SALS is a well-developed technology that has been applied to studies of aortic valves,
25 cornea,
26,27 and cranial dura mater,
28 among other tissues. Construction of the SALS device within the STBL (
Fig. 3A) closely followed that previously developed and described by Sacks et al.
29 This technique relies on the preferential scattering of HeNe light through thin soft tissues. The device assembly consists of an unpolarized 5-mW HeNe laser (λ = 632.8 nm; JDS Uniphase, Milpitas, CA), 2-D motion-controlled automated specimen holder, projection screen, and CCD camera (model XCD-V50; Sony, Tokyo, Japan), all mounted on a rigid optical platform (
Fig. 3B). The pixel resolution of the CCD camera is 7.4 μm
2. The specimen holder consists of two linear screw-driven tables (404XR series; Parker Hannifin, Cleveland, OH) with two stepper motors (IH23008; MCG, Inc., Eden Prairie, MN) set in plane, perpendicular to the laser and connected to a two-axis motor drive (MID-7602; National Instruments, Austin TX). For our SALS setup, the distance between the CCD and screen was 914 mm (for all tests), whereas the distance between the screen and specimen holder was 165 mm (for all tests). The interested reader can find further details regarding the SALS technique in another publication.
The laser light is transmitted through the tissue sample, and the beam is preferentially splayed 90° to the internal planar fiber microstructure. From the centroid of the splayed image, the major axis has an angle, θ, from the horizontal equator. The resulting angle plus 90° is the local fiber angle, ψ = θ + 90°, which is an estimate of the preferred direction of the local extracellular matrix, (e.g., collagen and elastin
29 Fig. 4A).
The degree of fiber alignment used in this study was determined based on the eccentricity,
E (0, 1), of the resulting ellipse which has the same normalized second moment as the splayed image (
Fig. 4A). The normalized second moments of each image of splayed light were calculated directly from a built-in function (Regionprops; MatLab; The MathWorks, Natick, MA). The major and minor axes of an ellipse with the normalized second moments μ
yy, μ
xy, and μ
xx are given by
30 and
Eccentricity is then the ratio of the distance between the foci of the ellipse and its major axis length, where 0 corresponds to a perfect circle and 1 corresponds to a line:
It should be noted that the eccentricity,
E, increases with increasing degree of fiber alignment. For a complete description of the entire process of generating the ellipse and calculating normalized second moments and major/minor axis lengths, the reader is referred to Haralick and Shapiro (pp 656–657).
30 Images such as
Figure 4A were generated at each location over the entire planar dehydrated sample in a 350 μm
2-spaced grid as the specimen slide was translated with a custom-written, software-driven, motion-control system (LabView; National Instruments). Therefore, for a typical scleral block of 10 mm
2 regions, there would be ∼29 × 29 locations. Image analysis was performed with a software program specifically designed for this purpose (Matlab; The MathWorks). Preliminary SALS scans on sclera showed that regions within a given slide that did not have tissue present resulted in eccentricities less than or equal to 0.3. For this reason, all measurements that had an eccentricity less than 0.3 were excluded from statistical analysis. The result was a vector–contour plot of local fiber directions and eccentricities for each slide, similar to those shown in
Figures 4B–D
In the analysis, the local fiber direction was transformed by using a polar coordinate system whose origin is the ONH and whose local radial direction is pointed away from the ONH. Therefore, a local fiber direction of 0° and 180° corresponds to equatorial alignment, whereas a value of 90° indicates fibers aligned meridionally (
Fig. 2B). To generate a single metric of fiber direction over each entire sample for the comparisons between ages, races, and sexes, we quantified the percentage occurrence of fiber angles existing in bins between 0° and 45° and 135° and 180° (equatorial) and 45° and 135° (meridional) by the percentage of fibers in the above bins over the entire sample (over all locations within a slice and for all slices). Similarly, a representative value of eccentricity was taken as the average of all values over an entire sample. The percentage occurrences of fibers within the 45° and 135° angle range and the mean eccentricity were used for statistical comparisons. The distribution of percentage occurrence of meridional fibers and eccentricity as a function of the radial coordinate of the polar coordinate system (along the temporal meridian) was also investigated.