Face stimuli were presented on an iMac (late 2011 model; Apple, Inc., Cupertino, CA) with a 27-inch LCD monitor with a spatial resolution of 2560 × 1440 pixels and a temporal resolution of 60 Hz using MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA) and Psychtoolbox-3 (provided in the public domain by
31,32 The observers viewed the display under normal room illumination, and the mean luminance of the display was 250 cd/m
2. To increase the contrast resolution of the display, a bit-stealing routine was used to increase the number of grey levels from 6 to 8.8 bits.
33 The stimuli were monochromatic photographs of faces presented at three levels of blur.
Figure 2 shows examples of representative face stimuli. A detailed description of how the faces were photographed and processed is provided by Gaspar et al.
23 ; thus, only a brief description will be provided here. The face stimuli used in the experiment are available upon request from the authors. The face set contains photographs of 10 individuals (five female), all Caucasian, with a mean age of 24 years; none of the models had facial hair, visible piercings, tattoos, or eyeglasses. All the face images were cropped with an oval window using a ratio of width to height of 1.5 to remove all clothing and hair. Each model was photographed from five viewpoints. To produce each viewpoint image, the model was instructed to fixate on a marker positioned on the wall behind the camera. The face set used was made up of two left-facing, two right-facing, and one front-facing view of each model, for a total of 50 face images. To control for possible variations in detectability among the face images,
34 we equated the Fourier amplitude spectra of the images by computing the average amplitude spectrum of the set of face images and then replacing the amplitude spectrum of each image with the average amplitude spectrum. As noted in the introduction, this stimulus set has been previously shown to demonstrate classic effects from the face perception literature. This indicates that our stimuli tap mechanisms similar to those used in more complex stimulus sets, despite using only a relatively small (10 individuals) and relatively unnatural (lacking features such as hair and skin pigment) set of faces.
To measure the effect of blur on recognition performance of both patients and controls, we tested face recognition performance at two levels of synthetic blur and a no-blur condition. Blurred images were produced by applying a low-pass ideal filter (high-frequency cutoff of 32 or 16 cycles per image, approximately 8 or 4 cycles per degree) to the Fourier amplitude spectrum of each image (
Fig. 2). A zero mean Gaussian pixel noise (root mean square contrast,
σ = 0.005) was added to the test image on each trial to allow comparison with the ideal observer (see
Supplementary Fig. S1).