Erratum in: “Anterior Chamber Angle Opening During Corneoscleral Indentation: The Mechanism of Whole Eye Globe Deformation and the Importance of the Limbus” by Rouzbeh Amini and Victor H. Barocas (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009;50:5288–5294) doi:
In Table 1, the values for fiber and matrix elasticity moduli were inadvertently misplaced. The correct values are 300 MPa and 1 MPa for the fiber and matrix, respectively.
In Figure 3b, the y-axis label should read Midperiphery Displacement/Apex Displacement.
Citation: Amini R, Barocas VH. Erratum in: Anterior chamber angle opening during corneoscleral indentation: the mechanism of whole eye globe deformation and the importance of the limbus.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009;50:5288–5294. DOI: