Although AFM has been available for more than 2 decades,
31 it has been underused in vision sciences.
32 To the best of our knowledge, a comprehensive description of topographic and nanomechanical variations of the native human ILM has not been undertaken. A previous study described reduced ILM stiffness in Protein Omannose N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 knockout mice (POMGnT1), one of the mouse models of muscular dystrophy, implicating a deficiency of POMGnT1-mediated glycosylation of dystroglycan.
33 Candiello et al.
3 described an age-dependent increase in ILM thickness and stiffness in specimens taken from outside the posterior pole of a series of human donor eye retinas. A recent AFM examination of freshly harvested surgically removed human ILMs from diabetic patients with macular holes focused on surface adhesion forces determined by different ILM surface patterns. “Globular structures” were described on the surface of all specimens, whereas “fibrillar structures” on only a small number of samples were associated with higher adhesion forces. Although the study generally supports the suitability of AFM for studying the ILM, it is important to note that measurements were performed on fixed samples stored at −20°C, whereas the fundamental advantage of AFM over the more commonly used TEM is that native samples can be examined under physiologic buffer conditions.
32 Available topographic information from light and TEM examinations may, in fact, not accurately portray the native ILM, as the corresponding fixation process involves tissue dehydration and a consequent loss of water-binding GAG side chains of ILM proteoglycans. Comparative TEM and AFM measurements of ILM samples harvested outside the great temporal vascular arcades have shown that a dehydration step in the fixation procedure induces 30% to 50% reduction in ILM thickness and 30% increase in stiffness.
3 In contrast with these earlier AFM measurements, the present study is particularly clinically relevant, as it provides a detailed description of ILM topography and biomechanics of the clinically highly meaningful posterior pole. This area within the great vascular arcades includes the location of the fovea centralis, a small morphologically distinct part of the retina with markedly enhanced visual resolution. The posterior pole is also characteristically the location where vitreomacular adhesions lead to a variety of pathologies and where surgical removal of the ILM is performed during chromovitrectomy.
Initial TEM analyses of the vitreoretinal interface showed close apposition of the ILM to the underlying inner retinal layers, as well as a characteristic ILM orientation with dissimilar surfaces (
Figs. 4A,
4B). These findings were confirmed by AFM measurements (
Figs. 4C,
4D). Although AFM thickness measurements from both sides of the ILM expectably resulted in similar average values, measurements from the retinal surface displayed a higher standard deviation and RMS than measurements from the vitreal side (
Fig. 4E), consistent with the roughness of the retinal surface.
ILM thickness appeared rather evenly distributed throughout the midperipheral segments (
Fig. 6), whereas a closer look at the central sector revealed a conspicuous ILM gauge distribution. The ILM overlying the fovea centralis could be imaged by AFM at unprecedented detail. Its craterlike aspect with partially round-arched, relatively steep walls translated into a centrifugally increasing thickness profile (
Fig. 2A), reaching a maximum at a foveal distance of approximately 1000 μm, from where a gradual drop-off was observed (
Fig. 2C). This gradual decline extended toward the more peripheral grid segments.
In fact, there seems to be a quadrinomial division of the foveal ILM structure, where additional layers appear to be ramped up on a smooth, 138-nm-thick substratum, which marks the central 350 to 400 μm. This central-most part of the ILM displays a smooth aspect even when imaged from the retinal side. Immediately outside this most central zone, a steep thickness increase to about 750 nm can be observed at a foveal distance of roughly 600 μm, followed by a second and a third relatively abrupt increase to about 1500 μm at a foveal clearance of 850 to 900 μm and to 4000 nm at 1000 to 1050 μm, respectively. Whether these offsets represent distinct additional tissue layers is yet to be explored in future research.
External to the immediate foveal region, the increase in ILM thickness is accompanied by progressive increase in retinal surface roughness, suggesting distinct extracellular matrix layers spread on a basic stratum, which, based on surface appearance and roughness analysis, is contiguous with the vitreal surface of the ILM (
Figs. 2A,
2D). To the best of our knowledge, this continuous vitreal side basic stratum has not been described before. Thickness distributions closely match earlier ILM thickness findings,
8 although ILM thickness under in vivo conditions is roughly four times higher than previously suggested based on LM and TEM analyses
7,8 and consistent with previous AFM examinations of human ILM segments from outside the posterior pole.
