh; Apple, Cupertino, CA) connected to the CCD camera and the software (OpenLab 3.15; Improvision Ltd., Coventry, UK).