The structure-function relationship has also been investigated for FDT and HRT.
40,41 Iester and colleagues
40,41 found HRT cup-shape-measure as the strongest predictor for FDT and sectoral HRT parameters better correlating to SAP than to FDT. This is in disagreement to our findings and may be explained by a difference in methodologies; instead of matching the visual field to the ONH, based on a structure-function map, they calculated correlations between visual field quadrants and superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, and inferonasal HRT sectors. In accordance to our results, temporal areas showed a stronger correlation than nasal areas. Looking at the structure-function relationship between additional structural tests and SAP, Bowd and colleagues
42 evaluated the structure-function relationships using cSLO, OCT, and SLP in glaucomatous patients, glaucoma suspects and healthy controls. The correlation between RNFL thickness and visual sensitivity was generally strongest in the inferotemporal sector for SLP and OCT. For cSLO, strongest correlations for RNFL thickness and rim area were found in the inferotemporal and superotemporal sectors, comparable to our findings. The weakest correlation was found in the nasal but also in the temporal sector. Miglior and colleagues
43 evaluated the relationship between retinal light sensitivity, measured with the Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA II; Carl Zeiss Meditec AG) and RNFL thickness obtained with spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). In glaucoma patients, they found a significant correlation between structure and function in all of the sectors except for the VF temporal/OCT nasal pair which corresponds to the nasal sector in this study. Similar results for SD-OCT could be shown by Aptel et al.,
44 who found the highest correlation between SD-OCT RNFL thickness and SAP retinal light sensitivity in the superotemporal sector, while the nasal sector was the only one without any significant correlation. This is in accordance with our results obtained with FDF and FDT (significant correlation for HRT mean RNFL thickness in all sectors but the nasal sector for FDF and in all sectors, but the nasal and superonasal sectors for FDT). In contrast to their results, significant correlation between SAP and HRT RNFL thickness could only be shown in three of the six sectors (superotemporal, inferotemporal, and temporal). Lee et al.
45 evaluated the structure-function relationship using scanning laser polarimetry and SAP in POAG patients. Again, the strongest correlation was found in the superotemporal sector, followed by the superonasal and inferotemporal sectors, while the temporal and nasal sectors did not show statistically significant results.