Apoptosis | | | |
NM_020507.3 | Transducer of ERBB2 (Tob2) | Antiproliferation of cells | −2.5 |
NM_016868 | Hypoxia inducible factor 3, alpha subunit (Hif3a) | Tumor suppressor | −2.2 |
NM_019635.2 | Serine/threonine kinase 3 (Ste20, yeast homolog) (Stk3) | MAPK signaling pathway Apoptosis | −2 |
NM_009805.4 | CASP8 and FADD-like Apoptosis regulator (Cflar) | FAS signaling pathway; Apoptosis | −2 |
NM_013874 | D4, zinc and double PHD fingers family 1 (Dpf1) | Induction of apoptosis | −2 |
NM_010562 | Integrin linked kinase (Ilk) | PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis | −1.9 |
NM_027318 | Zinc finger, HIT domain Containing 1 (Znhit1) | Induction of apoptosis | +3.1 |
NM_001128151 | Cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 2 homolog (human) (Cecr2) | Induction of apoptosis | +3.2 |
NM_009822 | Runt-related transcription factor 1; translocated to, 1 (cyclin D-related) (Runx1t1) | Induction of apoptosis | +3.4 |
Antiapoptosis | | | |
NM_008142 | Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta 1 (Gnb1) | Cell proliferation | −2.7 |
NM_078478 | Growth hormone inducible Transmembrane protein (Ghitm) | Antiapoptosis | −2.5 |
NM_007906 | Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 2 (Eef1a2) | Antiapoptosis | −2.4 |
NM_010480 | Heat shock protein 90, alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1 (Hsp90aa1) | Act with survivin, cell survival | −2.3 |
NM_008629 | Musashi homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Msi1) | Cell proliferation | −2.3 |
NM_017377 | UDP-Gal:betaglcnac beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase, Polypeptide 2 (B4galt2) | Cell proliferation | +2.5 |
NM_008774 | Poly A binding protein, cytoplasmic 1 (Pabpc1) | Regulation of eif4e and p70 S6 kinase, tumorigenesis | +3.4 |
NM_134062 | Death associated protein kinase 1 | Antiapoptosis | +5 |
NM_009324 | T-box 2 (Tbx2) | Cell proliferation | +6.4 |
| Frizzled-related protein (Frzb) | Cell differentiation | +7 |
Cell Cycle | | | |
NM_007840 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 5 (Ddx5) | Coactivator of p53 | −2.3 |
NM_023268 | Quiescin Q6 sulfhydryl oxidase 1 (Qsox1) | Cell growth, division Exit cell cycle for cell proliferation | −2 |
NM_144560 | Growth arrest-specific 2 like 1 (Gas2l1) | Cell cycle arrest | −1.8 |
NM_027276 | CDC16 cell division cycle 16 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Cdc16) | Cell cycle | +1.9 |
NM_008540 | MAD homolog 4 (Drosophila) (Smad4) | Cell cycle | +2 |
NM_007832 | Deoxycytidine kinase (Dck) | Cell cycle | +2 |
| Nipped-B homolog (Drosophila) (Nipbl) | Cell cycle | +2.3 |
Neuron/Retina/Eye Development | | | |
NM_024458 | Phosducin (Pdc) | Expressed at photoreceptor Outer segment | −2.8 |
NM_011664 | Ubiquitin B (Ubb) | Loss of Ubb leads to a progressive degenerative | −2.7 |
NM_001113330 | Cone-rod homeobox containing gene (Crx) | Disorder affecting neurons | −2.5 |
NM_053245 | Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting | Expressed at photoreceptor | −2.4 |
NM_007568 | Betacellulin, epidermal growth factor family member (Btc) | Over expression observed in abnormal retinal layers | −2.3 |
NM_033610 | Synuclein, beta (Sncb) | Highly expressed in Neuronal degeneration | −2 |
NM_010228.3 | Ferritin light chain 1 (Flt1) | Null leads to a progressive degenerative disorder affecting neurons | −2 |
NM_015745 | Retinol binding protein 3, interstitial (Rbp3) | Expressed in the RPE | −1.9 |
NM_011698 | Lin-7 homolog B (C. Elegans) (Lin7b) | Retina development | −1.9 |
NM_010348 | Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 1 (Grik1) | Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction | +1.8 |
NM_013625 | Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, beta1 subunit (Pafah1b1) | Neuronal migration and development | +2 |
NM_001008231 | Dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis2 (Daam2) | Neuronal cell differentiation | +2 |
