The main effects of light-induced cell death have been shown to involve ROS production and activation of apoptotic signaling pathways.
30 Excessive light exposure induces many ROSs, and ROS production can be overcome by a retinal defensive mechanism; that is, increasing antioxidative proteins, such as SOD.
31 It has been reported that SOD is induced in the rat retina after light exposure,
32 and mutant SOD1 mice also have been shown to be highly susceptible to environmental light-induced retinal degeneration.
33 These reports indicate that many superoxide radicals (O
2 −) are induced by light exposure and that they are associated with retinal dysfunction or cell death,
34 although ROS have been implicated in the regulation of many important cellular events, including transcription-factor activation,
35 gene expression,
36 and cell proliferation.
37 Additionally, superoxide radicals (O
2 −) can change hydroxyl radicals (·OH), which can critically injure the DNA and the cell membrane.
38 For this reason, it is conceivable that oxidative stress is associated with a light-induced retinal damage mechanism. In this study, expression levels of SOD1 and Prdx1, two antioxidant proteins, were not changed by disruption of MTs (
Figs. 1G,
1H). The amount of antioxidant proteins may be altered at other time point, and these proteins may provide a compensatory mechanism in MT-I/II–deficient mice, whereas they could not compensate for MT-III deficiency. MT-III exhibits the most efficient protective effect against OH-induced DNA single-strand breaks compared to that of MT-I/-II.
39 MT-I/-II has been reported to be upregulated in rodent models of RP, rd1 mice, rds mice, and Royal College of Surgeons rat retinas, but this upregulation did not coincide with the onset of photoreceptor cell loss.
40 The inability to produce endogenous MT-I/-II is not associated with the loss of photoreceptors induced by hyperbaric oxygen exposure.
41 These results suggested that MT-I/-II does not have a pivotal role in protecting against light-induced retinal photoreceptor cell loss, whereas MT-III has a neuroprotective effect possibly due to its strong interaction with ROS. In addition, MT-III is known as a neuronal growth inhibitory factor that interacts with many proteins.
42 Taken together, our results indicated that MT-III may exert an important neuroprotective influence over retinal photoreceptor cells, with antioxidant activity and/or other protection mechanisms. Previously, we reported that MT-II was increased in NMDA-treated retina, especially ganglion cell layer (GCL) and inner plexiform layer, and that the GCL in MT-I/II–deficient mice exhibited increased vulnerability to NMDA.
22 Moreover, the present in vitro studies revealed that MT-III has an antioxidant effect and a protective effect against light-induced cell death in cultured photoreceptor cells (
Figs. 4,
5). Taken together with previous and present data, MT-I/II may have an important role in GCL mainly, and MT-III may exert its protective effects in ONL and photoreceptor cells in acute models. Detailed studies of MT-III localization in retina will contribute to elucidate the functions of the different MT isoforms.