The TSQ Quantum Access Max (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA, USA) triple quadrupole electrospray mass spectrometer was used for analysis of lipids in infusion mode using TSQ Tune of Xcalibur 2.3 software suite. Extracted lipids were dried and resuspended in LC-MS grade acetonitrile/isopropanol (1:1). Samples were infused with a flow rate of 10 μL/min and analyzed for 2.00 minutes with a 0.500-second scan. The infusions were performed with Triversa Nanomate (Advion, Inc., Ithaca, NY, USA) controlled using Chipsoft 8.3.3 version with lipid class-specific optimal spray parameters. Briefly, SM and sphingoid base (SB) sprays were performed in positive ion mode with voltage of 1.55 kV and gas pressure of 0.45 psi; sphingoid base-1-phosphate (SB1P) and Cer in negative ion mode with voltage of 1.3 kV and gas pressure of 0.6 psi. Scans typically ranged from 200 to 1000 m/z unless specified otherwise. A fixed half peak width (FWHM) was set at 0.7 and collision gas pressure was set at 1 mTorr. Sheath gas (nitrogen) was set to 20 arbitrary units. Auxiliary gas (argon) was set to 5 arbitrary units. For analyses of sphingolipids and Cer collision energy, spray voltage and ion mode were set based on previous studies.
30,35 Briefly, the lipids of the SM, SB, and Cer classes were identified using neutral loss scan (NLS) for m/z 213.2, 48, and 256.2 with collision energies of 50, 18, and 32 V, respectively. Except for Cer, which was analyzed in negative ion mode, all others were scanned in positive mode. For SB1P, precursor ion scan (PIS) was performed in negative ion mode for product ion m/z of 79.1 using 24 V collision energy. We used class-specific lipid standards for quantification in a two-step process using procedures developed for automated lipid quantification.
30,36 Following standards were used: N-oleoyl-D-erythro-sphingosylphosphorylcholine, D-erythro-sphingosine, D-erythro-sphingosine-1-phosphate, and N-oleoyl-D-erythro-sphingosine (catalog numbers 860587, 860490, 860402, 860519; Avanti Polar Lipids) for ratiometric quantification of SM, SB, SB1P, and Cer, respectively. The molecular masses of these standards are 729.08, 299.5, 379.47, and 563.94, respectively. As first step, the abundant molecular species are quantified in a class-specific manner after isotopic correction in direct comparison of peak intensities with the added internal standard for each class. The abundant ions–based quantification then is used for quantification of less abundant ions in the second step.
25,30,36 Our current analyses used this two-step quantification approach, as this approach inherently takes into account that the ionization efficiencies of different lipid ions are different.
30 For each of the lipid classes,
n = 19 control and
n = 20 glaucomatous TM tissues were used (
Supplementary Table 1). Approximately 5 scans each with and without internal standard (usually in the range of 0.1–2 pmol) were performed for each sample. The scans with internal standards were used for analyses. Those without internal standards were used for inspection and determination of reproducibility. To determine protein normalized lipid amounts, the aqueous phase–extracted proteins corresponding to organic phase lipids were subjected to protein quantification using the method of Bradford.
33 The total sphingolipids in the organic phase quantified by mass spectrometry were divided by total amount of protein (in μg), determined by the method of Bradford,
33 which was termed as protein normalized lipid amount. An aliquot of proteins in the aqueous phase (corresponding to organic phase with lipids) also was subjected to densitometric quantification using an amino acid quantified standard bovine serum albumin after fractionation and Coomassie blue staining on a PHAST gel
37 to ensure accuracy of quantification by the method of Bradford.
33 To confirm presence of a number of nonmammalian lipids, in particular, Fumonisins that were detected, we used additional parameters and procedures following published mass spectrometric studies (
Supplementary Table 2).
38 The nonmammalian SB Fumonisins also were detected using a Q-Exactive (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) high resolution mass spectrometer connected to a Easy nLC nanospray LC system (using parameters for detection based on Orbitrap technology as described in a previously published report).
39 In general, we also have attempted to confirm all common nonmammalian lipids using a Q-Exactive-Easy nLC system that has been detected using TSQ Quantum Access Max instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific) coupled to Nanomate described above.