Agtr1a | Angiotensin II receptor, type 1a | 14.35 | 4.21E-06 |
Alas2 | Aminolevulinic acid synthase 2, erythroid | 2.18 | 1.90E-03 |
B2m | β-2 Microglobulin | 2.02 | 3.30E-03 |
Bcl3 | B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 3 | 2.44 | 6.73E-03 |
C1qα | Complement component 1, q subcomponent, α polypeptide | 2.21 | 2.97E-03 |
C1qc | Complement component 1, q subcomponent, C chain | 2.17 | 4.17E-03 |
C3 | Complement component, 3 | 2.21 | 1.76E-03 |
C4b | Complement component 4B (Childo blood group) | 3.91 | 1.18E-03 |
Calcr | Calcitonin receptor | 46.75 | 5.00E-03 |
Ccl12 | Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 12 | 6.96 | 3.41E-04 |
Ccl2 | Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 | 4.80 | 3.24E-03 |
Ccl3 | Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 | 3.54 | 6.78E-03 |
Ccl8 | Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 8 | 3.13 | 6.62E-03 |
Cd200r | CD200 receptor 1 | 2.19 | 6.53E-04 |
Cd36 | CD36 antigen | 2.49 | 2.38E-04 |
Cd48 | CD48 antigen | 2.94 | 1.65E-03 |
Cd8a | CD8 antigen, α chain | 2.36 | 1.74E-03 |
Cfb | Complement factor B | 4.70 | 6.45E-04 |
Clec4a2 | C-type lectin domain family 4, member A2 | 3.10 | 6.40E-03 |
Clec4d | C-type lectin domain family 4, member D | 4.21 | 3.48E-04 |
Clec7a | C-type lectin domain family 7, member A | 2.44 | 1.78E-03 |
Csf3r | Colony stimulating factor 3 receptor (granulocyte) | 2.00 | 8.21E-03 |
Cxcl1 | Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 | 2.84 | 4.24E-03 |
Ddx58 | Dead (ASP-GLU-ALA-ASP) box polypeptide 58 | 3.05 | 3.94E-03 |
Egr1 | Early growth response 1 | −3.27 | 5.65E-05 |
Eraf | Erythroid associated factor | 2.54 | 8.67E-05 |
Fcgr2b | Fc receptor, IGG, low affinity IIB | 2.05 | 4.15E-03 |
Fcgr3 | Fc receptor, IGG, low affinity III | 2.05 | 4.74E-03 |
Fyb | FYN binding protein | 2.01 | 8.13E-03 |
Gbp2 | Guanylate nucleotide binding protein 2 | 2.19 | 9.50E-04 |
H2-bl | Histocompatibility 2, blastocyst | 2.03 | 3.91E-03 |
H2-kl | Histocompatibility 2, K1, K region | 2.13 | 7.05E-04 |
H2-Oa | Histocompatibility 2, O region-α locus | 2.17 | 4.61E-03 |
H2-Q1 | Histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 1 | 2.56 | 3.93E-04 |
H2-T3 | Histocompatibility 2, T region locus 3 | −7.97 | 1.91E-03 |
Icam1 | Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 | 4.42 | 1.20E-06 |
Ifi204 | Interferon activated gene 204 | 2.90 | 5.61E-03 |
Ifit1 | Interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 | 3.29 | 3.67E-03 |
Il13ra2 | Interleukin 13 receptor, alpha 2 | 13.84 | 7.36E-06 |
Il28Rα | Interleukin 28 receptor α | 2.49 | 2.82E-04 |
Irf4 | Interferon regulatory factory 4 | 2.03 | 3.98E-04 |
Itgam | Integrin α M | 2.03 | 6.00E-03 |
Itgax | Integrin α X | 5.37 | 1.07E-04 |
Kdr | Kinase insert domain protein receptor | −35.59 | 6.53E-03 |
Lilrb3 | Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B (with TM and ITIM domains), member 3 | 3.23 | 1.99E-03 |
Ly75 | Lymphocyte antigen 75 | 3.26 | 1.43E-05 |
Masp1 | Mannan-binding lectin serine peptidase 1 | −3.02 | 6.38E-03 |
Masp2 | Mannan-binding lectin serine peptidase 2 | −2.17 | 4.57E-03 |
Mpa2l | Macrophage activation 2 like | 2.41 | 5.15E-03 |
Hbb-b1 | Hemoglobin β-chain complex | 2.76 | 3.18E-03 |
LOC56628 | MHC (A.CA/J(H-2K-F) class I antigen | 2.33 | 1.41E-04 |
Nod2 | Caspase recruitment domain family, member 15 | 4.52 | 1.73E-06 |
Oas1a | 2′-5′ Oligoadenylate synthetase 1A | 3.59 | 2.72E-03 |
Oas1f | 2′-5′ Oligoadenylate synthetase 1F | 2.05 | 7.09E-03 |
Oas2 | 2′-5′ Oligoadenylate synthetase 2 | 3.98 | 1.76E-03 |
Oas3 | 2′-5′ Oligoadenylate synthetase 3 | −4.62 | 2.69E-03 |
Oasl2 | 2′-5′ Oligoadenylate synthetase-like 2 | 2.03 | 7.66E-03 |
Plg | Plasminogen | −3.49 | 9.40E-04 |
Psmb8 | Proteosome (Prosome, macropain) subunit, β type 8 (large multifunctional peptidase 7) | 2.25 | 6.63E-04 |
S100a9 | S100 calcium binding protein A9 (calgranulin B) | 2.77 | 2.25E-03 |
Tlr2 | Toll-like receptor 2 | 2.42 | 5.73E-03 |
Tlr4 | Toll-like receptor 4 | 2.03 | 4.49E-03 |
Tlr6 | Toll-like receptor 6 | 6.14 | 3.06E-03 |
Tnf | Tumor necrosis factor | 2.66 | 6.94E-04 |
Tshr | Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor | 2.53 | 7.90E-03 |