To use the suppression of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) as an objective measure of subjects' ability to distribute their visual attention to different elements—static or dynamic, simple or complex—in their visual environment.
Large-field, constant-velocity projected images, along with a stationary central fixation target were presented to 25 young participants (13 women). Images were either black O's with a few X's or red C's, blue T's, and a few red T's, with the X's and red T's as the search targets. Stationary targets at either 0° or ±12.5° were either blinking squares or a rapid succession of colored shapes—blinks or green stars were the target events. Central fixation was maintained at all times. OKN gain was calculated for all tasks and analyzed in a mixed 4-way ANOVA, with the sex of the subjects as the group variable and dynamism, location, and complexity as within-subject effects.
There was no effect of sex; all three main within-subject effects were significant, as were the two-way interactions between them and an interaction between dynamism and sex. The most striking result was that there was little difference across static tasks but that dynamic tasks showed significantly more OKN breakthrough, particularly for the complex search presented centrally.
In this group of normal-sighted young subjects, OKN breakthrough was sensitive to a range of stimulus characteristics. This finding allows a single outcome measure to be used across a wide range of possible tasks and may be useful in assessing the effects of age and disease.
To extract meaning from the visual world around us, we must be able to pay appropriate attention to it. Core to this ability is the differentiation of objects of interest from other elements of the visual environment. This facility is initially achieved by a stimulus-driven (or bottom-up) process, in which the saliency of objects is determined by the automatic processing of discrete features,
1,2 after which comes a volitional (or top-down) process, dependent on the requirements of the specific task.
3 Bottom-up processing produces maps of simple features (color, orientation, and direction) organized in space, allowing unique features to be detected in parallel with no attentional limits, in a pop-out mechanism.
4 This mechanism is insufficient for the detection of multifeature targets, where target and distracter share the same features. For this complex task, top-down serial processing is required, which involves binding together the different features into a representation of the object.
3 There is evidence to suggest that these processing systems lead to the creation of an integrated saliency map with the two processes converging in lateral intraparietal cortex,
5,6 which, in turn, may provide a topographic representation of the relative saliency, or attention-drawing power, of objects in the visual environment.
In the visual field, relevant features within the locus of attention are enhanced, whereas detail outside of this locus is sacrificed. Thus, much of the information received by the peripheral receptors is filtered out, as selective attention acts to limit the amount of information reaching the higher processing centers of the brain.
9 In a study of orientation-selective, attentional modulation of neurons, it was demonstrated that within the same retinotopic space, the response of neural subpopulations is increased for the attended features.
10 This enhancement in sensitivity to an attended feature is also evident for nonattended spatial locations.
11 Studies have also shown that unexpected objects often fail to capture attention.
12 This phenomenon of inattentional blindness occurs because of a reduction in saliency of unattended stimuli.
The enhancement of attended features has led to the idea of a spotlight of attention.
13 When this spotlight is not coincident with the point of fixation, the subject is said to be using covert attention: the phenomenon of looking out of the corner of one's eye.
13 Attention has been further described as being distributed spatially by zoom-lens and multiple-spotlight models.
14 –16
The ability to divide visual attention, a component of multitasking, is an essential skill for daily living in modern society. It is necessary for activities such as playing sports, driving, and navigating a footpath. It is susceptible to impairment by normal aging processes,
17 as well as such disorders as stroke,
18 ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder),
19 and traumatic brain injury.
20 Because of the finite nature of attention, these impairments may only manifest with increased task difficulty.
Assessment of the integrity of a subject's attentional resources is particularly important in detecting those whose attentional resources break down under heavier processing loads, but function effectively in low-demanding environments. These individuals are unlikely to be identified as having a problem by other clinical assessment techniques, leaving them without the opportunity to receive aid.
The useful field of view (UFOV) test is a currently available assessment technique for examining attentional resources.
22,23 It is used to assess a subject's ability to correctly identify the location of peripherally located static stimuli, while fixating a central stimulus. Unfortunately, the range of test parameters to be varied is quite limited. It is desirable to be able to assess the ability to direct attentional resources to stimuli that vary in complexity and location and that were either moving or static, thus better mirroring the visual environments we encounter in real life.
Another approach to measuring divided attention was proposed by Williams et al.,
24 involving the use of an optokinetic nystagmus (OKN)–inducing stimulus. The stimulus, a cloth cylinder surrounding the subject, creates the horizontal motion of essentially all the visual field. In the absence of a fixation target, normal subjects produce an involuntary OKN in response to the moving visual field. OKN involves a slow-phase eye movement in the direction of the stimulus and a fast-phase, resetting movement in the opposite direction. The moving field may be actively tracked (look OKN) or it may be responded to passively as the subject stares straight ahead (stare OKN).
Suppression of the OKN response is achieved in normal subjects by attentively fixating a stationary element in the otherwise moving visual field. Any reduction in attention to the fixation stimulus would be expected to lead to a subsequent reduction in the subject's ability to suppress the OKN response. The degree of OKN breakthrough can be easily measured in terms of gain (eye velocity/OKN stimulus velocity). The cylindrical cloth curtain as a stimulus has the advantage of being visually compelling but the considerable disadvantage of being unmodifiable. This configuration made it impossible to examine the effects of varying the characteristics of the moving stimulus or to superimpose on it stationary elements that could serve as loci of attention.
In this study, we sought to further explore the ability of a normal, young population to attend to visually divided stimuli of varying complexity. Although we examined some of the questions raised by Williams et al.,
24 we did not attempt to replicate their wide range of ages. We hypothesized that the ability to divide attention would decrease with increasing stimulus complexity and increasing spatial spread. We also expected that OKN suppression would be more affected by attention to dynamic than to static elements of the test stimuli. We further hypothesized that the females would exhibit more breakthrough than the males, as recent studies have suggested that females do more poorly on tasks involving distribution of spatial attention.
