To better understand the long-term effect of idiopathic epiretinal membrane peeling on retinal anatomy, the foveal structure and the thickness of individual retinal layers were analyzed with frequency-domain optical coherence tomography (fdOCT). The long-term postoperative course of macular thickness was followed.
fdOCT scans were obtained from the horizontal midline in 33 eyes long-term (mean 46 ± 13 months) after surgery and in 30 eyes of age-matched controls. Raw images were exported, and the thickness of retinal layers was measured with a manual segmentation procedure aided by a customized computer program. Macular thickness was quantified over time with the time-domain (td) OCT Fast Macular Thickness program.
Thickness of retinal layers between the outer nuclear and the ganglion cell plus inner plexiform layers in the horizontal midline of the fovea and the nasal parafovea was greater than normal, whereas that of the RPE, photoreceptor, and retinal nerve fiber layers was not different from controls. Twelve of 33 eyes had a foveal pit though the median foveal shape was distorted. Central macular thickness quantified with tdOCT remained increased, whereas the decrease of nasal macular thickness toward normal values was incomplete and delayed to 35 months after surgery. Superior, temporal, and inferior macular thickness returned to normal 12 to 14 months after surgery.
Long-term after surgery, the fovea and the nasal parafovea remain thickened between the outer nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer, whereas the superior, temporal, and inferior macular thickness returns to normal. Long-term observations are required in the assessment of macular recovery from mechanical stress.
Idiopathic epiretinal membrane (IEM) is characterized by the formation of epimacular membranous tissue without any known underlying retinal disease. The prevalence of this entity is 2% in persons younger than 60 years and 12% in those older than 70 years.
1 The macular retina is diffusely thickened, wrinkling of the retinal surface causes metamorphopsia, and visual acuity is impaired. Surgical membrane peeling relieves tangential traction caused by IEM, reduces metamorphopsia, and improves visual acuity in most patients.
2 –10
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) studies have added to the understanding of the morphologic alterations in IEM. Time-domain OCT (tdOCT) has demonstrated increased retinal thickness of the macula, which decreased significantly after surgical membrane peeling
2 –4,7,9 ; however, macular thickness after surgery was thicker in the operated compared with the normal unoperated fellow eyes
7 or normal control eyes.
9 Massin et al.
4 found that macular thickness returned to normal in only 3 of 62 eyes and that a foveal pit reappeared in 20 of 62 eyes 3 months after surgery. Absence of a foveal pit did not preclude satisfactory postoperative visual acuity,
4 whereas others found that recovery of a normal foveal contour was associated with good visual acuity 3 months after surgery.
6 It seems clear that after surgery visual acuity continues to improve and retinal thickness decreases over an extended period, but reports on the outcome of surgery are inconsistent.
5,8 –10 Pesin et al.
8 found that visual acuity continued to improve over a period of slightly less than 1 year after membrane peeling. Others describe improvement of visual acuity during the entire follow-up period of 24 months,
5 but it is unclear whether 24 months is the end point of postoperative recovery. In a retrospective analysis of 16 eyes, the length of time of postoperative foveal thickness decrease was calculated to 109 days.
9 However, previous studies have measured overall macular thickness with tdOCT without detailed investigations of retinal anatomy, and there are no OCT studies with follow-up of more than 1 year. Hence, it is unknown when and to what extent retinal changes caused by IEM eventually return toward a normal anatomy after surgical membrane peeling.
Besides the measurement of total retinal thickness it is now possible to better visualize details of retinal structure and measure individual retinal cellular layers with the newer frequency-domain OCT (fdOCT) technology, which has greater spatial resolution than tdOCT. For example, recently Hood et al. measured the thickness of individual retinal layers in retinitis pigmentosa patients using a similar methodology as in the present study, and reported that retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was greater than normal in retinitis pigmentosa.
