Perceptual learning (PL) is considered to be any relatively permanent and consistent change in the perception of a stimulus array, following practice or experience with this array.
1,2 The first evidence that perceptual abilities can be improved by practice date back to the middle of the 19th century.
3 PL can improve a range of visual functions, including spatial resolution,
2 stereo acuity,
4 orientation discrimination,
5,6 motion direction,
7 contrast sensitivity,
8 texture perception,
9 and depth perception.
10 From a neuroscience perspective, it has been suggested that PL illustrates the remarkable capacity of early sensory cortex plasticity.
11 However, training effects also can transfer to untrained locations and orientations, suggesting a rule-based learning model in which higher-order processing areas learn the rules of reweighting V1 inputs through training.
12 Attention, mediated by higher-level visual areas, is thought to determine which representations in lower-level areas undergo plasticity and gates learning.
13 There are three general principles of PL for clinical application: practice must occur under conditions where performance is severely impaired with trial by trial feedback, a stopping rule must be incorporated (at plateau performance), and stimuli and tasks must be interesting and engaging.
14 Finally, accurate refractive correction is essential before the commencement of PL, and the refraction should be reviewed regularly and refined during training.
Techniques of PL have been evaluated in different patient populations, including those with amblyopia,
8,14 age-related macular degeneration (visual search,
16 reading speed
17–19 ), visuospatial disorders after stroke (line orientation discrimination
20 ), bilateral cortical blindness (visual field stimulation
21,22 ), schizophrenia (motion perception
23 ), low myopia and early presbyopia (visual acuity
24 ), patients with hippocampal damage (face recognition
25 ), and Parkinson's disease (artificial grammar and category learning
26 ).
To our knowledge, PL has not yet been applied as a rehabilitation method for children with visual impairment (VI).
27 A VI during childhood obviously causes impoverished visual acuity and/or reduced contrast sensitivity. Recent research indicates that abnormal lower level visual processing influences mid-to-high level visual processes, such as visual search speed and accuracy,
16,28,29 peripheral crowding and motion processing,
28,30 and foveal crowding effects.
30 Explanations for slower visual search in children with VI are reduced foveal acuity, and the demands for attentional resources to attend to foveal information and reduced attention for peripheral stimuli,
28 or visuo-attentional impairments.
31 Little is known about rehabilitation outcomes in children with VI.
32 To fill this gap, we examined whether the development of (crowded) near visual acuity (NVA) can be stimulated and whether crowding effects can be reduced by PL, which seems to be an effective method to reduce foveal crowding in subjects with amblyopia.
Three interventions were compared: a magnifier task in which children searched for a unique optotype in a row with distracters (experimental/crowded task), a PL task where crowding effects were evoked (experimental/crowded task, PLc), and a PL task in which optotypes were separated at such a distance that no contour interaction occurred (control/uncrowded task, PLu). Based on previous research by our group,
27,30,33 and by others, four hypotheses were formulated: children with VI have higher crowding ratios and poorer baseline performance on the training task than children with normal vision (NV); the PLc task is most effective in reducing crowding effects and improving NVA; task-specific learning effects and transfer to untrained visual functions, such as NVA, occur in all training groups; and improvements are larger for seven- to nine-year-old children than four- to six-year-old children, because focused attention is weaker in young children and functions as a gateway to ensure that PL occurs only in response to features to which attention is directed.