Ischemic maculopathy is often overlooked as a reason for visual disturbance because it can be diagnosed on the FA examination, which is the only practical imaging method available to show a foveal pericapillary network. As described earlier, it is not appropriate for subjects to undergo FA frequently to determine FAZ status due to its invasiveness and side effects. There have been many studies in which the FAZ was visualized using different techniques. Bresnick et al.,
3 Mansour et al.,
10 and Conrath et al.,
19 used conventional FA, whereas Arend et al.
4 used the SLO system that can yield better definition of the FAZ than a conventional fundus camera. On the other hand, there have been continuous efforts to visualize the FAZ without classic intravenous FA. Applegate et al.
20 reported the recognition of the FAZ by entopic phenomenon in subjects with DR, but this was a subjective method because it depended on the subjects' responses. Recently, with the introduction of adaptive optics in vision research, Tam et al.
24 used an adaptive-optics SLO and Popovic et al.
21 used a dual-conjugate flood illumination adaptive optics system as a noninvasive method to visualize parafoveal capillaries and to detect the FAZ. Although adaptive optics imaging produces high-definition images without using fluorescein dye, this technique is not yet commercially available. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of a novel approach to detect the FAZ noninvasively using confocal red-free imaging, which could be used in current clinical practice.
We found that a FAZ visualized on FA could also be observed via confocal red-free imaging. Without any manipulation of the images, two readers were able to identify the boundaries of the FAZ using raw red-free images. Comparisons of the area within demarcation lines showed that confocal red-free imaging is comparable to FA imaging for detecting the FAZ. The interobserver and a test–retest reliability were high, which indicated that the delineation process was reproducible. The mean size of the FAZ in DR observed using both imaging techniques was similar to that of a previous report
18 using automated FAZ segmentation, but was smaller than that documented in a report by Arend et al.
7 In RVO, Parodi et al.
13 reported an enlarged FAZ in macular RVO that was larger than our measurement because, in the present study, only five cases showed ischemic maculopathy with a definitively enlarged FAZ. An overlapping ratio of >0.75 was calculated, indicating high concordance between the morphologies viewed on the different images. The red-free image corresponded to that of the FA image even in cases with enlarged, irregular-margined FAZs on FA. This agreement was reinforced by the similar size of the FAZ and the high overlapping ratio between the two imaging techniques.
We assumed that the reason the FAZ appears darker than the surrounding retinal tissue on confocal red-free imaging with blue reflectance may be differences in the absorption coefficient between hemoglobin and retinal chromophores.
5 Retinal reflectance is determined by a combination of the absorption coefficient of hemoglobin and retinal tissue.
28 If there is no blood flow in the retinal tissue, the appearance of the avascular retina depends on the degree of retinal pigmentation.
28 By contrast, a normally perfused retina has a small whitish area because hemoglobin partially reflects the blue wavelength of light based on the spectral reflectance of the retina. The absorption coefficient of hemoglobin is 10% lower than that of melanin at 490 nm. A FAZ that is not supplied by retinal circulation appears as a dark spot due to the combination of xanthophyll and melanin because only retinal pigmentation, which absorbs most of the blue light, influences retinal reflection.
We expect that confocal red-free imaging can be applied in clinical situations. This technique may be helpful for DR screening, especially in large-scale health check-ups or telemedicine. DR has been classified and screened using fundus photography, as suggested by the ETDRS group.
29,30 However, fundus photography cannot detect the FAZ and ischemic maculopathy can occur independent of this stage of DR, making this method insufficient as a screening examination. Confocal red-free imaging can provide more detailed information about disease status at screening and may also lead to the creation of new DR classifications including FAZ status in the future. The process for obtaining red-free images is simple, fast, and safe, as is fundus photography. One single captured image is sufficient to detect the FAZ in confocal red-free imaging, in contrast to FA, in which of midvenous phase images are needed to detect the FAZ. Repeated, frequent monitoring of FAZ status by noninvasive confocal red-free imaging is potentially possible because using only repeated FA for the evaluation of FAZ status is not recommended. Specifically, this confocal red-free imaging method may be the only feasible alternative method for FAZ evaluation in subjects who experience serious side effects from fluorescein.
Although the use of confocal red-free imaging is promising, several issues should be considered when interpreting the FAZ visualized using this method. First, with confocal red-free imaging, the exact boundary of the FAZ cannot be determined because the perifoveal capillary structures are not visible using this method. The FAZ can be detected subjectively using this technique based on the difference in tone of the pixels between the FAZ and the surrounding tissue. To overcome this limitation, we are currently developing an algorithm for automated FAZ detection with confocal red-free imaging through optical density analysis, which will provide a more objective measurement of the FAZ. Additionally, we plan to apply a frame-averaging technique to improve the image quality of confocal red-free imaging, making it more precise for detecting the FAZ. Second, imaging with blue light is affected by media opacities because of its short wavelength. Even though media opacities such as severe cataract or vitreous haziness make it difficult to interpret both FA and red-free images, the image quality of FA with the help of fluorescein is superior to that of the red-free image. The image quality factor, which is the value of the presenting image quality of SD-OCT affected by media opacity, was 37.58 ± 9.89 in the eyes with severe cataract in this study, and those eyes were excluded; however, we found that the quality of confocal red-free imaging was sufficient to observe the FAZ in cases with mild to moderate cataract, which had an image quality factor of >50. Third, the degree of retinal pigmentation, the presence of retinal hemorrhage, or a retinal nerve fiber bundle defect, which appears as a dark region in confocal red-free imaging, can influence FAZ interpretation because this imaging technique is based on the difference in the spectral reflectance of retinal tissue. The FAZ morphology on confocal red-free imaging was inconsistent with that on FA in cases of severe cystoid macular edema. These cases had increased central macular thicknesses of >400 μm, which indicated that changes in central macular thickness might affect FAZ interpretation on confocal red-free imaging because intraretinal cystic fluid could alter the reflectance of the macular area. Therefore, when interpreting confocal red-free images, correlations with fundus photography or OCT may be required. Further study is warranted with a larger sample size and a greater diversity of cases.
Another limitation is that the study population was composed only of Korean subjects. Differences in retinal pigmentation may influence results for other populations. Future studies involving subjects of other races and ethnicities are therefore necessary. A small sample size and subjective FAZ delineation are additional limitations of the present study. We plan to investigate long-term changes in the FAZ in DR and RVO observed on confocal red-free imaging combined with automated FAZ detection software.
There have been no reports of FAZ evaluation by confocal red-free imaging. We found that this imaging modality can reliably detect the FAZ and is highly correlated with FA. It has the potential to be used for noninvasively detecting and quantifying the FAZ in screening, initial evaluation, and follow-up observation of ischemic maculopathy, such as DR and RVO.
Presented in part at the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 2011.