The mfVEPs were obtained from each eye using imaging software (VERIS 5.0; Electro-Diagnostic Imaging, San Mateo, CA). The stimulus display is shown in
Figure 1. The dartboard pattern consisted of 60 sectors, each with a checkerboard pattern of 16 checks, eight white (luminance = 200 cd/m
2) and eight black (luminance < 3 cd/m
2). The dartboard pattern had a radius of 22.3° and was displayed on a black-and-white monitor driven at a frame rate of 75 Hz. The 16-element checkerboard of each sector had a probability of 0.5 of reversing on any pair of frame changes, and the pattern of reversals for each sector followed a pseudorandom (m) sequence. On every frame change (every 13.3 ms), each sector could reverse contrast or stay at the same contrast. A refractor/camera was used to refract the subjects and monitor eye position and stability throughout the test. Subjects fixated on the center of a black cross in the middle of the display. Segments contaminated by eye movements, loss of fixation, unsteady fixation, or external noise were discarded and rerecorded.
The details of the mfVEP recording and analysis have been published previously (see Ref.
11 for review). Briefly, three channels of recording were obtained with gold cup electrodes. Recording electrodes were placed at the inion, 4 cm above the inion, and two lateral locations up 1 cm and over 4 cm to the left and right side of the inion. In addition to the three channels that were recorded, data for three other channels were derived from the difference between pairs of electrodes, as previously described.
11,12 Electrode impedance was <5 kW in all cases. Signals were amplified (preamplifier P511J; Grass Instruments, Quincy, MA), bandpass filtered from 3 to 100 Hz, and sampled at 1200 Hz. The mfVEPs were low-pass filtered using a sharp cutoff at 35 Hz and a fast Fourier transform technique. This and all other analyses were performed with programs written in computing software (MATLAB; The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA). The mfVEP records were processed, and an array of best channel responses were derived as previously described.
11 –13 Analyses were performed on the best responses from the six channels. The 60 responses selected for each eye defined the best array for that eye.
13 The amplitude of each of the 60 local responses were compared with those of a normative group,
14 and interocular (comparison of two eyes) and monocular probability plots, analogous to the HVF probability plots, were derived.
11,15 The normative group consisted of 100 subjects with visual acuity ≥20/30 in each eye, normal HVFs, and no evidence of any ocular or systemic disease. They ranged in age from 21 to 92 years; the mean age was 49 ± 13.6 years.
Figure 2 shows sample mfVEP responses, monocular and interocular probability plots, and HVF results obtained from both eyes of a patient with bilateral DH.