Erratum in: “Variations of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness and Ganglion Cell–Inner Plexiform Layer Thickness According to the Torsion Direction of Optic Disc” by Kang Hoon Lee, Chan Yun Kim, and Na Rae Kim (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014;55:1048–1055) doi:
Inthe second paragraph of the Introduction, the fourth sentence should read, “The optic disc is classified as a tilted disc when the index of the tilt is less than 0.75.”
In the Materials and Methods, under the heading “Measurement of the Optic Disc Tilt and Torsion,” the last sentence of the second paragraph should read, “When the index of tilt was less than 0.75, the optic disc was classified as a tilted disc.5,8–10”
In the second sentence of the second paragraph of the Results, “(index of tilt ≥ 0.75)” should be “(index of tilt ≤ 0.75).”
The Table 4 title should be “Comparison of the SD-OCT Parameters Divided by Optic Disc Torsion Direction.”
In the Figure 2 legend, the last two sentences should be “(B) In the supranasal optic disc torsion group. (C) In the optic disc nontorsion group.”
In the last sentence of the Discussion, the final phrase should read, “whereas the GCIPL thickness at all sectors was similar regardless of torsion direction.”
Citation: Lee KH, Kim CY, Kim NR. Erratum in: Variations of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and ganglion cell–inner plexiform layer thickness according to the torsion direction of optic disc.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014;55:1048–1055. doi: