In our study, irradiation led to the invasion of the eye by inflammatory cells. These cells transformed to a glialike CD11c+ cell type and F4/80-expressing retinal macrophages. The recruitment of blood-derived inflammatory cells into the eye after irradiation was inhibited both by shielding of the animal's head, thereby excluding the retinal tissue from irradiation, and by using clodronic acid to eliminate the macrophages. An increased recruitment of blood-derived glial and inflammatory cells to the overlying retina was observed only after unshielded irradiation. In an interesting finding, when the retina and head were shielded, attraction of inflammatory cells from the blood was not observed after induction of pathologic angiogenesis in the choroid. This finding demonstrates that the physiological turnover of retinal glia cells is largely accelerated and activated after irradiation of the retina.
Classification and statistical assessment of the severity of radiation retinopathy remain difficult, in part because of the prolonged quiescence between application of the radiation and the manifestation of deterioration. Most of the data available are from clinical observations,
32–34 comprising a vast compendium of effects on the retinal vasculature due to different doses of radiation. Chacko
34 suggested that 3500 cGy is the maximum tolerable dose for the retina when given as a single fraction. Radiation retinopathy does not occur at doses below 3.5 Gy. However, there are other reports indicating that radiation retinopathy occurs after a minimal dose to the retina of 11 Gy.
In our experiments, lethal treatment required 11.0 Gy (2 × 5.5 Gy) for unshielded, full-body radiation and 16.0 Gy (2 × 8 Gy) for head-shielded irradiation. In other studies, the investigators used 9.5 Gy each for total-body irradiation
19,36 ; others used fractionated doses of 2 × 5.0 Gy
22 or 2 × 6.0 Gy.
23 Several reports did not specify irradiation doses.
18,20 The dose used in our experiments is within this range.
Using that dose, we achieved transduction rates of more than 50% in all groups, starting 1 month after irradiation. Transduction rates increased with time. Control animals without GFP transplantation showed the insufficient regeneration ability of the remaining bone marrow.
Doses for lethal irradiation may differ, depending on the mouse strain, as they do for different species.
37,38 Even doses of 16 Gy, which were necessary to generate a lethal dose in the shielded animals, did not result in an invasion of the retinal tissue by GFP
+ cells.
Most published papers allow for a 3-month time period to establish stable chimerism (e.g., Ref.
19). In agreement with these publications, we did not find any pronounced invasion of cells into the retinal tissue in any of the groups during an observation period of less than 3 months after irradiation. Only thereafter did the number of extravasal GFP
+ cells in the retinal tissue increase in the unshielded radiated animals.
One could postulate that the lack of microglial invasion after shielding is related to a lesser transformation rate. In our experiments, the transformation rate in the unshielded group increased from 75% after 4 months to up to 83.6% after 7 months. At the same time, retinal cell invasion of GFP
+ cells increased by fourfold from 336 ± 230 to 1306 ± 275. Four months after irradiation, the transformation rate in shielded animals was similar to that in the nonshielded group and reached 63.3% after 4 months, with a further increase thereafter. However, in shielded animals, we did not find extravasal GFP
+ cells, notwithstanding successful chimeric transformation. Thus, it can be assumed that the invasion of GFP
+ cells is independent of the transformation rate. Furthermore, a regular cell turnover
24 can be ruled out, as the shielded animals, notwithstanding reception of a residual dose of 600 cGy, did not show any GFP
+ cell invasion of the retina for up to 10 months. Similarly, there was no co-localization of F4/80 and CD11c with the GFP, indicating that there was no significant turnover in the residential glia cells within the retinal tissue.
The phenotype of pathologic changes in unshielded animals including macrophage and dendritic cell invasion seems to resemble that of inflammatory diseases.
39 Macrophages and inflammatory cells are known to play a major role in the development of vascular alterations in entities primarily not considered inflammatory diseases, such as retinopathy of prematurity,
40 diabetes,
9,10 and CNV.
29,41 Of interest, these inflammatory diseases seem to ameliorate radiation retinopathy in humans
32 as well as in experimental animals.
42 Nevertheless, there are studies indicating that irradiation alone is sufficient to cause macrophage invasion of the retina.
This notion is in accordance with our data demonstrating that irradiation of the retinal tissue was responsible for microglia and macrophage activation and invasion of the retinal tissue. Similarly, Xu et al.
24 showed an increased number of GFP
+ myeloid cells in the retina in a mouse model of bone marrow transplantation after total-body irradiation with 8 or 10 Gy. Unfortunately, they did not have a shielded control in their experiments.
Six months after irradiation, Xu et al.
24 indicated that all retinal myeloid cells were GFP
+. In contrast, we found that about half of the GFP
+ cells showed co-localized staining with CD11c or F4/80 markers 4 months after irradiation, and the ratio was constant for up to 7 months. Our results indicate that, besides the GFP
+ cells that are derived from the bone marrow, residential microglia cells and macrophages (that stained positive for CD11c and F4/80, but were negative for GFP) were present. These residential cells, as well as blood-derived cells, became activated and increased in number.
The normal distribution of immunocompetent cells in the human retina has been described by Yang et al.
39 Before irradiation, a regular distribution of F4/80 and CD11c was present in the mouse retina. After head-shielding, there was neither increased recruitment of bone-marrow–derived cells nor visible changes in the distribution of residential cells, despite higher irradiation doses. The data indicate that irradiation of the retinal tissue causes activation of resident macrophages and microglia. Activated macrophages and microglia may in turn release attractant signals and further increase the recruitment and homing of circulating monocytes into the retina. Further experiments are needed to investigate the mechanism by which these residential macrophages and glia cells become activated and increase in number after irradiation.