Analyses of ILM stiffness matched thickness findings with respect to geographical distribution, with higher stiffness values in the central segment compared with the midperipheral quadrants. As ILM stiffness facilitates lifting up an initial ILM flap during surgical ILM removal, these findings underscore that ILM peeling may be most easily commenced within a foveal distance of roughly 1000 μm. Unlike for ILM thickness, a detailed distribution of ILM stiffness values within the central quadrant could not be specified, as reliable measurements of the extremely delicate foveal center were not possible in this study, owing to unavoidable underlying glass substrate influence.
ILM stiffness, on average, is 4.93 times higher on the retinal than on the vitreal side. Although sample size was narrowed by a higher rate of tissue loss throughout the preparation process for ILM mounted with the vitreal side up, we consider the results valid, especially as they could be corroborated through measurements on three tangled samples where measurements from the retinal and vitreal sides were possible on identical tissue (retinal side 3.83 times stiffer).
In line with this bipolar stiffness distribution, a significantly higher ECM density was found in the retinal compared with the vitreous layers of the ILM (
Fig. 3). Apart from ECM density, ILM stiffness disparity may also be influenced by protein variety, protein isoform composition,
34,35 osmotic pressure,
36 and the density of cross-links.
37 As the ILM is composed of a distinct and limited set of chains for both collagen IV and laminin, immunostaining of the ILM may have been influenced by the specificity of the antibodies used for certain isoforms of both proteins.
The vitreoretinal interface represents the site of apposition of the posterior cortical vitreous and the ILM, and, thus, plays a key role in physiologic and pathologic vitreomacular adhesion. Over the past decade, chromovitrectomy has become a standard treatment for diseases based on pathologic vitreomacular adhesion, including macular holes, persistent macular edema, epiretinal fibrosis, and vitreomacular traction syndrome.
11,38–41 This surgical technique, which involves surgical removal of the ILM following intravitreal application of vital dyes, intended to improve ILM visibility, has evolved from accidental excision of parts of the ILM during epiretinal membrane removal.
42 ICG is the most commonly used vital dye, although this substance is not approved for intravitreal use and despite significant evidence for retinal and optic nerve toxicity.
43 ICG has been described to facilitate the excision of the ILM by means of an ILM stiffening effect through collagen IV cross-linking,
20 which might contribute to its popularity among vitreoretinal surgeons. This effect on the mechanical properties of the ILM, however, has not been firmly established. The high-resolution map of healthy ILM nanoscale topography and stiffness provided in the current study contributes groundwork anatomic and physiologic information that will allow future study of the effect of vital dyes on biomechanical properties of the ILM. Preliminary results from freshly harvested patient ILMs had resulted in a high degree of variability. Interpretation of the data was not possible without detailed knowledge of mechanical characteristics of the native ILM. As the current study shows, consideration of the exact location from which a certain fragment of ILM was extracted and of the orientation from which it was measured (vitreal versus retinal side) are indispensable for data interpretation (Henrich et al., manuscript in preparation).
The thickness profile reported in this study also suggests that best staining results during chromovitrectomy can be expected at a foveal offset of roughly 1000 μm, owing to increased thickness, as well as favorable conditions for grasping of the ILM with intraocular forceps, although these theoretical advantages need to be weighed with foveal proximity in practice.
The results of this study are also in accordance with the current concept of macular hole formation,
44 involving the peculiar fragility and thinness of the foveal retina in combination with the insertion of native vitreal collagen fibrils into the collagen network of the foveal ILM. The ILM has been described to be the main contributor to mechanical stability of the retina and vitreoretinal border.
45 The particular frangibility of the foveal ILM can, thus, be regarded as a fundamental factor for the formation of macular holes. Fragility of the foveal ILM is underscored by the fact that conservation of the central-most ILM was possible in only in three specimens in this study.
Finally, the vitreous cavity is a favorite site for delivering therapeutic antibodies, cDNAs, and viruses into the eye and retina. The ILM represents the major border that prevents ready access of the reagents to the retinal tissue. It is conceivable that differences in ILM thickness and stiffness, as measured here, have a major effect on the success of drug delivery to retinal cells.