Despite the potential caveats associated with the pharmacologic reagents available to us, our results show that the application of general P2 antagonists and agonists all produced damage to fiber cells in a discrete localized zone of the outer cortex. In a series of previous studies,
19–21 we have shown that a variety of ion channels and transporters mediate ion uptake in this zone and that their inhibition causes ions and water to accumulate in the extracellular space, causing it to swell or dilate. PPADS induced an identical zone of extracellular space dilations, suggesting that it also blocked ion uptake in this area of the lens. Based on an analysis of the expression patterns of the different P2 receptors (
Table 1) and the relative potency of PPADS (
Table 2), it is most likely that the observed morphologic effects of this general P2 inhibitor can be attributed to either direct blockade of ion uptake mediated by a number of P2X channel isoforms (P2X
1, P2X
3, or P2X
5; P2X
2 is expressed only at the apical-apical interface) or to indirect inhibition of a P2Y
1 signaling pathway that regulates downstream ion uptake mediated by Cl
− channels or transporters. The lack of effect of MRS2179 and MRS2159 in the influx zone tends to rule out P2Y
1 and P2X
1 receptors, respectively, as mediators of the extracellular space dilations induced by PPADS in this area of the lens. Therefore, PPADS probably blocks a small subpopulation of P2X
3 and P2X
5 receptors that are membrane resident and normally respond to the constitutive release of ATP from fiber cells into the extracellular space (Suzuki-Kerr H, unpublished data, 2009) to promote ion uptake. The blockade of this basal P2X uptake pathway by PPADS would cause ions to accumulate between fiber cells, inducing osmotic swelling of the normally tight extracellular space. At first glance, this conclusion is somewhat at variance with the absence of fiber cell damage observed after application of the P2X receptor agonist α,β-methylATP under isotonic conditions. However, if the P2X
3 receptor isoform was responsible for this basal P2X-dependent ion uptake pathway, it would offer an explanation for the lack of effect of α,β-methylATP under isotonic conditions. P2X
3 rapidly desensitizes on application of agonists,
4 and it is possible that the prolonged application of agonist renders this isoform insensitive to α,β-methylATP, preventing any detectable effects on fiber cell morphology. If this is indeed the case, the differential effects of α,β-methylATP on fiber cell morphology in lenses organ cultured in isotonic and hypertonic conditions could be attributed not only to an increased recruitment of additional P2X receptors to the plasma membrane but also to a change in P2X properties from a P2X
3 receptor that undergoes rapid desensitization to P2X
1,4 or P2X
4 channels that are less prone to desensitization.