Diurnal rhythms in IOP have been well documented, starting with the work of Drance in the 1960s.
31 Subsequent investigators examined the 24-hour pattern of IOP variation and found that glaucoma patients exhibited a drop in IOP during the night.
32,33 However, these studies measured IOP in the sitting position by Goldmann applanation tonometry. Liu et al.
1,2,5 demonstrated that IOP measured in the habitual positions (sitting while awake and supine while asleep) was significantly higher during the nocturnal period than the diurnal period. When IOP was measured in the supine position during the day and night, glaucoma patients showed a slight decrease in IOP at night,
5 while healthy subjects showed a slight increase.
1,2 In the present study, we did not find any change in the nocturnal IOP compared with diurnal IOP when both were measured in the same body position. However, when measured in habitual positions (sitting while awake, supine during sleep), nocturnal IOP was significantly higher than diurnal IOP, consistent with the work of Liu et al.
In this study, outflow facility decreased somewhat from day to night, and this is similar to the decrease in nocturnal outflow facility in healthy subjects reported by Lui et al.
9 and ocular hypertensive subjects reported by Fan et al.
12 It is not clear why outflow facility decreases at night. Acute changes in outflow facility can be induced with parasympathomimetics, such as pilocarpine.
34 However, nocturnal parasympathetic activity is typically higher than diurnal activity,
35 as is ciliary muscle tone.
36 This would be expected to increase outflow facility rather than decrease it as we observed. As well, our previous study of younger, healthy subjects did not find a change in outflow facility from day to night. It is possible that as subjects get older, the day–night differences in outflow facility may increase, as suggested by Liu et al.
9 The mean age of subjects in the previous study was 29 years, which was younger than the mean age of 59 years in this study. However, the reasons for decreases in outflow facility at night are unknown at this time.
Episcleral venous pressure did not change from day to night, and this is consistent with recent work by Lui et al.
9 Uveoscleral outflow, calculated from the other measured variables, decreased by over 90% from the middiurnal period to the midnocturnal period. However, the reason for this decrease is unclear because our understanding of uveoscleral outflow continues to evolve. One possible explanation is related to the increase in ciliary muscle tone at night.
36 Pilocarpine decreases uveoscleral flow in monkeys, likely by closing intramuscular spaces in the ciliary body, and as a consequence decreasing flow through this path.
37 It is also possible that active contractions of the ciliary muscle are required to move fluid through the uveoscleral system, similar to microlymphatic vessels, which lack muscular walls and any significant pressure gradient and requires muscle contraction to move fluid.
38 If this is the case, then increased ciliary muscle tone at night may reduce active contractions, reducing movement of aqueous humor through the uveoscleral path. However, the nature of uveoscleral outflow and its changes at night continue to be elucidated.
The circadian change in aqueous humor dynamics is important for glaucoma therapy if similar patterns exist in glaucoma patients. For example, aqueous humor flow decreases at night most likely because of the nocturnal lack of sympathetic tone. Beta-adrenergic antagonists cannot reduce aqueous humor flow rate further at night because there is not sufficient sympathetic stimulation to block.
39,40 Unlike beta-antagonists, prostaglandin analogs reduce pressure at night, but not as well as they do during the day.
41–44 Prostaglandin analogs, however, may reduce pressure through two actions, one that improves outflow facility (although this has not been a universal finding) and the other that increases uveoscleral flow.
45–47 A study by Gulati et al.
48 suggested that latanoprost might increase uveoscleral outflow at night, although their study was not sufficiently powered to show a statistically significant difference. If prostaglandin analogs increase uveoscleral flow by a percentage, rather than by a fixed amount, then the nocturnal effect on absolute uveoscleral flow rate would be small, because uveoscleral flow is markedly reduced at night. This small change in absolute uveoscleral flow rate would be more difficult to detect, consistent with the findings of Gulati et al.
48 In contrast, outflow facility decreased by only approximately 15% at night in our subjects, which suggests that improving outflow facility may be a possible mechanism for reducing nocturnal IOP. It is possible that prostaglandin analogs, which have persistent nocturnal efficacy, may use this mechanism. Other medications that improve outflow facility, such as parasympathomimetics, may also be good options for lowering IOP for similar reasons, but their nocturnal efficacy needs to be investigated.
Uveoscleral outflow was calculated from the difference in trabecular flow, estimated from our measurements of outflow facility, IOP, and EVP, and the total aqueous humor flow calculated from fluorescein clearance, and this difference is sensitive to all of the variables measured. At night, the estimate of aqueous humor flow rate is accurate because it is based on clearance of fluorescein during the 2-hour interval that subjects slept, and aqueous humor flow is independent of body position.
49 However, IOP, EVP, and outflow facility were measured during a short time and could be affected by transients shortly after subjects were awoken. For example, the process of waking can transiently elevate IOP with a rapid decay to baseline over several minutes. It is unclear if the nocturnal IOP that we measured was affected by this transient or was representative of true IOP during sleep. Subjects were awake for approximately 5 to 10 minutes during fluorophotometry before EVP measurements, and even longer before IOP and outflow facility measurements, sufficient time for transients to return to baseline in most subjects. However, the question of whether these measurements represent a sleeping, awake, or a transient state cannot be answered at this time. Any systematic difference between our estimate of IOP, EVP, or outflow facility, and the true value during sleep could systematically shift the estimate of flow through the trabecular meshwork and this would influence our estimate of uveoscleral flow. Ideally, we would measure uveoscleral outflow by a method independent of the other variables, although such a noninvasive method, suitable for use in human volunteers, is not available.
In summary, aqueous humor flow rate decreases by approximately 50% during the midnocturnal period as compared with the middiurnal period. In contrast, IOP remains remarkably similar from day to night after accounting for differences in body position. This stable pressure seems to be maintained by a small reduction in outflow facility accompanied by a large reduction in uveoscleral flow rate. Further research is required to determine if glaucoma patients experience similar changes.