The effect of the corneal chemical stimulation is presumably different from mechanical and cooling stimuli. Chemical stimulation arises because CO
2 in the pneumatic stimulus dissolves in the tears to generate local tear film (therefore, presumably corneal) areas that are acidic.
15–17,31 Repeated CO
2 stimulation causes even more irritation of the ocular surface and often leads to unpleasant sensations indicative of polymodal nociceptor sensitization after stimulation.
43,44 In the skin, acidosis causes sensitization.
45,46 On the other hand, taste receptors adapt to acid.
47,48 According to a demonstration of adaptation to acidic stimulation in a cat's corneal polymodal nociceptors,
16 we speculated that subjects would show the same adaptation to
suprathreshold stimuli shown with mechanical and cooling stimulation, but this was not found. There was significant reduction in reported intensity with repeated
threshold stimulation. There are a number of possible indirect explanations for this lack of adaptation. The first had little directly to do with sensory processing of the actual stimulus. Because subjects responded to suprathreshold chemical stimulation with blinking, blepharospasm, and increased reflex tearing,
49 it was possible that these would minimize the neural effect of protracted stimulation of the nociceptors that, presumably, were partly responsible for the adaptation effects with other stimuli. A second possibility giving rise to an apparent lack of adaptation to suprathreshold stimuli is that sensitization could follow suppression after a recovery period.
50 Hence, in the chemical experiment, the longer ISI might have allowed the C-fibers to operate normally and might have caused less adaptation. Similar results have been found in a human cutaneous heat pain perception study with shorter ISI causing adaptation.
7,10 Third, a number of possible neurophysiological changes might have occurred. These include the activation of deep (“silent”) additional C-nociceptors after repeated suprathreshold stimulation,
16,51–53 the interaction between chemical and mechanical channels (similar to that demonstrated in the skin of rats
54 and psychophysically in humans
44 ), and corneal nociceptive receptive field in the spinal trigeminal complex increasing in size after noxious chemical corneal stimulation.
24 Each of these might effectively result in sensitization that might counteract any reduction in sensitivity because of adaptation. Finally, a central mechanism related to the anticipation of pain could activate the cortical nociceptive system.
55–58 After experiencing a distinct uncomfortable sensation from chemical stimulation and, perhaps, the peculiarity of the stimulus, a top-down mechanism was triggered to facilitate nociception
59 that could counteract any reduction in the effectiveness of chemical stimuli because of adaptation. Except for the reduction in the effectiveness of the stimuli from tear film alterations, why these mechanisms would occur only for the chemical stimuli and not for the others is not apparent.