The most straightforward explanation for the low PERG amplitudes at the end point of this study is a decrease in RGC density. RGC density decrease over lifetime in the human retina is proposed to be 15% to 25% near the fovea, but is highly variable.
48 Total RGC layer cell count estimated the rate of neural density decrease to be 0.29% and 0.53% per year in the macula and total retinal area, respectively.
49 Consequently, a gradual decrease in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness is found.
50 Similar age-related (proportional to life span) structural changes also occur in the RGC layer of rats and mice, with a density decrease rate of 1.5% and 2.3% per month, respectively.
24 Significant RGC loss begins at age 9 to 12 months in mice (measured by total retinal fluorogold-positive counts)
51 and 4 to 12 months in rats (estimated by correlation of density decrease to retinal area expansion).
25 While many authors attribute the decrease in RGC density to age-related RGC loss, Harman et al.,
52 by means of sampling RGCs in rat retinal flatmounts and total retinal area measurements, finds no age-related RGC loss. Feng et al.
53 reach the same conclusion, studying cross-sections of the entire rat retina. Katz et al.
25 calculate the degree of RGC density loss in rats that cannot be explained by retinal stretching and attribute a loss of 10% at 12 months and 16% to 20% at 30 months to cell death. In the present study we found a decrease of ∼70% from peak amplitudes to the end point at age 59 weeks. This is a strikingly larger decrease than the 10% cell loss calculated by Katz et al.
25 during a matching period. Therefore, we consider retinal stretching to be a significant factor in the PERG attenuation we found. Because the illuminated retinal area was kept constant throughout the study, lower RGC density can result in PERG amplitude reduction.