The proposed method to locally estimate RNFL attenuation coefficients based on using the RPE layer as a reference layer was used to produce RNFL attenuation coefficient maps of both healthy and glaucomatous eyes. These RNFL attenuation coefficient maps showed many fewer artifacts than the raw OCT data. Both horizontal lines, presumably due to fluctuating power of the incident OCT laser beam on the retinal surface, and the shadowing effect of floaters were virtually removed. This illustrates both the usefulness of looking at tissue properties rather than at the raw OCT signal and the effectiveness of the algorithm.
The RNFL attenuation coefficient maps in normal eyes was relatively constant in the peripapillary region, whereas the RNFL thickness shows considerable local variation due to the concentration of nerve fibers in arcuate bundles. This variation is especially large because both the location and the thickness of the arcuate bundles vary. The homogeneous appearance of attenuation coefficient maps makes interpretation of these data much easier. We speculate that it also reduces the range of normative values that may be used for diagnosis and it enables better detection of wedge-shaped defects.
The results show that the RNFL attenuation coefficient for glaucomatous eyes was considerably smaller than for healthy eyes. This indicates that, apart from a change in the thickness of the RNFL, the remaining nerve fiber tissue has different optical properties. Assessing the RNFL attenuation coefficient in addition to the thickness may thus provide useful information in the clinical management of glaucoma.
The P value of the Mann-Whitney U test for the average RNFL attenuation coefficients is very small, meaning that the difference of the medians is very significant. For use of this feature in diagnosis, however, the most important property is the separability of normal and glaucomatous eyes based on the attenuation coefficient. The distributions of normal and glaucomatous eyes in our data set did not show any overlap. Although the number of included eyes was relatively small, this is an encouraging result that warrants a larger study, including a comparison with RNFL thickness measurements.
The attenuation coefficient decreased with increasing distance to the ONH in both normal and glaucomatous eyes. No correlation between the distance and the significance of the difference of the medians was found. This implies that the radial distance for measuring the attenuation coefficient is not very critical, although it should be constant. The attenuation coefficient changed considerably with varying angle around the ONH, as did the significance of the difference of the medians. This agrees with previous findings that glaucomatous damage occurs more often in some segments than in others.
Physiologically, the RNFL attenuation coefficient may correspond to the density of nerve fibers. When nerve tissue is lost, as in glaucoma, the remaining fibers may take up part of the resulting space, resulting in the observed lower attenuation coefficient for glaucomatous eyes. In healthy eyes, the RNFL attenuation coefficient is higher for the superior and inferior locations. This implies that both the thickness of the RNFL and the density of the fibers within that layer are higher at those locations, to accommodate for the higher number of nerve fibers.
An interesting comparison can be made with polarization-sensitive OCT (PS-OCT).
13,14 In PS-OCT, the retardation and the birefringence of the RNFL can be assessed. Like the attenuation coefficient, the birefringence is an optical property of the tissue. Both RNFL attenuation coefficient and birefringence show similar properties. The angular dependency for healthy eyes (see
Fig. 7), with high values superiorly and inferiorly and low values nasally and temporally, has been shown in a small number of healthy subjects as well,
14–17 with a similar difference between high and low values. Comparison of a healthy and a glaucomatous eye showed reduced birefringence determined by PS-OCT in one study,
18 matching our findings of reduced attenuation coefficients in glaucomatous eyes. Another study showed a less clear double-hump pattern for the birefringence of a glaucomatous eye, but no clear reduction of the birefringence.
17 A comparison between 8 normal eyes and 12 glaucoma suspects showed a significantly reduced birefringence of the RNFL (Götzinger E et al.
IOVS 2009;50:ARVO E-Abstract 5823). Changes in attenuation coefficient and birefringence may thus both be the result of the same process, where the density of the RNFL changes due to glaucoma. This correlation between birefringence (as measured with PS-OCT) and reflectance (related to our attenuation coefficient) may, at least partly, be explained by the microtubules of the RNFL. It has been shown that treatment of retinal nerve fiber bundles with a colchicine solution reduces the birefringence of the nerve fiber bundles significantly.
19 The same treatment also resulted in a reduced RNFL reflectance, albeit to a lesser extent.
The presented processing method for separation of normal and glaucomatous eyes based on attenuation coefficient maps is very straightforward and provides promising results; however, various improvements and refinements are possible. Blood vessels are currently included in the analysis, while their attenuation coefficient obviously does not reflect the attenuation coefficient of the RNFL. Use of the median as a robust alternative for the mean alleviates this issue somewhat, but especially in smaller areas, such as the 15-degree-wide segments, the vessels may still dominate the output. Explicitly excluding the vessels would make the method more robust and would possibly further improve the results. The different significance levels for each segment indicate that combining only selected segment attenuation coefficients in the average may further improve the results. Also, algorithms for specifically detecting wedge-shaped defects may be developed, as was previously done for other imaging modalities.
21–23 These improvements should, however, be made and evaluated on a larger data set.
The procedure that was used to determine the attenuation coefficient from the OCT volume scans requires that a segmentation of the RNFL and the RPE is available. These segmentations are performed based on the OCT data and will contain some errors. Especially in glaucomatous eyes, the contrast between the RNFL and the ganglion cell layer (GCL) may be very small and consequently the most prominent segmentation errors are expected at the posterior RNFL interface. In eyes with low RNFL-GCL contrast, the attenuation of the RNFL and GCL will be similar. The estimated average attenuation coefficient, calculated from RNFL and partially from GCL, will therefore be close to the RNFL attenuation coefficient.
The present method relies on the RPE to act as a reference layer. This assumption may not hold in all cases, such as in age-related macular degeneration. In the proposed application of glaucoma, the assumption of uniform RPE scattering properties may be violated by the presence of peripapillary atrophy (PPA). The minimum diameter of the area included in our analysis was relatively large (1.5 mm), which means that the results would have been affected in case of extensive PPA. In the included eyes, with moderate glaucoma, the observed PPA did not extend into the measured area.
In conclusion, the RPE-normalized OCT-derived RNFL attenuation coefficient maps provide a new means of assessing the health of the RNFL. Clinically, these maps may be relevant for diagnosis and monitoring. For diagnosis, the attenuation coefficient may prove to outperform or at least complement RNFL thickness measurements, because the attenuation coefficient shows less spatial variation. For monitoring of glaucoma patients, attenuation coefficients may detect the deterioration of the RNFL's health before further tissue loss. Finally, the attenuation coefficient may be used as an additional modality in structure-function research.