NM_010733 | Leucine rich repeat protein 3 (Lrrn3) | Regulated expression in neuronal systems | +2 |
| Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 20 (Zbtb20) | Neuronal cell development | +2.4 |
NM_025985 | Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 1 (UBC7 homolog, C. Elegans) (Ube2g1) | ER-associated degradation (ERAD) Null led to a progressive degenerative disorder affecting neurons | +2.7 |
NM_030708 | Zinc finger homeodomain 4 (Zfhx4) | Expressed neuronal differentiation | +4 |
NM_144761 | Crystallin, gamma B (Crygb) | Eye development; structural constituent of eye lens | +9 |
NM_007776 | Crystallin, gamma D (Crygd) | Expressed neuronal differentiation; eye development | +10 |
Axon | | | |
NM_015748 | Slit homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Slit1) | Axon guidance | −6 |
NM_011952 | Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 (Mapk3) | Axon guidance | −2 |
NM_008138 | Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting 2 (Gnai2) | Axon guidance | −1.9 |
NM_173788 | Natriuretic peptide receptor 2 (Npr2) | Axon signal pathway | +2 |
NM_031255 | Radial spokehead-like 1 (Rshl1) | Cilium | +2 |
NM_007887 | Deubiquitinating enzyme 1 (Dub1) | Axon budding | +8 |
Oxidative Stress/ER Stress | | | |
NM_133779.2 | Phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class T (Pigt) | Induce neuron death by oxidative stress | −4 |
NM_010431.2 | Hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit (Hif1a) | Induce cell death by oxidative stress | −3 |
NM_007907 | Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (Eef2) | Increase under oxidative stress | −2 |
NM_031165.4 | Heat shock protein 8 (Hspa8) | Indicator of stress of neuron | −2 |
NM_027988.3 | NADPH oxidase organizer 1 (Noxo1) | Oxidative stress | −2 |
NM_011508 | Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 (Eif1) | Increase under oxidative stress | −1.7 |
NM_023371 | Protein (peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting 1 (Pin1) | Decrease under ER stress | +2 |
NM_001077510 | GNAS (guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha stimulating) complex locus (Gnas) | Calcium signaling pathway | +2 |
Anti Oxidant | | | |
NM_009729.3 | Atpase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit C (Atp6v0c) | Antioxidant | −2 |
NM_007747 | Cytochrome c oxidase, subunit Va (Cox5a) | Antioxidant | +3 |
Calcium Signaling | | | |
NM_009118 | Retinal S-antigen (Sag) | Calcium ion binding | −3 |
NM_022980 | Regulator of calcineurin 3 (Rcan3) | Calcium ion binding | −2 |
NM_146079 | Guanylate cyclase activator 1B (Guca1b) | Calcium ion binding | −2 |
NM_010017 | Dystroglycan 1 (Dag1) | Calcium ion binding | +2 |
NM_001077510 | GNAS (guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha stimulating) complex locus (Gnas) | Calcium signaling pathway | +2 |
ECM Regulation | | | |
NM_007984 | Fascin homolog 1, actin bundling protein (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) (Fscn1) | Actin binding; actin filament binding | +1.9 |
NM_017402 | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF7) (Arhgef7) | Regulation of actin cytoskeleton | +1.9 |
NM_026002.4 | Metadherin (Mtdh) | Cell junction | +1.9 |
NM_009931 | Collagen, type IV, alpha 1 (Col4a1) | Basement membrane; collagen | +2 |
NM_013592 | Matrilin 4 (Matn4) | Formation of filamentous networks in the extracellular matrices | +2 |
NM_023279 | Tubulin, beta 3 (Tubb3) | Cell communication; gap junction | +2 |
NM_007993 | Fibrillin 1 (Fbn1) | Extracellular matrix structural constituent | +2 |
NM_172544 | Neurexin III (Nrxn3) | Cell adhesion molecules | +3 |
Miscellaneous | | | |
NM_194060 | Forkhead box O6 (Foxo6) | Related to gene regulation | −5 |
NM_145625 | Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B (Eif4b) | Mtor signaling pathway | −2 |
NM_029376.2 | Spermatogenesis associated glutamate (E)-rich protein 4a (Speer4a) | - | +5 |