While photopic HC-VA measurement is inadequate for the assessment of functional deficits in early AMD
17 or for monitoring progression of the disorder,
32 according to our results, VA measures under mesopic luminance conditions could be useful. We found that mean distance HC-VA and LC-VA were one line and 2.8 lines of letters worse, respectively, in the early AMD group than in the control group (
Table 1). Also, in mesopic conditions the difference between LC-VA and HC-VA was significantly greater in the early AMD group—1.8 lines on average more than in the control group (
Fig. 1). Only a few studies have examined VA under low luminance conditions in early AMD subjects. Feigl et al. recorded significantly reduced SKILL scores (difference in number of letters between the dark and light sides of the card) using the SKILL card
33 in people with early AMD (and an HC-VA of 6/12 or better).
21 It should be noted that the test was conducted at near distance under normal room lighting conditions and that the early AMD subjects examined already had slightly reduced HC-VA. In eyes with GA, a relatively greater loss of distance HC-VA (4.6 lines) was detected when compared to eyes with drusen (2.2 lines), that is, 2.4 lines of difference, under low luminance conditions obtained using a neutral density filter.
4 Our mesopic condition was one of very low luminance, and the mean HC-VA drop observed was 5.1 lines for eyes with early AMD versus 3.8 lines for control eyes, that is, 1.3 lines of difference between the means of the two groups. The mean LC-VA drop (between mesopic and photopic) was 3.2 lines more for the early AMD group compared to the control group (
Fig. 2). These results indicate adversely affected VA under mesopic conditions in eyes with early AMD. It should be noted that in our study, measuring VA under low luminance conditions showed a good capacity to quantify functional abnormalities in eyes affected by early AMD; AUC values in the ROC analyses ranged from 0.76 ± 0.067 to 0.96 ± 0.027 (
Table 2) and showed a significantly greater diagnostic capacity than the universally used measure of photopic HC-VA. These significant functional abnormalities were present despite the majority of participants having a photopic HC-VA of 20/25 or better.