Using full-field stimuli, we observed a smaller silent zone for active viewing than for passive viewing for both AMD and JMD subjects. Why should this be the case?
The active condition (picture vs. uniform field) is different from the passive condition (full-field checkerboard vs. foveal checkerboard) in three ways. First, in the picture condition, subjects performed an attention-demanding one-back task involving the whole scene, whereas in the checkerboard condition, subjects attended to the fixation cross and only passively viewed the radial checkerboards. It is possible that task-dependent feedback signals from higher cortical areas in the picture condition accounted for the smaller silent zone in the active condition. Second, in the picture condition, subjects were allowed free eye movements, whereas in the checkerboard condition, they were required to maintain fixation. This means that in the picture condition, the spatial extent of the peripheral visual field stimulation could vary over time because of changes in gaze direction. This difference might be expected to result in differential activation of the anterior region in the medial occipital cortex. However, free eye movements would not increase the amount of visual input in retinal regions near the boundary of the scotoma and might actually result in reduced stimulation of bounding retina if the eye movements displaced the scotoma beyond the edge of the display screen. Thus, variations in peripheral visual input because of eye movements do not appear to explain the reduced size of the inactive zone in the picture task. Third, the checkerboard had high contrast and flickered at 8 Hz, which is an effective stimulus for generating brain activity in early visual cortex and would be expected to produce greater activation than picture stimuli composed of static grayscale images. Once again, this is the reverse of what we found.
Given these considerations, the difference in activation patterns between the checkerboard and the picture stimuli was probably not caused by differences in low-level image properties; rather, it is likely that the difference was caused by attention and other top-down task-dependent processes.