Posterior segment involvement in the context of HLA-B27–associated AAU has been well established, although the prevalence of posterior segment manifestations varies considerably in relevant literature, ranging from 0% to 62%.
4–10 The most common findings reported include vitritis, retinal vasculitis, papillitis, epiretinal membrane formation, and CME. As regards the latter manifestation, Uy et al. found its frequency in HLA-B27–associated AAU to be 13.7%.
9 In the present study, there was only one case of florid CME (1:36 patients, 2.8%), in a patient suffering from ankylosing spondylitis (patient 32). The proportion of patients in our series with concomitant HLA-B27–related spondyloarthropathies is similar to that reported in a previous analysis by Rosenbaum.
Few studies have tackled the issue of subclinical retinal thickening in AAU. These include a retrospective study by Castellano, which demonstrates a statistically significant difference in retinal thickness between the study and fellow eyes for all OCT subfields,
12 and the study by Traill, which shows significant thickness asymmetry between eyes of patients with typical unilateral AAU, as opposed to the control group.
13 Nevertheless, none of these studies incorporates in their design a scheduled follow-up that would allow study of the evolution of retinal thickness in the course of the disease and its response to treatment. A difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes was used to demonstrate that retinal thickening of affected eyes was statistically significant, thus not accounted for by physiologic variation, bearing in mind that retinal thickness of fellow eyes is strongly correlated under normal circumstances.
An individualized statistical approach was employed in this study, based on random intercept mixed models to approximate the clinical evolution of retinal thickness of the affected eye and its difference between affected and fellow eyes. The obtained curves show a striking homogeneity in the response of all macular subfields to inflammatory stimuli, with thickness asymmetry between affected and fellow eyes becoming clinically significant with a time lag of 1 week on average from baseline, presenting a steep increase over a period of 17 to 25 days, depending on the OCT subfield, and subsequently decreasing more gradually after reaching a maximal value. Although all OCT subfields included in the statistical analysis presented statistically significant retinal thickening, the phenomenon was more pronounced in the inner retinal ring surrounding the foveal zone, especially on its nasal side. This ring-like pattern of retinal thickening was also observed in the studies by Castellano and DeLahitte,
12,16 signifying a potential increased susceptibility of this anatomical region to thickening in response to inflammatory stimuli.
An important finding of the present study is the identification of a time lag between the onset of inflammatory activity and the point of maximal retinal thickening in the affected eye. This phenomenon was suggested in the study by Castellano, although a prospective study design was needed to confirm it.
12 This gradual, accumulative response of the retina to inflammatory stimuli may also account for the established presentation of CME in patients undergoing cataract surgery, with an onset several weeks following the procedure. It seems indeed that retinal response to inflammatory agents is not an all or none phenomenon; rather, retinal thickening progressively ensues in the course of an inflammatory episode, once the compensatory activity of the retinal pigment epithelium pump has been overwhelmed.
As the graphical representation of our findings eloquently demonstrates, there is a long-term persistence of minimal subretinal thickening of the affected eye at 3 months and beyond from baseline. This finding may suggest a chronic alteration of retinal anatomy following an episode of inflammation-related retinal thickening. Repeated inflammatory episodes may have a cumulative effect, increasing the susceptibility of the retina to thickening in response to inflammatory stimuli, though this hypothesis cannot be verified in the context of the present study design.
The use of laser flare photometry for the quantification of anterior chamber inflammation is well established and devoid of the subjectivity in measurements of anterior chamber flare and inflammatory cells by slit-lamp biomicroscopy.
18–20 In the study by de Ancos et al., peak flare values in HLA-B27–associated AAU occurred at baseline, with mean initial values of 160+22 photon units/ms, whereas a 50% reduction of flare was noted by day 2 of follow-up and a 90% reduction after day 8.
21 In the present study, a different pattern of evolution in flare values was observed, with a mean initial flare value of 118.16 photon units/ms and a reduction by 50% and 90% of the initial value after 14 and 57 days, respectively.
The association between severity of inflammation in the anterior chamber, as measured by anterior chamber cells, and retinal thickening identified in the study by Castellano is modest and limited to the outer ring of the OCT map.
12 On the other hand, in the study by De Lahitte et al. in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis–associated chronic anterior uveitis, the association between the degree of inflammation, as measured by laser flare photometry, and retinal thickening is not confirmed. That study, however, only examines mean foveal thickness and does not consider perifoveal areas of the OCT separately.
16 Gonzales et al. identify a positive correlation between increased flare values obtained by laser flare photometry and presence of CME in patients with uveitis of various origins,
22 whereas in the study by Magone et al. a significant correlation between extent of peripheral retinitis and laser flare photometry readings in patients with CMV retinitis is identified.
23 In our study, the association between laser flare photometry values and maximal retinal thickness of the affected eye was confirmed for all OCT subfields included in the statistical analysis.
A negative correlation between retinal thickness and visual acuity has been identified in patients with uveitic macular edema.
24 In the study by Castellano et al., a moderate correlation between visual acuity and retinal thickness of subfields outside the foveal center is reported.
12 In the present study no statistically significant association could be identified between visual acuity and retinal thickness either at baseline or at the end of follow-up, following the exclusion of a single patient suffering from amblyopia whose low visual acuity disproportionately affected statistical associations. Given that visual function in AAU is generally preserved and retinal thickening in the patients included in the present study was subclinical, we believe this study sample is unsuitable for investigating the association between retinal thickness and visual acuity.
Previous attempts to evaluate the effect of anterior chamber inflammation on retinal thickness were not focused on any particular cause of anterior uveitis. In the present study, only patients bearing the HLA-B27 antigen were included, as an increased susceptibility to the development of CME has been attributed to this group of patients.
4 Moreover, patients with HLA-B27–associated AAU constitute a homogenous group with distinct characteristics, suitable for assessing the effect of intraocular inflammatory activity on retinal thickness. This cohort of patients sharing a common inflammatory pattern served as a model for studying the response of retinal anatomy to inflammatory stimuli over time.
This study has certain limitations. The statistical model employed is complex, aiming at accommodating both anatomical and temporal evolution of retinal thickening in HLA-B27–associated AAU. While obtained estimates are in good agreement with observed values for the first 70 to 80 days of follow-up, the model fails to describe the long-term evolution of the observed phenomenon at 3 months and beyond. Curves for observed values were obtained by locally weighted scatterplot smoothing of individual values. Such curves are less accurate in graphical regions where there are fewer data points. Since our data were becoming scarcer with the length of follow-up, the right ends of the observed curves are likely to be inaccurate. This may partly explain the difference between observed and model-estimated values at times longer than 80 days from baseline. Moreover, although observed and estimated curves show considerable overlap, predicted values are marginally overestimated by the model. There was one patient with florid macular edema included in the study, though statistical analyses performed with and without this patient did not yield significantly different results.
In conclusion, our study demonstrated statistically significant, yet subclinical, retinal thickening of eyes affected by HLA-B27–associated AAU for all OCT subfields included in the statistical analysis. Retinal thickening of affected eyes, as well as difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes, remained significant throughout the follow-up period and presented a characteristic pattern of evolution of steep increase and then slower decrease until stabilization. Maximal retinal thickness of affected eyes correlated significantly with initial flare values, measured by automated flare photometry. The temporal evolution of retinal thickening in the course of an acute episode of HLA-B27–associated AUU may shed exciting new light into the response of retinal structures to inflammatory stimuli over time.