26,27 An eventual goal of this study was to develop a potential clinical tool for assessing the ability to divide attention, and for this reason computer-based stimuli offer much more scope for customizing stimulus characteristics. The purpose of this study was to further the development of clinical assessment tests for divided attention.
Twenty-five subjects were tested (13 women), aged from 21 to 26 years. All subjects had best corrected visual acuity of 6/6 or better. During testing, all subjects had vision of 6/6 uncorrected or with contact lenses except for one subject who was not a contact lens wearer and was tested without glasses when his vision was 6/48 (Snellen), after confirming that he could still clearly discriminate the various targets. Color vision testing (Ishihara test) revealed all but one subject to have normal color vision; this subject successfully demonstrated the ability to differentiate between the colors used in the study. All subjects had full visual fields to confrontation with finger counting. They had no manifest strabismus, no clinically apparent defect in ocular motility, and no nystagmus. They had no history of head trauma, psychosis, or any vestibular, ocular, or neurologic disease, with the exception of one subject with paroxysmal kinesogenic choreoathetosis (PKC). Two subjects were found to be taking medication potentially affecting eye movements (lithium and carbamazepine [Tegretol, Novartis, Camberley, UK] for PKC); as none of their results were outliers with respect to the distributions of results, they remained in the study. All subjects gave written informed consent. The test protocols were approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of The University of Melbourne (HREC 0931666.1) and adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Analysis was performed offline (MatLab, ver. 7.0.4; The MathWorks) with the best-calibrated eye analyzed for each subject. The eye position signal was digitally differentiated and low-pass filtered at 30 Hz, with blinks and saccadic intrusions manually removed from the analysis. The data from the first 5 seconds were omitted to ensure steady state performance. Mean velocity was divided by angular velocity of the optokinetic stimulus, to determine the mean gain for each task; thus, the higher the gain, the more the OKN breakthrough.
Initial analysis was performed with a five-way, mixed-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), with within-subject variables of stimulus direction (left/right), complexity (blinking spot and X's/shape sequence and red T's), dynamism (moving/static), and location (central/peripheral). As the only significant effect of direction was one interaction for one task (central T), we collapsed the data across direction and subsequent analyses were performed with a four-way, mixed-measures ANOVA, with a significance level of 0.05. To examine the effects of the individual factors, we calculated the marginal means, averaging across each of the within-subject variables. The significant marginal means are summarized in
Table 2.
Table 2. Estimated Marginal Means of Significant Main Effects and Two- and Three-way Interactions
Table 2. Estimated Marginal Means of Significant Main Effects and Two- and Three-way Interactions
Effect 1 | Level | Effect 2 | Level | Effect 3 | Level | Mean | SE |
Complexity | Simple | | | | | 0.088 | 0.006 |
| Complex | | | | | 0.114 | 0.009 |
Location | Central | | | | | 0.115 | 0.009 |
| Peripheral | | | | | 0.087 | 0.006 |
Dynamism | Static | | | | | 0.072 | 0.004 |
| Dynamic | | | | | 0.130 | 0.011 |
Sex | Female | Dynamism | Static | | | 0.069 | 0.006 |
| | | Dynamic | | | 0.144 | 0.015 |
| Male | | Static | | | 0.076 | 0.006 |
| | | Dynamic | | | 0.116 | 0.016 |
Complexity | Complex | Location | Central | | | 0.096 | 0.007 |
| | | Peripheral | | | 0.079 | 0.005 |
| Simple | | Central | | | 0.133 | 0.011 |
| | | Peripheral | | | 0.095 | 0.008 |
Complexity | Simple | Dynamism | Static | | | 0.072 | 0.004 |
| | | Dynamic | | | 0.104 | 0.009 |
| Complex | | Static | | | 0.073 | 0.004 |
| | | Dynamic | | | 0.156 | 0.014 |
Location | Central | Dynamism | Static | | | 0.076 | 0.005 |
| | | Dynamic | | | 0.153 | 0.014 |
| Peripheral | | Static | | | 0.068 | 0.004 |
| | | Dynamic | | | 0.106 | 0.009 |
Complexity | Simple | Location | Central | Dynamism | Static | 0.074 | 0.005 |
| | | | | Dynamic | 0.119 | 0.012 |
| | | Peripheral | | Static | 0.070 | 0.004 |
| | | | | Dynamic | 0.088 | 0.007 |
| Complex | | Central | | Static | 0.078 | 0.005 |
| | | | | Dynamic | 0.187 | 0.018 |
| | | Peripheral | | Static | 0.067 | 0.004 |
| | | | | Dynamic | 0.124 | 0.012 |
The accuracy of the button presses was subsequently analyzed with a one-way, repeated-measures, nonparametric Friedman ANOVA. Button press data were lost for the last male subject tested because of a technical failure and thus were not included in the analysis.
We found that OKN breakthrough may be a sensitive indicator of how visual attention is allocated. An advantage lies in having the same outcome measure—OKN gain—used independent of the ways in which task demands are varied. Further studies using more complex and more spatially distributed targets, as well as evaluation of older normal subjects and clinical groups, will allow us to further evaluate the possible clinical utility of this technique.
N.J. Rubinstein, None;
L.A. Abel, None
The authors thank Christian Lueck and Quang Nguyen for providing the MatLab program that served as the basis for our stimulus software.