To better understand the long-term effect of surgical peeling of IEM on retinal anatomy, we included patients who underwent surgery at least 25 months before testing. We assessed best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and used tdOCT to measure macular thickness preoperatively and during the postoperative course. We used fdOCT to measure the long-term postoperative thickness of individual retinal layers and total retinal thickness along the horizontal meridian. Normal eyes of age-matched patients served as controls. Foveal structure was analyzed and compared with BCVA.
Preoperative and postoperative BCVA and OCT scans of 33 eyes of 32 patients with IEM and OCT scans of 30 eyes of 29 subjects with normal, healthy vision as an age-matched control group were analyzed. A random selection of patients with IEM who underwent surgery between 2003 and 2007 were scheduled for a visit and tested at the Department of Ophthalmology of the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel, Germany. The tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki were followed, and all subjects gave written informed consent after a full explanation of the procedures. Approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel, Germany. All subjects were pseudophakic and had clear optical media at the time of testing. Patients were excluded if they had corneal opacities, posterior capsular opacification, glaucoma or other optic nerve diseases, nonidiopathic epiretinal membrane, any maculopathy other than IEM, or a refractive error before cataract surgery greater than ± 6.0 diopters spherical or ± 2.0 diopters cylindrical. Mean ± SD patient age was 73 ± 6 (range, 57–84) years of age. Mean ± SD age of control subjects was 72 ± 6 (range, 59–85) years of age. Mean ± SD last follow-up was 46 ± 13 (range, 25–80) months after surgery. All patients and subjects underwent complete ophthalmic examination, including refraction and BCVA, anterior segment examination, and indirect ophthalmoscopy.
Eight boundaries labeled a through g (
Figs. 1B,
1C) were identified and labeled as follows: a, vitreous/retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL); b, RNFL/retinal GCL; c, IPL/inner nuclear layer (INL); d, INL/OPL; e, OPL/outer nuclear layer (ONL); f, ONL/external limiting membrane (ELM); g, Bruch's membrane/choroid.
Using the locations of these boundaries, we identified six retinal layers and total retinal thickness: total retinal thickness is the distance between a and g; RNFL is the distance between a and b; retinal GCL plus IPL (RGC+IPL) is the distance between b and c; INL is the distance between c and d; OPL is the distance between d and e; ONL is the distance between e and f; photoreceptor inner and outer segment plus retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-Bruch's membrane (IS/OS+RPE) is the distance between f and g.
The thickness of the six layers and the total retinal thickness were calculated by computing software evaluating the interpolated boundary curves at 100 equidistant positions and calculating the vertical differences of successive boundaries.
The standardized surgical procedure consisted of standard 20-gauge, 3-port pars-plana vitrectomy including the induction of a posterior vitreous detachment. Balanced salt solution (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX) was used as an irrigation solution. All patients underwent surgery without the aid of vital stains. The IEM was engaged with intraocular forceps to create a flap and then was peeled in a circular capsulorrhexis fashion in the entire macula. After removal of the IEM, the internal limiting membrane (ILM) was identified and peeled in all eyes. Four eyes were pseudophakic at the time of surgery; 24 phakic eyes underwent concomitant standard small-incision phacoemulsification cataract surgery with implantation of an acrylic intraocular lens (Sensar AR40e; AMO, Abbott Park, IL), and five eyes underwent standard cataract surgery 1 to 16 months after vitrectomy.
The controls had logMAR BCVA (Snellen equivalent) 0.1 (20/25) or better and normal results on eye examinations. Preoperative mean BCVA of the patients was 0.5 (20/63) ± 0.2, 0.2 (20/32) − 1.3 (20/400) (mean, SD, range). One month to 3 months after surgery, BCVA had improved to 0.2 (20/32) ± 0.2, 0.1 (20/25) to 0.7 (20/100) (mean, SD, range), and 46 months after surgery it improved to 0.1 (20/25) ± 0.1, 0.0 (20/20) to 0.7 (20/100) (mean, SD, range).