After pupil dilation with 1% tropicamide and 2.5% phenylephrine eyedrops, each subject was seated in front of the OCT scanner and instructed to look at the internal fixation target. The subject's head was stabilized by a chin rest. The fundus of the subject eye was visualized on a real-time video display. The double circular scan pattern was centered on the optic disc. The frame rate was 4.2 circles per second for the Izatt prototype and six frames per second for the RTVue system. Scans were recorded over consecutive 2-second intervals. Five scans were performed on each eye.
Retinal blood flow was measured in post-processing by YW according to a previously described method.
25 Blood vessels were identified based on Doppler and reflectance images. For the Izatt system, the pixel dimensions are 12.6 μm in the transverse dimension (horizontal in image) and 3.7 μm in the axial dimension (vertical in image). For the RTVue system, the pixel dimensions are 11.2 μm in the horizontal dimension and 3.1 μm in the vertical dimension. Vessel diameter
D was measured by computer caliper on the cross-sectional Doppler OCT images and was used to compute lumen area (π
D 2/4). The arterial and venous cross-sectional areas for all branch vessels around the optic disc were summed separately to obtain the total arterial and venous areas for the eye. The Doppler angle, between the vessel and OCT beam, was measured by the relative position of each vessel in the two concentric OCT images. The effect of eye motion on the calculation of Doppler angle was small because of the short time interval between the inner and outer circular scans (0.17 second for the RTVue system and 0.25 second for the Izatt system). The error was further minimized by averaging the Doppler angle estimates from the four (Izatt system) or six (RTVue) pairs of concentric circular scans. Flow velocity was computed from the Doppler shift and Doppler angle, with steps to account for the effect of background retinal motion and transverse scan step size.
25 The Doppler angle in our study was small enough that the axial velocity component for the great majority of veins was within the range of the OCT systems used. When the peak axial Doppler shift was between π and 2π (or −π and −2π) at the center of the vessel, an unwrapping algorithm was applied automatically to allow valid flow measurement.
29 Doppler shifts of greater than ±2π did not occur in any vein in this data set. However, faster arterial velocities could cause multiple phase wrapping (>2π or <−2π), and we did not measure arterial flow because of this difficulty. Veins were identified by the flow direction toward the optic disc. Volumetric blood flow rate for each pixel was calculated by multiplying the velocity with pixel area. Flow F within a vein was calculated by summing the flow in the pixels over a rectangular area slightly larger than the lumen cross-section. Flow measurements were averaged over each 2-second recording. Measurements from all valid scans were averaged. Total retinal blood flow was calculated by summing flow from all detectable veins. Retinal blood flow in arteries and veins should have an equal sum because inflow must equal outflow in any steady state system that obeys the law of conservation of mass. This has been confirmed by actual measurements of retinal arterial and venous flows with a number of techniques.
9 Thus, measuring total venous flow alone is sufficient to quantify the total retinal blood flow. For each vein, the average velocity was obtained by F/(π
D 2/4), where
D was vessel diameter. Average arterial velocities were obtained by dividing the total retinal flow by the total arterial areas.