To examine the role of complement factor H in the ocular complement regulatory system, we analyzed the expression of complement-related genes in neuroretinas and RPE/choroid of young and old WT and Cfh−/− mice. With age, several complement genes were upregulated in both the neuroretina and RPE/choroid of WT mice.
The profile of murine ocular complement gene expression has been analyzed previously, and although there is some disagreement with regards to the neuroretinal up-regulation of complement factors,
11,13 it is generally agreed that RPE/choroid displays increased expression of certain complement factors with age.
11,12 From our results, however, it is evident that this increase coincides with a neuroretinal upregulation of complement inhibitors, possibly to control bystander damage of the photoreceptors.
Compared to WT, the CFH-deficient mice displayed most of the same changes in complement expression with age with one notable difference: there was no age-dependent increased neuroretinal expression of
Cd59a. The murine gene encoding CD59 is duplicated;
Cd59a represents the main regulator of membrane-attack complex (MAC) assembly and is widely expressed, while
Cd59b is expressed only in testis.
17 In agreement with our data, the human retina, rat, and murine eyecups have abundant CD59a expression in the photoreceptor and outer plexiform layers, while the RPE expression is weak.
9,18–21 Collectively, this might explain the visual functional deficits and morphological changes in the
Cfh −/− mouse retina with age. Specifically, lack of CFH caused increased deposition of
C3 around the photoreceptor outer segments in the neuroretina
22 corresponding to the expression pattern of CD59a in WT mice.
Experimental laser photocoagulation of Bruch's membrane in mice results in choroidal neovascularization (CNV) via complement activation. Thus, C3 and MAC were reported deposited in sites of experimental CNV, and loss of complement function or delivery of CD59a reduced CNV formation in studies using this model.
23–26 Notably, laser-induced acute complement activation included a transient decrease in CD59a expression.
24 Thus, expression of CD59a may decrease in the context of increased complement activation.
In ARPE19 cells, CD59 expression was shown to increase in response to T cell-derived mediators.
27 Primary cultures of human RPE cells also upregulated CD59 expression in response to TNFα or IL1β, but cultured murine RPE cells failed to do so.
18 Further, oxidative stress increased expression of CD59 in an epithelial cell line derived from human lung,
28 whereas the expression was decreased in ARPE19.
29 LPS induced upregulation of CD59 in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
30 and in human monocytes,
31 whereas murine bone marrow-derived macrophages stimulated with IFNγ and LPS or immune complex and LPS downregulated expression of
32 It is not known, whether these differences are caused by different stimulation, demands for costimulation, or actually reflect differences in the regulation of CD59 between human and mouse. Together, the reports do support a tissue-specific regulation of CD59, which may be a consequence of complex control at the transcriptional level.
Although the total loss of CFH-function in
Cfh−/− mice does not accurately reflect the relative loss of function in the AMD risk-conferring CFH
Y402H genotype, similarities have been reported. As such, it was shown that RPE from donors with the CFH
HH402 genotype had a tendency to decreased expression of CD59 compared with RPE from the CFH
YY402 donors,
18 while there was an increased content of MAC in human RPE/choroid from individuals with the CFH
HH402 genotype.
34 And in a gene expression study on a few donor eyes, a tendency to decreased expression of CD59 in retina and RPE/choroid from AMD patients was shown.
9 Notably, several studies have demonstrated increased plasma levels of complement regulators and split-products in AMD patients, in particular with the CFH
HH402 genotype,
5–8 which thus might act to decrease ocular expression of CD59 and/or increase ocular deposition of MAC. In support of this, systemic virus infection in mice resulting in acute complement activation induced a transient 2-fold decrease in
Cd59a expression in RPE/choroid (Faber C. unpublished data) and a decreased density of CD59 on peripheral monocytes have been reported in patients with neovascular AMD.
35 Collectively, the retinal damage in AMD could be the result of a local decrease in CD59 expression in response to increased systemic complement activation.
Increased density of MAC in human choroid has previously been associated with loss of RPE and AMD severity.
36 Unlike MAC and the negative regulators MCP/CD46, CFH, vitronectin, and clusterin, CD59 is one of a few complement-related molecules, which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been identified in drusen.
3,4,9 While negative results have to be interpreted with caution, it does support our hypothesis that down-regulation of CD59 is an early event in AMD pathogenesis.
Deficiency of CFH was inconsequential to hepatic expression of the complement genes tested. Specifically,
Cd59a was upregulated with age both in WT and
Cfh−/− mice, thus validating that the lack of neuroretinal upregulation of
Cd59a is not caused by a systemic defect of
Cd59a regulation in the
Cfh−/− mice. Unlike the RPE/choroid, the hepatocytes did not increase expression of
C3 and
Cfb, which suggests that ocular expression of complement genes is influenced by changes in the local microenvironment. This might include accumulation of waste products from the visual cycle
37 or oxidative damage.
38 Nevertheless, hepatic complement gene expression probably also changes in response to stimuli, accordingly it has been reported that expression of several complement genes, including
C3 and CFB, is higher in adult compared with fetal human liver.
In summary, we have shown that the age-related increased expression of complement in RPE/choroid is upheld by an increased neuroretinal expression of negative regulators. The lack of neuroretinal upregulation of Cd59 with age constitutes the main difference between WT and Cfh−/− mice, which might explain the functional deficits and altered retinal morphology of aged Cfh −/− mice.