It is known that ectopic epithelia can give rise to vision degrading optical aberrations following LASIK surgery. With the data presented here, ectopic epithelia can now be considered a potential complication of surface ablation techniques as well. When the migrating epithelium enters a stromal layer, at least two complications have now been witnessed: either a scar promoting ectopic epithelial implant, or a refractive aberration inducing stromal inclusion in the epithelium.
The generation of the stromal flaps may be caused by incomplete layer removal by the laser and expansion via tear film proteinases, or they may be generated entirely by proteinases. Further work is necessary to identify the source of generation and expansion of these defects. Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), a collagenase, has been demonstrated to be necessary for hepatocyte growth factor–mediated epithelial migration. It could be that this necessary enzyme facilitates the invasion into the stroma once the epithelium is caught by one of the observed flaps. The necessity of the enzyme suggests that the proteinases might not be a good therapeutic target, and that at least one set of trials with collagenase inhibitors have not produced significant beneficial results to date.
Epithelial invasion of the stroma might also explain the link between increased haze with a less smooth stromal surface
4 ; as is seen experimentally following irregular PTK.
5,6 Ablating the wound surface in this manner would most certainly generate many severed stromal lamellae into which the epithelium could easily enter and be stimulated to generate more scar-inducing cytokines. If this is the case, then irregular PTK might not be a good model for clinically relevant defects following laser surgery in that it emphasizes this particular source of complications. The evidence presented here also suggests that control of stromal smoothness via control of the initial ablation might not be sufficient to ensure a smooth stromal surface throughout wound healing. While laser technologies have improved with time, the fact remains that the cornea is an irregular material comprised of interwoven fibrils of collagen
16 and that even a well-controlled cut will not leave complete stromal lamellae intact. While it is well known that immediate postsurgical roughness will drastically degrade the refractive surgery outcomes, the macrophotographic evidence presented herein indicates that postsurgical, host-derived roughening can occur secondary to the initially well-controlled laser ablation.
Ectopic epithelial cells can contribute to the overall light scatter in LASIK,
9 though the overall direct contribution appears to be small. The direct contribution of the ectopic epithelial cells seen in this study has yet to be investigated. The evidence from the cell tracing experiment reported here would suggest it is low, while the initial gross histology data from the rabbit corneas suggest it might be higher. It has been reported that in photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)–ablated corneas treated with mitomycin-C (MMC), that there was a residual haze not remedied by MMC, indicating a source of haze other than myofibroblasts.
17 Haze generation caused directly by epithelial implants would not be addressed by MMC, though it remains to be demonstrated whether the haze in these cases is cellular or matrix derived. In seeking to quantify the incidence of ectopic epithelia using historical SA samples, looking for implanted epithelium using α-SMA and seeking regions within the fibrotic scar that were α-SMA negative would not suffice. Epithelia produce α-SMA in response to proscarring growth factors, though it is distributed in a more globular pattern that the fibrous pattern seen in myofibroblasts.
18 This is seen during wound healing in the cornea as well (
Fig. 5) where the basal epithelium has a diffuse staining for α-SMA versus the more organized appearance in the stromal myofibroblasts. Previous work with experimentally implanted epithelia indicate that keratin 3 (K3) can differentiate the ectopic epithelium from the surrounding stroma for at least 1 month after implantation.
10 Future inclusion of micrographs stained for K3 could begin to elucidate the incidence of ectopic epithelia following surface ablations in corneas derived from experimental models and from donor cornea tissues from those who had an SA surgery prior to death.
The appearance of substantial stromal material in the epithelium now provides another mechanism for the generation of higher order refractive aberrations. Neither the magnitude of effect nor the frequency of incidence with significant numbers of samples was addressed in this study. Of particular interest was that the stromal mass appeared to be acellular. If this is the case, then clinical examination via in vivo confocal microscopy of sites on the cornea with such surface aberrations might reveal acellular deposits in the epithelium, which may be easily addressed via an epithelial scrape to remove the mass.
The experiments performed herein were conducted by a nonclinician researcher using a clinic-grade laser in good repair under the guidance of a clinical ophthalmologist and in accord with the manufacturer's instructions. While it does remain a possibility that there may have been postsurgical roughness, it was not grossly observable until the wounds were observed 24 hours later. This very strongly indicates that the primary source of the observed flaps was secondary to wounding, though it remains a possibility that the biological response amplified unobservable roughness, which could have been created during lasing. Additionally, these experiments were conducted in model animals, which are different from humans. However, these model animals share the same general stromal structure of interwoven stromal lamellae that overlap one another in a rotated alternating pattern with some lamellar interweaving. This basic general tissue structure would still be expected to result in incompletely dissected or ablated stromal lamellae in humans, and these lamellae would face similar proteolytic stresses during wound healing. That said, additional experiments are being planned to seek out the incidence of these complications using donor corneas in a manner similar to that which was done by Dawson et al. with corneas that had a history of LASIK.
9 However, unlike the LASIK corneas, we would likely need to employ immunofluorescent identification given that a highly reflective necrotizing ectopic epithelial cells present in a PRK or PTK cornea would be surrounded by similarly highly reflective myofibroblasts, making identification via ex vivo confocal microscopy much more difficult.
The discovery of this new source of complications that can cause light scatter and refractive abnormalities gives rise to a new model to explain the sources of complications following surface ablation techniques. Following the ablation (
Fig. 6A), the epithelium migrates to cover the defect and occasionally, it can enter the stroma at one or more of the residual stromal flaps (
Fig. 6B). The invasion can be resolved in at least two distinct ways (
Fig. 6C): (1) the epithelium stops at some point and becomes an ectopically implanted “island” or “peninsula” of cells (
Fig. 1B); or (2) it can continue to migrate and completely delaminate the stromal lamellae generating a contour inducing inclusion in the epithelium (
Fig. 2D). Within this model, the myofibroblasts are still believed to contribute the preponderance of light scatter, but the ectopic epithelia are expected to give rise to additional myofibroblasts in the region of implantation based on the results of surgically implanted epithelia in LASIK flaps.
10 Knowledge of these complicating events may enable further refinements and improvements in clinical outcomes following surface ablation techniques—though additional work is necessary to better determine the incidence of these complications and the magnitude of their effects.