To investigate the effect of age on the key oxidation repair enzymes of the thioltransferase (TTase) and thioredoxin (TRx) systems in the human lens.
Twenty-three normal human lenses (donor ages, 19–77 years) were grouped into second, third, fifth, sixth, and seventh decades and analyzed for TTase, TRx, glutathione reductase (GR), thioredoxin reductase (TR), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD) activities, as well as the glutathione (GSH) pool. Additionally, 19 contralateral lenses of the donor eyes were each divided into cortex and nucleus for enzyme distribution studies.
All the enzymes showed similar activity in the cortex and nucleus, regardless of age, but were inactivated to various extents in the older lenses. In the TTase system, both TTase and GR showed activity loss over the five decades, with 70% remaining in the seventh decade, whereas the GSH pool was depleted extensively, with only 35% left in the older lenses. In the TRx system, TRx activity was not affected as much as TR for which only 70% of the activity was found in the seventh decade compared with the second to third decades. Overall, G3PD was more sensitive to age because only 50% activity remained after the sixth decade.
With increasing age there is a gradual activity loss in both the TTase and the TRx systems and a lowered GSH pool. These alterations, compounded with the age-related loss in G3PD activity, may lead to redox and energy imbalance, likely contributing to a higher risk to cataract formation in the aging population.
Under normal physiological conditions, most of the thiol-rich lens proteins remain in a reduced state necessary for maintaining lens transparency. However, the favorable environment can be altered by the oxidants generated from exogenous processes, such as ultraviolet light, radiation, and inflammation, as well as endogenous processes such as incomplete oxygen reduction in the mitochondria. A lens uses its unusually high level of glutathione (GSH) along with several effective oxidation defense enzyme systems, such as catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase, to eliminate oxidants.
1,2 Furthermore, the lens uses two recently elucidated repair systems to reduce oxidized proteins/enzymes and to maintain redox homeostasis.
3 The first repair system is the GSH-dependent thioltransferase (TTase) system, which dethiolates the protein thiols that have been oxidized into protein-GSH mixed disulfides (PSSGs) and thereby reestablishes the protein/enzyme function or activity. The second repair system is the NADPH-dependent thioredoxin (TRx) system, which reduces the protein thiols that have been oxidized to protein-protein disulfides (PSSPs) or protein sulfenic acid (PSOH) and restores their proper physiological functions.
Thioltransferase (TTase) is also known as glutaredoxin (GRx). This small molecular weight (11.8 kDa) cytosolic protein is a member of the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase enzyme family, containing a conserved CXXC sequence at the active site. This feature makes the protein extremely resistant to oxidation. TTase is specific for glutathionylated proteins (protein-S-S-glutathione or PSSG). The reaction is GSH dependent; thus, the oxidized GSH or GSSG can be reduced with glutathione reductase (GR) and NADPH. TTase is also known to participate in many cellular functions, including redox signaling and regulation of glucose metabolism.
3,4 Similar to TTase, thioredoxin (TRx) is also a member of the oxidoreductase enzyme family, with two redox-active thiols in the conserved sequence of WCGPC at the active site. This 12-kDa protein reduces inter- and intra- protein-protein disulfides and the sulfenic acid formed at the cysteine moiety of proteins. The oxidized TRx requires thioredoxin reductase (TR) and NADPH to restore it to its original reduced state. This protein is widely distributed in all forms of life and is known to be involved in a variety of roles such as antioxidation, growth control, neuroprotection, and immune function.
Oxidative stress is well known to cause tissue and cellular damage, resulting in cancer, neurodegeneration, and age-associated degenerative diseases,
6 including cataracts and macular degeneration in ocular tissues.
1,2,7,8 It is, therefore, of great interest to determine whether aging affects the lenticular antioxidation defense systems and the oxidative damage repair systems. The former have been examined thoroughly in the past,
9 –13 whereas the status of the thiol repair systems in human lens has not been explored. In this report, we have studied the distribution of both the GSH-dependent TTase system and the NADPH-dependent TRx system in young (20–35 years) and in old (55–70 years) lenses. We have also examined age-related alterations in the levels and the activities of the components required for the repair systems, including GSH, GR, TTase, TRx, and TR. We have found that the TTase and TRx systems in the lens gradually weaken with increasing age. The key glycolytic enzyme, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD), important in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production for the energy use of the lens, was also severely compromised with age.
NADPH, GSH, GSSG, dithiothreitol (DTT), insulin, 5′,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobanzoic acid (DTNB), and β-hydroxyethyl disulfide (HEDS) were all from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay reagent and chemiluminescent substrate were from Pierce (SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate; Pierce, Rockford, IL). The specific antibodies for GR and TR were purchased from Abcam Co. (Cambridge, MA), whereas antibodies for TTase and TRx were made by Bethyl Laboratories (Montgomery, TX). The antibody for G3PD and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. (Santa Cruz, CA). All other chemicals and reagents were of analytical grade.
Lens homogenate samples, containing equal amounts of proteins, were applied on 10% SDS-PAGE gels, and the resolved protein bands were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (Hybond ECL; Amersham, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, UK) and probed with specific antibodies for GR, TRx, TR, and G3PD, respectively. The corresponding protein bands were detected and visualized (SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate; Pierce).
Age has been established as a major risk factor for cataract formation because of the higher oxidative stress and the lower oxidation defense capabilities in the aging lens.
1 –3,25,26 In this article, we provide evidence that the enzymes responsible for protein thiol oxidation repair, including the thioltransferase (glutaredoxin) system and the thioredoxin system, become less efficient during aging. This may add to the risk for cataractogenesis.
