The time course of the bleach response has been tracked in a large number of individual cones within the FAZ. The average estimate of double pass optical density (0.14) precisely matches Rushton's
2 classical data, and the measurements of photosensitivity (8.2 × 10
−7 td
−1) also compare favorably with Rushton
4,31 (2.9–6.3 × 10
−7 td
. The figure for pigment density is an underestimate since light that returns to the detector without passing through the visual pigment,
27 was not accounted for; however, the figure was highly consistent between runs, facilitating relative comparisons of individual cones within a given subject.
Individual cones broadly displayed two types of behavior: some showed random fluctuations that are likely due to interference effects, while others showed a classical first-order kinetics response. The cones in the latter group displayed wide variability in total amount of photopigment and in rate of bleach, and almost all had reduced rates of bleach and greater amounts of photopigment compared with the mean. These parameters could not be assessed in the former group, but by deduction it seems that the cones displaying interference effects must have had greater rates of bleach, and lesser amounts of photopigment.
Since the coherence length of our source was much shorter than the cone outer segment, interference can only arise due to scatter within the outer segment.
12 This implies an association between increased scatter within the outer segment and cones that bleach quickly. Single cell recording work has previously shown quantized, step-like recovery of dark current following a bleach.
32 This was interpreted to correspond to occasional, localized, abrupt blockages in the dark current along a length of approximately 1 to 2 μm within the outer segment. If these blockages establish a scattering boundary, those arising close to the bounds of the outer segment will produce interference effects even for short coherence light. Conversely, blockages arising closer to the middle of the outer segment would not produce interference effects with short coherence light. Assuming that the induced scatter is a direct consequence of the current flow, this idea could be verified by measuring the proportion of cones displaying interference-modulated intensity after a pause of approximately 100 ms, which is sufficient to allow near total recovery of the cone circulating current, even after a substantial bleach.
33 Rods are known to recover circulating current far more slowly after a bleach,
33,34 and may, therefore, exhibit scatter for a far longer period of time.
The blockages described above should occur more frequently when the cones are more vigorously stimulated. Differences in cone stimulating protocol between different research groups may, therefore, explain discrepancies in the fraction of interference-driven cones reported.
8,10,12 In addition, the results show that the amount of light channeled through the outer segment can be highly variable between adjacent cones. Therefore, it might be expected that the amount of scatter will be greater in those cones that show the greatest light throughput. With light of sufficiently short coherence, this would predominantly manifest as a brightness increase that is larger in these cones. Grieve and Roorda
9 observed just such a result using 840 ± 50-nm light to image cones after stimulation with visible light; the cones that were initially brightest (greatest light throughput) showed the most increase in scatter after stimulation.
Changes in near-infrared
scatter of the outer segment in response to light have previously been measured in suspensions of rod outer segment fragments.
35,36 These changes have been attributed to redistribution of products of the phototransduction cascade between membrane-bound and soluble forms. This is another potential source of the scattering within the cone outer segment, though it is a less satisfactory explanation due to the apparently slower time course, and the lack of any known tendency toward the formation of localized boundaries.
The results presented here show an inverse correlation between rate of bleach (linked to optical coupling) and amount of photopigment. Based on this, and the following lines of evidence, it is proposed that the presence of unbleached photopigment may be associated with reduced optical coupling:
The results presented here also indicate intercone variability in the probability for photon catch. It is known that at intensities sufficient to bleach more than a few percent of cone pigment, the cone response is dictated almost entirely by the amount of unbleached pigment.
34,40 It follows that the probability of photon catch should determine performance under this regime. Such variability may, therefore, impose a large source of noise for visual processing.
This work was originally spurred by a desire to develop an efficient way to classify cone subtype with adaptive optics. Previous approaches have required the averaging of results from many dark-adapted runs, which is time consuming.
19–22 Given the broad range in individual cone pigmentation and bleach kinetics that was found here, coupled with the close spectral peaks of the L- and M-cones, the established method of averaging a large number of local cone densitometry measurements does indeed seem to be the only valid approach. Given the success of others with such measurements, it is suspected that the variations in optical density and optical coupling seen here are probably not fixed for a given cone, and instead drift over time based on natural cycling in cone physiology.