Although the factors that allow maintenance of binocular alignment in this model are likely complex and are not yet worked out, there are two most likely mechanisms. The first invokes Hering's law of equal innervation, a mechanism proposed to account for eye movement conjugacy. Hering's law postulates that to maintain conjugate gaze, the brain sends a similar command to yoked muscles. For vertical eye movements, a structural substrate does exist: premotor neurons project to yoked muscles of both eyes.
35 For horizontal eye movements, the picture is more complex. Internuclear neurons between the abducens nucleus and the oculomotor nuclei allow coactivation of synergistic muscles. Second, a strong body of research suggests that a large population of cranial motor neurons to the EOM selectively provide uniocular eye commands.
36 Although the brain sends specific signals for the left and right eyes, Hering may still be partly right, in that the ocularmotor system has innate systems that control and maintain conjugacy of both eyes. Evidence suggests that the posterior parietal cortex controls binocular coordination of saccades,
37 and that adaptations restore functional yoking of eyes to preserve conjugate gaze.
38 Our data demonstrate distinct properties relative to the innervation of the muscles themselves in relation to Hering's law. First, although nerve density is similar in the midregion of both the control MR and LR, within the tendon region a striking difference in innervation density is seen. This could be due to different myofiber numbers in the LR and MR muscles,
39 different proportions of multiply innervated myofibers in these two muscles,
40 the presence of greater numbers of short fibers within the MR,
41 or a combination of all these factors. Thus, “equal innervation” is more aptly called “proportional innervation,” and this proportionality must be maintained to retain conjugate gaze. After 3 months of sustained IGF-1 treatment, in the tendon region of the treated MR muscles innervation density increased 2-fold, although there was a 50-fold increase in the tendon region of the LR muscles in the orbit with the treated MR muscles (see
Figs. 4 and
5). The explanation for this difference is unclear. However, it supports the view that feedback of the imposed changes in the treated MRs was communicated to the brain, resulting in LR adaptation. One hypothesis is that abducens internuclear neuronal signaling that is provided to the yoked muscles controls this process (
Fig. 8). Although further studies are needed to dissect out the potential CNS mechanisms that control these adaptations, one has to assume that the coordinated nerve outgrowth in the untreated LR muscles was due to an active process. It is interesting to point out, however, that the same treatment given to an adult strabismic monkey, in that case being administered unilaterally, resulted in large bilateral reduction in the angle of eye deviation in primary gaze (McLoon LK, et al., unpublished data, 2010).