It is well known that GSH in the lens is used to reduce oxidants and itself is oxidized to GSSG, which in turn can be reduced to GSH again by the NADPH/GR system. The GSH pool is thus replenished through the recycling process. However, the weakened GR activity in aging lenses (
Fig. 1B) would prevent an efficient recycling process, rendering an insufficient GSH supply in the lens. The age-dependent steady loss of the GSH pool in the lens shown in this study (
Fig. 1C) is consistent with the progressive decrease in GR activity during aging (
Fig. 1B) and the age-dependent inactivation of GR found by Zhang and Augusteyn.
27 Our current data on the age-dependent GSH loss agreed with the earlier findings in lenses from humans
28 and rats.
29 Thus our results provide strong evidence that the loss in the GSH pool during aging contributes to the corresponding and steady increase in the PSSG pool found in the aging lens.
28 Additionally, GSH is an important cofactor of TTase for dethiolase activity. Although TTase activity loss was moderate in the older lenses (70% of the activity in young lenses;
Fig. 1A), the depletion of the GSH supply (only 30%–40% of young lenses) could have an adverse effect on TTase function in the same lens.
PSSG formation can lead to protein conformational change, and the accumulated PSSG in lens structural proteins may contribute to protein-protein disulfide formation and cross-linking with eventual cataract formation.
3 Among the strongest evidence for the role of PSSG in cataractogenesis in humans are that PSSG levels are elevated with increased lens opacity and lens pigmentation
30 –33 and that PSSG formed in γB crystallin in H
2-treated lenses induced conformational changes, allowing buried SH groups to form disulfide cross-links.
34 Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that when a lens loses its ability to repair (or reduce) the oxidized protein thiols, it should become more vulnerable to additional oxidative stress-induced damage, including transparency loss.
Various properties and functionalities of the TTase system have been studied extensively in human lens cells or tissues; however, less is known about the TRx system. We have previously examined the distribution of TRx protein in the epithelium, cortex, and nucleus of a 60-year-old normal human lens and found it to be equally present in these regions.
3 Our current data, showing equal activity in the cortex (with epithelium) and the nucleus (
Table 1), confirm this earlier finding. Previously, Bhuyan et al.
35 observed that the expression of TRx mRNA or protein in the epithelial layer of normal human lens was depressed with aging. However, our study showed an aged-dependent loss in TRx activity (
Fig. 2A) but not in TRx protein expression (
Fig. 2C) when a whole lens was used.
TR is considered as the top of the hierarchy for redox control in cells, but it has been scarcely studied in the lens. Previously we have found that when whole pig lenses in organ culture were subjected to 0.2 mM or 0.5 mM H
2 stress, both the TTase and TRx systems in the epithelial layer showed a transient increase in activities and protein expression before the lens died to the stress and lost its transparency.
36 TR, in particular, behaved like an oxidation sensor. It was the first enzyme to be upregulated under these conditions, indicating that the TRx system responded early for correcting oxidation-induced injury in the tissue. Therefore, we speculate that the compromised TRx system found in the aging human lenses in this study (
Fig. 2) might result in higher PSSP accumulation and impede function in older lenses.
The importance of GR activity in maintaining lens clarity has been implied in the studies of Horwitz et al.
37 These authors have found that most freshly excised human lens epithelia after cataract surgery showed little or no GR activity, but the activity could be restored when FAD, a cofactor for GR, was added in vitro. They concluded that the inactivation of GR in these cataractous lenses could be attributed to deficient nutritional intake of FAD in patients. We did not measure the FAD pool in our present study. It would be of value in the future to study the relationship between the FAD pool and GR activity in the lens during aging. However, other studies have suggested that oxidative stress may contribute to GR inactivation in old or cataractous lenses. For instance, Yan et al.
38 have shown that GR activity in pooled clear human lenses (40–85 years) could be increased by addition of the TRx or TTase systems in vitro and that the combination of TTase and TRx showed a synergistic effect. Rachdan et al.
39 also showed that GR activity in cataractous lenses could be revived using reducing agents.
Of all the enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, G3PD is most oxidation sensitive. This property is particularly important for the lens because lens metabolism is predominantly anaerobic. The integrity of G3PD is vital for the production of ATP in the pathway. Xing and Lou
24 have shown that G3PD in human lens epithelial cells quickly conjugates with GSH to form PSSG when stressed with a bolus of low-level H
2 (100 μM) and that the addition of TTase (with the cofactor GSH) in the cell lysate could restore most of its activity but not of GSH alone (up to 10 mM). Yegorova et al.
16 also found that TRx could reactivate G3PD under similar oxidative stress conditions. Considering the huge loss in G3PD activity on aging (
Fig. 3), it is likely that G3PD was oxidized during the approximately 70 years of lifespan. Our data also show that the addition of the TTase system in vitro could restore G3PD activity. However, the TRx system, which reduces PSSP and PSOH, was not effective, indicating that most of the oxidative damage at the active site of G3PD in the lenses was likely due to PSSG but not to PSSP or PSOH. This finding differed from that of Yan et al.
40 in which the G3PD activity in human senile cataractous lenses could be restored by either TTase or TRx and synergistically by both. It is likely that an old lens may not be oxidized as severely as a senile cataractous lens, in which PSSP and PSOH, as well as PSSG, were all formed. It is unlikely that part of the G3PD activity was either lost during storage or in processing because we have observed similar activity with various conditions of processing or at various length of storage time (−80°C).
In summary we have found that the activities of the thiol damage repair systems of TTase and TRx in the lens were gradually reduced during aging, suggesting that inefficient thiol damage repair compounded with decreased ATP production in old lenses may be responsible for the formation of senile cataract in humans.
Supported by National Institutes of Health Grant RO1 EY10595 (MFL).
K.-Y. Xing, None;
M.F. Lou, None
The authors thank Robert C. Augusteyn (Vision Cooperative Research Centre, Sydney, Australia) for his discussion and reading of this manuscript.