Stereoacuity was measured using a random-dot stereogram depicting a disparate disc, 8° in diameter, on a zero-disparity background. The random-dot patterns consisted of circular white dots, 0.1° in diameter, distributed uniformly and randomly across a black background with a density of 20 dots/deg2. The random-dot pattern occupied a square 23.86° × 23.86°; the remainder of the screen was black. All dots had zero disparity apart from those within 4° of the center, which were all given the same disparity, chosen according to a Bayesian staircase procedure. Subpixel disparities were achieved with anti-aliasing. Participants were asked to report, by means of button press, whether the disparate disc appeared in front of or behind the background. If the participant pressed “don't know,” the computer randomly allocated this as either “in front” or “behind” with equal probability. This might have resulted in higher threshold estimates; therefore, where possible, participants were encouraged to make a guess rather than use the “don't know” option. Participants could view stimuli as long as required before making their response, so the experiment proceeded at a pace determined by the observer. Between trials, a small fixation cross (0.47° × 0.47°) in the center of the screen, flanked by vertical and horizontal Nonius lines of length 0.6°, was presented for 500 ms.
Before starting the experiment, participants were familiarized with the task by completing a few “easy” example trials, on which the disparity was set to be well above threshold (typically, 7 min arc). Disparity thresholds were measured using an adaptive Bayesian staircase
15 in a front of or behind the discrimination task. In each trial, the sign of the disparity was selected randomly. In 90% of trials, the magnitude of disparity was given by the adaptive staircase. In a randomly interleaved 10% of trials, the magnitude of disparity was set to a large value known to be easily visible to the participant. We have found these “easy” trials very helpful in maintaining the motivation of young or inexperienced participants, especially when disparity gets close to the threshold at the end of the staircases. These easy trials did not form part of the staircase and were not used in the threshold estimation. Trials on which the participant pressed “don't know” did form part of the threshold estimation, using the response assigned by the computer. Characteristics of the Bayesian staircases were as follows: the previous probability density function was uniform
15,16 ; the model likelihood function was the logistic function adapted from
1 A of García-Pérez,
17 with a spread value of 0.8 (with delta parameter equal to 0.01), a lapse rate of 0.01, and a guess rate of 0.5; the value of the disparity in each trial was obtained from the mean of the posterior probability distribution
18 ; the final threshold was estimated from the mean of the final probability density function; and the stopping rule for the staircases was the number of trials
15,19 (in particular, 50 trials were used). In total, two threshold estimates were obtained for each participant, each taking approximately 7 minutes to be obtained.