The current study demonstrates a novel and important effect of MP augmentation on visual performance among healthy subjects without ocular disease. Across a broad range of testing modalities and conditions, visual performance improved significantly among subjects who exhibited a significant rise in MPOD. Specifically, improvements in contrast sensitivity (across virtually all spatial frequencies, under daytime and nighttime conditions, with and without glare conditions), and improvements in VA, were demonstrated in subjects supplemented with all three macular carotenoids, but no such observations were seen in the placebo control subjects or in subjects supplemented with L and Z (but not MZ). It is likely that these improvements in contrast sensitivity, both with and without glare, are clinically meaningful. The improvements may be of value, for example, to patients who fail to meet contrast sensitivity requirements to fulfill eligibility criteria for driving where measures of contrast sensitivity are a mandatory component of such testing (in the European Union, e.g.), and may represent the difference between eligibility and noneligibility to drive. The data support the view that MP influences visual performance through its optical filtration effects,
3–6 as the glare test protocol included an LED glare source that exhibited a short-wavelength peak emission profile matching the known spectral absorbance of MP. The observed improvements in acuity and contrast sensitivity, however, are less consistent with a solely optical explanation. The stimuli used, however, do contain a relatively small short wavelength component. It is possible, therefore, that MP augmentation results in optical image enhancement through a reduction of the deleterious effects of chromatic aberration and light scatter, and thereby improves VA and contrast sensitivity for such spectrally broadband stimuli. It is also possible that the macular carotenoids, which are intracellular compounds,
1 also play a neurobiologic role, thereby contributing to, and/or facilitating, optimal neurophysiologic performance, and, hence, visual function (the limits of spatial vision represent the combined influence of optical and neural efficiency limits). Observations on the relationship between MP and temporal visual function,
36,37 high concentrations of L and Z in the primary visual cortex,
45 and the influence of L supplementation on cognitive function,
40 do suggest a neurophysiologic role for these compounds, the so-called
neural efficiency hypothesis.