Corneal acoustic impedance was measured by both the quantitative ultrasound spectroscopy method and the reflection amplitude method in canine eyes. The results showed a strong correlation between corneal acoustic impedance and the well-studied corneal Young's modulus obtained from uniaxial tensile tests.
Corneas are known to exhibit nonlinear mechanical behavior.
10 We have analyzed the potential effect of nonlinearity and found it did not significantly alter the observed correlation at low strains levels, which are typically what the cornea experiences under physiological pressure loadings. At higher strains (>4%), the correlation was still significant but weaker, most likely because of the nonlinear effect and the larger variance of modulus at higher strains. The strong correlation may reflect the rather simple composition of cornea. As a collagenous tissue, corneal collagen content may have similar influence on its density and Young's modulus. For instance, higher collagen content is likely to be associated with a higher density and a higher stiffness. Acoustic impedance represents the resistance to sound passing through the material. A stiffer and denser material usually exerts greater resistance and thus has higher acoustic impedance. Other tissue properties such as collagen cross-linking may also affect the elastic properties and the ultrasound reflectance in similar ways.
The linear regression equation (
equation 6) shows that a rather small difference in acoustic impedance could correspond to a large difference in Young's modulus with an amplification factor of about 7. This result may be interpreted as follows: First, the measurement of acoustic impedance should be accurate if we use it to determine Young's modulus (i.e., measurement error could be amplified). Accuracy should be readily achievable in an in vitro setting where precision devices can be used for positioning the ultrasound transducer with respect to the cornea. It would be more challenging to implement that in vivo; nonetheless, it is feasible since the cornea is a superficial layer of tissue and the measurement is not complicated by any anatomic barriers. Second, although corneal acoustic impedance may only vary by several percentage points, the modulus could vary by severalfold, which is consistent with previous findings that the corneal modulus has significant variance across subjects.
1,10 Third, although in general the value of the modulus for a given cornea is sensitive to strain levels, it was fairly constant at low strain levels (
Fig. 4). Thus, the correlation between acoustic impedance and modulus could hold at low strains regardless of the strain levels.
This study also showed that the quantitative spectroscopy method and the reflection amplitude method had good agreement in terms of measuring acoustic impedance. For the present study, with a goal of estimating Young's modulus based on acoustic impedance, the reflection amplitude method would be sufficient and might be advantageous, because it involves only direct analysis of the radiofrequency ultrasound data without needing a wave propagation model. The quantitative spectroscopy method, however, offers more detailed information about corneal properties.
The correlation between corneal acoustic impedance and Young's modulus may have implications for measuring and understanding corneal biomechanics, because the former can be determined noninvasively, either in the enucleated globe or in the living eye. For ex vivo characterization, the ultrasound measurement can be performed without tissue dissection, allowing simultaneous measurement of corneal elasticity and other ocular parameters that require the structural integrity of the whole globe. One can also envision using the acoustic impedance as a surrogate and thus implement an approach that allows quantitative determination and longitudinal monitoring of corneal elastic properties in vivo. This approach may be useful for screening refractive surgery candidates and diagnosing and monitoring treatment of keratoconus. In addition, the information of corneal elastic properties may be incorporated into biomechanical models to correct tonometric measurements of IOP.
Direct measurement of corneal stiffness (e.g., elastic modulus) in live eyes remains a challenge. Corneal hysteresis and corneal resistance factor, measured by ORA, are two examples of the few biomechanical parameters that are currently available for clinical use. The ORA measurements are quick (within seconds) and convenient (noncontact), ideal for clinical use. In comparison, the ultrasound measurements require a water bath to couple the acoustic waves to the cornea. In addition, accurate measurement of acoustic impedance requires precise positioning and alignment of the ultrasound probe with respect to the cornea. Thus, the clinical use of the ultrasound method is likely more technically demanding than that of ORA. The ultrasound method, however, could provide an estimation of corneal modulus based on the strong correlation with acoustic impedance as observed in this study. On the contrary, corneal hysteresis and corneal resistance factor may not have a definitive correlation with modulus, because they are influenced by several corneal factors including both viscoelastic properties and geometric parameters.
Limitations of the present study include the following: Besides being nonlinear, the cornea has been shown to be viscoelastic.
9,11 Thus, the strain rates used in the tensile tests may affect the measured properties. Higher strain rates tended to yield higher modulus for a viscoelastic material. Although the effect is less prominent at low strain levels, such as those used in the present study,
10 the effect of strain rate should be investigated in the future. In addition, the acoustic impedance was only measured at one intraocular loading (which corresponded to various strain rates). Future studies are needed to examine whether corneal acoustic impedance is dependent on strain levels. The measurements were performed at room temperature, which differs from the in vivo situation. Temperature (25–40°C) is known to affect both mechanical and acoustical properties. Future studies are needed to compare the properties measured at body temperature, which are more representative of in vivo measurements. Importantly, the studies were performed in canine corneas, which may differ from human corneas. Future studies are needed to confirm the correlation in human eyes. In the present study, the cornea was treated as a single homogeneous layer and the through-thickness average of the acoustic properties was correlated with the mechanical properties obtained from strip testing. The sublayers such as corneal epithelium, Bowman's, Descemet's, and endothelium are not differentiable at the ultrasound frequencies used in the present study. However, it is possible to separately analyze the signals of the anterior and the posterior cornea, which may be of clinical interest, for example in the noninvasive measurement of biomechanical changes in the anterior stroma after cross-linking treatment. Corneas also have a strong anisotropy because the collagen fibers are mainly aligned parallel to the surface. Ultrasonic techniques have been developed in the past to characterize multilayered anisotropic composites.
29 These approaches may be adopted for characterizing corneal anisotropy if the unique challenges related to cornea (such as its significant fluid content and curvature) can be successfully addressed.
In summary, the present study demonstrated a potentially strong correlation between acoustic impedance and Young's modulus in the cornea. This correlation may be exploited to provide useful information for corneal biomechanical studies and noninvasive in vivo determination of corneal elastic properties.