The AS-20 was completed by 348 adult strabismus patients at the time of their clinic examination in the strabismus practice of one of the authors (JMH). All questionnaires were self-administered without supervision. Median age was 52 years (range: 18 to 88 years). Two hundred and two (58%) were female and 330 (95%) described themselves as “white.” One hundred fifty-three (44%) had undergone previous surgery and 246 (71%) had diplopia at the time of questionnaire administration. Regarding etiology, 154 (44%) were childhood or idiopathic, 114 (33%) were neurogenic, 59 (17%) mechanical, and 21 (6%) sensory. Deviations were primarily exodeviations in 160 subjects (46%, median exodeviation at distance 20 prism diopters [pd], quartiles 14 pd, 35 and 27 pd at near, quartiles 14 pd, 45 pd), esodeviations in 116 (33%, median esodeviation at distance 20 pd, quartiles 10, 30, and 12 pd at near, quartiles 4 pd, 25 pd), vertical deviations in 60 (17%, median vertical deviation at distance 12 pd, quartiles 8, 19, and 12 pd at near, quartiles 5.5 pd, 22.5 pd), torsional deviations in 7 (2%, median absolute torsional magnitude 4°, quartiles 2°, 16°), and postoperative orthotropia in 5 (1%). Median visual acuity was 20/20 (range: 20/15 to 20/63) in the better eye and 20/25 (20/15 to hand motions) in the worse eye. Seventy-six subjects (22%) had ocular comorbidities, such as glaucoma or cataract.
All subjects gave informed consent. Data were collected and analyzed in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act guidelines and adhered to the tenants of the Declaration of Helsinki.