Bonferroni correction, in general, is conservative in a sense that when there are a large number of hypotheses in a family, the single-step common cutoff
αFW /
N becomes so low and results in stringent statistical discoveries. Similarly, in single-step
k-FWER and step-up FDR procedures, it can be shown that when the number of true negatives
h0 is low, the actual level of significance applied is bounded by
h0 /N ×
αFW, which is far less than the desired level
α, thus leading to more conservative discoveries (see proof of Theorem 2.1.i in Lehmann-Romano 2005
23). In our study,
P value cutoffs based on Bonferroni correction were not overly conservative (refer to sensitivity of Bonferroni correction in
Table 2). Because the probability of making at least one false-positive (FWER) was controlled, we defined glaucomatous progression by Bonferroni correction when more than one retinal location within disk changed over time, which resulted in poor specificity (i.e., was anti-conservative). For example, at a family-wise level of significance
αFW of 0.05, the Bonferroni cutoff for an eye with
N = 1000 superpixels within the optic disk region is 0.00005. Although the Bonferroni cutoff is extremely small, it is very likely that at least one superpixel has a
P value less than 0.00005 (e.g.,
P value = 0). Therefore, the criterion of glaucomatous progression derived using Bonferroni correction, based on the fact that it controls the probability of making at least one type I error, provided poor specificities.