The accommodative lag was clearly greater in the PRVS group, and, for this group, the colored background reduced the accommodative lag, although it did not reach the same level as in either control group. However, it is striking that in control group 2, there was a significant effect of color, and it was in the opposite direction from that observed in the PRVS group. Indeed in both control groups, the lag of accommodation was larger, with the colored background. In the PRVS group, the lag of accommodation was smaller with the colored background. The reversal in the direction of the effect of color for the PRVS and control groups cannot be attributed to ceiling and floor effects (i.e., to the lower overall lag of accommodation seen in the control groups).
There was an effect of target stimulus, similar for both control group 1 and PRVS groups (but not seen in control group 2): the accommodation response was slightly greater for the grating than for the cross. The difference was only 0.1 D and therefore was not clinically significant; both stimuli elicited an adequate accommodative response.
Previous studies used either a Hartinger coincidence optometer
20 or an open-field autorefractor.
11 –13 Although the open-field autorefractor allowed targets in real space to be used, it necessitated objects in the field of view close to the eyes and nearer than the target. Proximal accommodation may therefore still have been evoked.
25,33,34 Chase et al.
12 using a Grand Seiko WAM-5500 autorefractor (Seiko, Tokyo, Japan) showed a greater lag of accommodation in individuals with high visual discomfort scores, but only after prolonged recording. There was no difference in accommodative lag between individuals with PRVS and control subjects in the study by Simmers et al.,
11 but the sample size was small and the measurement duration was short. However, it is possible to discern in their data a small difference in the same direction as that obtained in the present study. Ciuffreda et al.
20 found no difference in accommodative response with or without colored lenses. The present study differed from previous studies in that the refractive power was measured remotely with an instrument at a distance of 1 m with no proximal stimuli.
Measurements of accommodative response have been shown to be influenced by the spatial frequency of the target in both static
7,35 and dynamic measurements.
36,37 Simmers et al.
11 used a Maltese cross as a target and Chase et al.
12 a five-pointed star, both of which would have provided energy at low spatial frequencies. In the present study, we compared two stimuli—a small cross and a grating—and showed a slightly greater accommodative lag for the former. The cross was evidently a sufficient stimulus for accommodation, given that the accommodative response was within normal limits, but may nevertheless have provided a slightly weaker stimulus to accommodation compared with the gratings. The gratings provided contrast energy in one meridian only, but this was the meridian in which the PowerRefractor measured accommodation.
Pupil diameters <2.0 mm have been found to increase depth of focus, but in the present study, pupil diameters were in a range (3.5–6.6 mm) that produces fairly stable blur sensitivity.
38 The lack of a significant difference in pupil size between groups and the marginally larger pupil size in the PRVS group combine to indicate that the accommodative findings are independent of pupil size.
The color of the background was not related to the size of the accommodative lag or to the refractive error. It did not appear that the color of the background acted to reduce the effects of chromatic aberration, because there was no association between the dominant wavelength and the magnitude of the refractive error or accommodative lag.
There are a number of potential mechanisms by which color may have improved the accommodative response (reduced the lag of accommodation) in the PRVS group. First, Chase et al.
39 measured the subjective speed matches between L-, M-, and S-cone–isolating stimuli in good and poor readers and suggested that differences in L/M- cone ratios in the retina may contribute to reading difficulties. As the L/M ratio influences accommodation,
40 then changing the L/M excitation with color will change the accommodative response. Second, if the text is found to be uncomfortable for the reader (PRVS group) because of cortical overactivation,
21 then blur would reduce such activation by contrast reduction. If color reduces overactivation, then a reduced lag of accommodation may result.
Irrespective of the color of the background, the variability in accommodation (accommodative microfluctuation) was greater for control group 1 than the PRVS group, which showed the greater accommodative response. This is unsurprising as Day et al.
41 have shown that a greater accommodative response results in a larger variability in the response. The present RMS values are high, but within the range shown by Anderson et al.
32 which was 0.1 to 0.7 D for a 2-D response amplitude, even in older participants.
These findings with respect to accommodative microfluctuations add to the inconsistencies in the literature. Tosha et al.
13 used monocular viewing and showed a larger variability in accommodation at close viewing distances, but no differences between groups with high and low visual discomfort scores. Simmers et al.
11 showed a greater variability of accommodation in a small group with PRVS and a reduction in the variability with colored filters.
Plainis et al.
42 suggested that lag of accommodation may be influenced by the change in spherical aberration that occurs during accommodation. Indeed, it has recently been shown that inducing negative spherical aberration in myopes can increase the accommodative response and reduce any lag of accommodation present.
43 In several studies,
44 –49 the changes in both spherical aberration and other higher-order aberrations during accommodation have been examined, but with variable results. In general, spherical aberration tends to change with increasing accommodative effort, from an initially slightly positive value toward a negative value. The various relationships between image quality, higher order aberrations, and accommodation are still unsettled, and it remains possible that manipulation of aberrations affects accommodation and thereby PRVS.
The spatial frequency of the target viewed during accommodation measurements was 1.3 cyc/deg and lower than that at which the pattern glare was measured in sessions 2 and 5. The spatial frequency of the target grating was low relative to that optimal for the induction of illusions. The spatial frequency of the target grating was a compromise between the requirements to provoke illusions and those necessary to avoid extreme discomfort. We wished to reduce the blinks and gaze aversion associated with extreme discomfort, because they would have interfered with the recording. Using a 1.3-cyc/deg grating rather than the more aversive 3-cyc/deg grating leaves open the possibility that accommodation might have been even more adversely affected in PRVS subjects had a 3-cyc/deg target been used.
A major strength of the present study is that it was double masked. The instructions to participants are known to influence the accommodative response,
50 but could not have affected the findings because both the experimenters and participants were unaware of the allocation of groups or the relevance of the measurements undertaken.
In all previous studies cited herein, the participants viewed the stimuli monocularly with the nonviewing eye occluded with a patch. Another strength of the present study is that the participants viewed the stimuli under normal binocular reading conditions. Seidel et al.
51 showed that binocular viewing resulted in accommodative responses that were more accurate (showed less lag of accommodation) than those obtained under monocular viewing.
Chase et al.,
12 who used the Conlon Visual Discomfort questionnaire, found accommodative lag to be correlated strongly with symptoms of headache, blur, and diplopia, but not with distortions of text. The participants in the present study were selected on the basis of pattern glare scores, which have been shown to predict the improvement in reading speed with colored filters
23 better than symptom questionnaires.
The differences in accommodative lag observed in the present study were within the range for which associated blur is tolerated. Within this range, central mechanisms that are independent of optical factors may predominate. The chromaticity of illumination individually chosen to reduce perceptual distortion has been shown to improve reading speed. If the chromaticity of illumination differs from the optimal chromaticity by a separation of ∼0.07 in the CIE UCS diagram, the color offers no improvement.
52 It will be interesting in future work to determine whether the accommodative changes found in this study have similar chromatic specificity, and, if so, whether the reduction in accommodative lag is long lasting.