The human corneal endothelium is a monolayer of cells that functions as a barrier between the aqueous humor and corneal stroma via the formation of focal tight junctions to prevent excessive fluids from entering the stromal layer.
1 The Na
+ and Mg
2+ ionic pumps on the corneal endothelial cell surface regulate corneal hydration
2,3 to maintain corneal transparency. As the human corneal endothelial cells (HCECs) do not regenerate in vivo,
4,5 the integrity of the cellular monolayer is sustained through migration and enlargement of existing cells in the event of cell loss due to disease or surgical trauma.
6 However, decompensation of the endothelium occurs when corneal endothelial cell density falls below a critical threshold, resulting in its inability to maintain stroma deturgescence, thereby affecting visual acuity.
Endothelial dysfunction is the second leading cause of visual blindness worldwide.
8 Endothelial keratoplasty involving dissected Descemet's membrane (DM) with the endothelium layer can be performed to restore vision. However, global supply of transplant-grade corneal tissues is limited and this restricts the number of corneal transplantation performed annually.
9 To circumvent the shortage of corneal tissues and reliance on human donor material, development of suitable tissue-engineered constructs using cultured HCECs from cadaveric donors
10–13 or HCECs derived from multipotent progenitor cells are being explored by various groups as potential graft alternatives.
The isolation of HCECs from cadaveric donors involves peeling of the DM together with the corneal endothelium layer, and subsequent enzymatic digestion with collagenase to release the corneal endothelial cells from the DM.
11 However, in some cases excessive manipulation may result in tearing into and co-isolation of small amounts of stromal tissue. Exposure to culture medium required for HCECs growth would transform these stromal keratocytes into fast-growing stromal fibroblasts,
17 which outgrow the less proliferative HCECs.
18,19 Although an L-valine–free selection medium could be used to arrest growth of stromal fibroblasts, they could not be eliminated.
18 To abolish fibroblastic contamination, the culture would have to be passaged several times to dilute away the stromal fibroblasts. However, the selection media is not optimal for long-term cultivation of HCECs.
18 Alternatively, stromal fibroblasts could be depleted from contaminated cultures through a negative cell–selection strategy by magnetic affinity cell separation (MACS) using antifibroblast magnetic microbeads.
20 A positive cell–selection approach, using magnetic microbeads or a more sensitive fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), is plausible, but this is limited by the specificity of cell-surface markers for HCECs. For example, the two highly used markers reported for cultured HCECs are pump-associated protein Na
+-ATPase (NaK) and tight-junction protein ZO-1. In the cornea, the coexpression of these proteins indicates the presence of functional components on the corneal endothelium, but do not define the identity of cultivated HCECs because these proteins are expressed ubiquitously in the heart,
21 brain,
22 and kidney.
Currently, no HCEC-specific cell surface antigens have been described. The goal of our study is to identify cell-surface antibodies expressed on the corneal endothelium and cultivated HCECs that can differentiate them from stromal keratocytes and fibroblasts. Additionally, cell-surface antibodies identified in our study were assessed in its efficacy in purifying cultivated HCECs from a culture contaminated with stromal fibroblasts using FACS.