In this study, we used monocular blur to reduce VA, in a group of participants with normal BSV. The subsequent degradation of their level of BSV was associated with a significant increase in time taken to complete the two bead-threading tasks. LMM analysis indicated that degrading binocular functions contributed to this change in a way that was differentially affected by task difficulty. Water-pouring performance time and accuracy were not affected in a way that could be considered clinically relevant, even in the suppression lens condition. Changes in performance time for this task were also unaffected by VA or binocular functions in LMM analysis, suggesting it can be performed adequately with monocular visual information alone. No significant correlation between performance time and accuracy was found for this task, indicating that the standardized instructions were successful in producing an equal speed/accuracy trade-off for this task.
Findings from our nonparametric analysis for the water-pouring task are in common with our previous studies.
5,6 Existing research demonstrates that people with normal BSV have poorer performance on certain visuomotor tasks when completing them monocularly, as opposed to binocularly.
4–6,13,14 Our finding of increased bead-threading task performance times in the suppression lens conditions corroborates this research. However, our study also shows that performance in such a task is affected when BSV is reduced. It is known that these effects occur in individuals with reduced or absent BSV who have amblyopia/strabismus,
4–6,9,12,13,15 but the current study demonstrates that this can occur with degraded BSV, independent of the presence of strabismus/amblyopia.
A substantial amount of monocular blur was required to generate abnormal levels of binocular function that affected performance on our visuomotor tasks. Real depth stereoacuity, as measured with the Frisby stereotest, only became unmeasurable when lenses of +3.00 spherical diopters (DS) or greater (on average, see
Tables 2,
3) were applied. The finding of more degraded PSR stereoacuity with increasing monocular blur, in comparison to Frisby stereoacuity, also corroborates existing research.
28 In addition to stereoacuity, we found motor fusion also appears resistant to monocular blur in certain individuals. Median BO break/recovery amplitudes only dropped below normal levels (≥25 ΔBO)
34 when monocular VA was reduced by nine lines or more. Meanwhile, BI break amplitudes remained within normal limits (≥10 ΔBI),
34 even with a 12-line reduction in monocular VA. It appeared that convergent fusional reserves (BO break amplitudes) were more affected by our paradigm than divergent reserves (BI break amplitudes).
While many studies
20,24–26 have examined the effect of blur on hand-based motor tasks, the defocus is often the same in each eye. However, it has been shown that stereoacuity is more affected when there is a disparity in the amount of retinal defocus between eyes, compared with when it is equal.
35 Only a few studies
8,19,23 have examined the relationship between monocular retinal defocus and hand-based visuomotor tasks, with reported effects varying by degree of defocus and task type. Monocular retinal defocus appears to have an impact on movement time and grip formation during reach-to-grasp actions in three-dimensional (3-D) space, with defocus levels of +2.00 to 3.75 DS.
23 However, a study evaluating reaching kinematics in a 2-D reach-to-point task, with defocus levels of +0.75 to 2.00 DS, found reach movement time was not significantly affected.
19 Grasping was not examined in the 2-D reach-to-point study, so it is not known whether this is similarly unaffected by lower levels of defocus. However, another study
8 found a higher incidence of grasping errors after object contact with higher levels of defocus (+3.50–5.00 DS), compared with lower levels (+2.00–3.50 DS). This would suggest that, in general, larger amounts of defocus cause more of an impact on such kinematics during performance of certain visuomotor tasks. Although we did not measure reach-to-grasp kinematics in our study, the increase in bead-threading task completion times with increasing amounts of defocus is likely attributable to these effects. There is greater reliance in the bead-threading tasks on accurate reaching and precision grasping compared with the water-pouring task, and even more demand for this in the small bead-threading task.
Although the two levels of defocus used in the previously described study
8 caused changes in measured stereopsis and motor fusion, the direct contribution of these binocular functions to changes in the kinematic parameters was not evaluated. In our study, we attempted to ascertain the contributions made to changes in task performance by the changes in VA and binocular functions. VA decrements were not found to be a significant contributor to performance on any task. In our study, participants were viewing binocularly throughout the task, and were therefore able to utilize visual input from the eye that was not wearing any lenses. Under these circumstances, it is not surprising that task performance was not significantly affected by the VA decrements, despite this being the primary manipulation performed. The findings tie in with those of studies in amblyopic subjects, which have not found reduced VA in the amblyopic eye to interact significantly with binocular visuomotor task performance.
Despite over half the participants in the 12-line VA reduction condition having no measurable stereoacuity on either clinical test (23 of 41), degradations in bead-threading task performance are largest in the suppression lens condition, where motor fusion and stereoacuity are removed. Task performance also continues to deteriorate between the 12-line VA reduction condition (lens C) and the suppression lens condition (lens D), rather than plateauing in line with the unmeasurable stereoacuity. Given these two findings, there is a strong argument that motor fusion (still present in all participants in the former lens condition) plays a role in this decline. This is supported by our LMM analysis, in which degraded BO fusional break amplitudes was identified as a significant contributor to increases in performance times for both bead-threading tasks, in the 12-line VA reduction condition (
Supplementary Table S1). It was also a significant contributor in the nine-line VA reduction condition (lens B) for the small bead-threading task. The contributory role of motor fusion to performance times in visuomotor tasks such as those used in our study is not one identified in the literature previously.
