To generate a
Prkca −/− mouse, we replaced exon 2 of the PKCα gene with a neomycin cassette by using targeted deletion.
34 The
Prkca −/− mouse, originally generated to investigate the role of DAG/Ca
2+-sensitive PKCα in insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes and skeletal muscle, is viable and propagates normally, and its life expectancy does not appear to be restricted. As expected, immunocytochemical staining of
Prkca −/− retinal sections with anti-PKCα antibody were negative (
Fig. 1C), whereas wild-type retina showed prominent staining in bipolar cells and a subset of amacrine cells (
Fig. 1B). Regarding the retinal architecture, the thickness of
Prkca −/− outer (ONL) and inner (INL) nuclear layers appeared normal (
Fig. 1A). However, in some of the examined
Prkca −/− animals, mild atrophy was observed in the INL, but staining of the
Prkca −/− retinas for Pcp2 (Purkinje cell protein-2) showed no changes in the number of rod ON-bipolar cells in 9- to 12-month-old animals (
Fig. 1C). In addition, staining of the
Prkca −/− retinas for mGluR6 and kinesin revealed no changes in the synaptic connections between the rods and bipolar cells (
Figs. 1D,
1E). The
Prkca −/− photoreceptor function was not impeded (a-wave, described later), and the pupillary light reflex of knockout and control mice in the dark, determined by infrared pupillography (AmTech, Dossenheim, Germany), was indistinguishable (data not shown).