All tissues were assumed to be linearly elastic, isotropic, and homogeneous, and therefore their mechanical behavior is determined by their Young's moduli, which we parameterized, and their Poisson ratio, which we kept constant at 0.45, close to the incompressible limit of 0.5 (
Table 1). Several strategies were considered for selecting the ranges of material properties. For the scleral modulus we considered a range based on the literature,
5,39 based on the equilibrium moduli reported by Downs et al.
40 from uniaxial tests or based on averages of C
1111 and C
2222 at 10 mm Hg for young and adult monkeys reported by Girard et al.
41,42 from inflation tests. For the lamina modulus we considered ranges based on the literature,
5,39 based on ratios of lamina-to-sclera modulus or based on connective tissue volume density.
12,35 The main differences between the ranges were that those based on the literature allowed for slightly lower limits for scleral and lamina moduli (down to 1 and 0.1 MPa, respectively), and those based on inflation tests allowed for a higher limit for the scleral modulus (up to 34.5 MPa). After analysis, the material properties turned out to be among the most influential factors. Hence, we decided to evaluate the sensitivity of the results on the assumed material properties. For this we replicated the study, repeating all runs and analyses, using different material property ranges. Although varying the ranges affected slightly the relative influence of the factors, the main results remained consistent. Therefore, for clarity, we show results obtained with laminar properties based on the studies by Roberts et al.,
12,35 and scleral properties as an average of the values from the uniaxial
40 and inflation
41,42 tests, which were less than 10% different. Note that we use the term stiffness to represent the tissue mechanical properties, independent of geometry, and therefore cases with high or low Young's moduli are referred to as stiff or compliant, respectively. The concept of structural, or effective, stiffness is also useful and increasingly common,
13,21,42 since it combines the tissue mechanical properties with aspects of its geometry, such as thickness and shape.