Our data show that the GFP cell invasion after long-term transplantation cannot be explained by physiological cell turnover, as indicated by Xu et al.
24 Contrasting previous data with those on HSCs
18,20,44 produced the interesting result that the number of extravasal GFP
+ microglial cells and macrophages in our experiments exceeded by far the number of elongated GFP
+ perivascular cells. Endothelial progenitor cells resemble a small fraction of the bone marrow and possibly require specific homing factors for incorporation into the vessel wall.
45 In the current experiments, we used whole bone marrow for transplantation. We did not observe integration of GFP
+ cells into the endothelial cell wall, even 7 months after unshielded irradiation when plenty of microglia cells were found in the retinal tissue. There were, however, few perivascular CD11c/GFP
+ cells.
Our data further suggest that the primary site of injury is the retinal tissue, as shielded animals did not demonstrate microglia invasion. If activation of the vascular endothelial cells plays a major role, one would expect, to a greater extent, the adhesion of GFP+ cells to the retinal endothelial cells.
Systemic depletion of inflammatory cells by clodronic acid significantly reduced the inflammatory response; however, it did not completely inhibit GFP
+ cells from invading the retina. Inhibition of bone marrow macrophage extravasation by clodronic acid results in a reduction of inflammatory neovascularization in different models.
46,47 Clodronate liposomes elicit selective depletion of macrophages by apoptosis
48,49 and have been studied in systems demonstrating their insensitivity toward other cell types.
49–51 In our experiments, clodronic acid in liposomes were applied systemically. When applied 3 months after total-body irradiation, clodronate led to a significant inhibition of microglial and perivascular recruitment of GFP
+ cells, compared with that in control animals treated with empty liposomes. This result supports the theory that irradiation of the retinal tissue leads to signals that result in an accelerated turnover of retinal microglia cells and an attraction of inflammatory cells to the retinal tissue.
By giving clodronate systemically, we reduced the number of systemic macrophages, in contrast to the role of residential microglia in the growing retinal vasculature: Checchin et al.
52 distinguished the role of systemic macrophages from that of resident retinal microglia by administering clodronate liposomes, either intraperitoneally or intravitreally. In accordance with our experiments, intraperitoneal clodronate liposomes diminished systemic macrophages by approximately 70%. Of note, the retinal vascularity was indistinguishable between animals injected intraperitoneally with clodronate liposomes or PBS. The depletion of resident retinal microglia by intravitreal injection, however, reduced developmental vessel growth and density. This effect was restored by intravitreal injection of microglial cells, which indicates a prominent role for resident retinal microglia, as opposed to systemic macrophages in normal retinal blood vessel formation.
52 In our experiments, systemic depletion of macrophages and microglia cells was effective because of the retinal damage by irradiation that attracts systemic macrophages and facilitates migration of circulating monocytic cells across the blood–retinal barrier.
Along these lines, we found increased TUNEL staining in the retinal tissue after irradiation. One could suggest that the increase in the number of ganglion cells and neuronal cells in the INL that undergo apoptosis may play a role in the recruitment of macrophages and microglia cells and vice versa. Similar effects have been discussed for diabetic retinopathy.
53 Shielding of the head and thus of the retinal tissue from irradiation led to a diminution of neuronal apoptosis.
Several studies have focused on the role of macrophages in regulating the growth of pathologic new vessels underneath the retina, so-called CNV (e.g., Ref.
47). Nevertheless, no research has been performed to evaluate the role of inflammation as a mechanism of vision loss and retinal degeneration in the retina overlying the CNV. We combined laser-induced CNV in mice and bone marrow transplantation with GFP
+ cells to determine the relative role of recruited blood-derived macrophages versus resident microglia in the retina overlying the CNV lesions. In a similar chimeric model, after laser photocoagulation, Caicedo et al.
54 showed that infiltration with blood-derived macrophages precedes pathologic changes in the retina, causing endogenous glial cell (Müller cell) activation. In accordance with our data, they found a response localized to the retina overlying the neovascular lesion in the absence of generalized inflammation of the eye. In contrast, the density of resident microglia did not increase.
54 Our data further supplement these findings by demonstrating that recruitment of microglial cells to the retina is dependent on preconditioning of an inflammatory state of the retina by irradiation. We were able to demonstrate that shielding of the mouse heads similarly resulted in a lack of GFP
+ cells in the retinal vasculature overlying the CNV lesions; however, it did not affect recruitment of GFP
+ cells to the CNV lesions. Thus, irradiation of the retinal tissue results in an accelerated by prerecruitment of activated circulating macrophages to the damaged retina after irradiation. This result is in accordance with the data by Caicedo et al. showing that depleting circulating macrophages with clodronic acid diminishes the density of F4/80-immunoreactive cells as well as the density of pERK-immunoreactive Müller cells in the retina under CNV.
54 Residential endogenous glia of the retina, however, activated via irradiation, may send signals that further increase inflammatory cell recruitment and homing within the eye. In conclusion, the CNV-induced retinal damage is associated with recruitment of blood-derived macrophages rather than residential retinal microglia.
Taken together, the evidence shows that irradiation of retinal tissue causes increased apoptosis of the neuronal cells and is associated with an increased attraction of blood-derived macrophages and increased microglial activation and turnover. Shielding of the head can prevent these mechanisms and should be considered for long-term experiments in chimeric mice. Lethal unshielded radiation combined with GFP bone marrow transplantation could serve as a long-term animal model for inflammatory retinopathy providing a straightforward means of microglial tracing that may improve our knowledge of inflammatory entities, including diabetic retinopathy.
Supported by DFG Jo 324 6-2 (Emmy Nöther Foundation), DFG Jo 324/10-2 and DFG SFB 612 (AMJ).