Interestingly, declining stereoacuity was not found to be a significant contributor to increasing performance times in the large bead-threading task. This task requires the same reaching and grasping movements as the small bead-threading task, but less accuracy and precision in these actions due to using larger objects. Although we cannot account for the contributions to task performance made by coarser levels of stereoacuity (>800″ arc), or stereoacuity types not measured by our test battery, such as dynamic stereopsis, it would seem that reliance on disparity cues is less for this lower difficulty version of the task. Therefore, the impact of degraded disparity feedback upon performance times for this task is less. However, it has been suggested that online correction of visually guided reaching and grasping is limited in circumstances where access to disparity information is the least,
9 and in our task that requires these motor skills, it is possible that the absence of disparity cues affected performance on this task in a way that degraded disparity cues did not.
With an increase in task difficulty (small beads task), degraded stereoacuity becomes a significant contributor to increases in performance time, with larger increases per unit degradation of stereoacuity as monocular blur increases and measured stereoacuity worsens. This was statistically significant for lens B only. The lack of statistical significance at lens C is associated with wider confidence intervals, as only seven individuals in the lens C condition had a PSR stereoacuity value that was not 4.00. As the largest parameter estimate for this variable occurs in the lens C condition, it is a fair assumption that degraded PSR stereoacuity in this condition would have been a contributor of statistical significance were it not for this factor. Although effects are small (complete loss of PSR stereoacuity is associated with a 3-second increase in performance time), the results demonstrate greater reliance on disparity cues where more reach accuracy and grasp precision is required. As mentioned above, degraded BO break amplitudes were a significant contributor to an increase in task performance times, and when task difficulty is increased, reliance on motor fusion for good task performance occurs with lower levels of blur (9-line VA reduction condition). A 10 Δ loss of BO break amplitude equated to a 10-second increase in performance times. Overall, it can be said that increasing the difficulty of the bead-threading task causes greater reliance on disparity and motor fusion cues, which in turn begins to affect performance at a lower level of blur. The greater impact of degraded binocular functions upon task performance when task demands are increased is another finding not identified previously in the literature.
For the water-pouring task, LMM analysis results seemed to indicate that adequate performance on this task can be achieved using monocular visual information alone. A possible reason for this is the primary visuomotor demands for the water-pouring task are planning and execution of the reaching movement to position the jug for pouring. These actions are based on disparity/vergence judgments of cylinder position, as well as utilizing visual feedback from the rising water level to decide when to terminate pouring. The changing water fill line (or lack thereof in spillages) provides continuous information midtask that facilitates rapid corrections of reaching shortfalls/overshoots, in comparison with the bead-threading tasks where errors are only correctable by repeating the grasp or hand movement. For example, mis-grasps cause the bead to be missed on the plate and require repetition of the grasp, and errors in reaching cause collision with the needle or shortfalls/overshoots, leading to dropping of the bead or the need to repeat the action at a different reach distance. Therefore, the relative ease of correcting errors in the water-pouring task may have mitigated the impact of degraded binocular visual feedback upon task performance, in comparison with tasks requiring precision grasping movements, such as the bead-threading tasks.
Another factor potentially influencing the impact of degraded binocular visual feedback upon performance in any of our tasks is the fact that free head movement was allowed on all tasks to create naturalistic viewing conditions, allowing use of monocular cues to improve performance. However, the impact of degraded BSV on bead-threading task performance under these conditions indicates that use of monocular cues does not completely compensate for the deficit in certain motor tasks. Monocular cues have also been found to compensate inadequately for reaching and grasping deficits in amblyopic subjects who have stereoacuity losses.
Our LMM analysis has provided some insight into the way in which binocular functions contributed to performance on the visuomotor tasks used in this study. However, it is important to highlight one caveat pertaining to the construction of our model.
Figure 1 demonstrates that fusional amplitudes were relatively independent from stereoacuity measures in this study. Also, collinearity diagnostics indicated that it was possible to include both measures of stereoacuity as well as BI and BO break amplitudes in our chosen model, without a high VIF affecting results. However, it should be borne in mind that there is a theoretical dependence upon motor fusion for the existence of stereopsis as we know it clinically. Although we cannot guarantee that model fit has not been influenced by this dependency, the best fit (smallest −2LL score) was with all of these covariates included. In addition, it is known that a limited amount of disparity information can be extracted from diplopic images,
36 and even within our sample there were individuals who possessed motor fusion reserves below normal limits, but still had normal stereopsis on PSR stereotesting. This would suggest that the dependency is not complete.
Overall, the primary unique finding of this study is inhibited performance on the visuomotor task of bead-threading when normal BSV is reduced. Findings of existing studies demonstrating degraded visuomotor task performance in the absence of BSV have also been corroborated. Our other study findings include evidence that:
Our study highlights the role of motor fusion and stereopsis in normal performance on the visuomotor tasks evaluated. With the role of decorrelated binocular experience in amblyogenesis being given increased prominence in a recent amblyopia review,
37 our findings suggest that it is important to improve all aspects of BSV as part of any treatment regime to improve binocular function.