At each preoperative and postoperative visit, the best-corrected visual acuity (VA) was measured and fundus biomicroscopy was performed, and retinal sectional images were acquired using Spectralis OCT (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). In addition to the 30-degree cross-hair scans, raster scans also were performed. To evaluate the total retinal thickness, we analyzed the automated quantitative data in the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) grid (central 1 mm and individual quadrants [nasal, temporal, superior, inferior] in the parafoveal ring [1–3 mm]) using the manufacturer's software (Spectralis Acquisition and Viewing modules, version 4.0; Heidelberg Engineering).
We further quantified the inner or outer retinal thicknesses in each subfield of the parafoveal ring. After identifying the presumed foveal center
40 on the cross-hair images, we determined the point 1 mm from the center, which might be considered representative of the each subfield of the parafoveal ring (
Fig. 1). We then manually measured the distances from the innermost of the retina (ILM or NFL after ILM peeling) to the outer border of the INL as the inner thickness and from the inner border of the OPL to the retinal pigment epithelium as the outer thickness at the parafoveal points in each quadrant (
Fig. 1), followed by an evaluation of the association between the retinal thickness and the logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) VA. There were several reasons for the choice of this procedure despite a few segmentational protocols.
27,29,30,41 Our goal was to interpret the retinal thickness with consideration of two independent functions (i.e., light perception and signal transduction). Interestingly, both OCT and pathohistology have shown that cystoid spaces, which are a typical finding of macular edema, reside mainly in the INL and OPL in eyes with DME.
31-34 Between them, the inner portion of OPL contains the synaptic connection between photoreceptors and bipolar cells. We thus hypothesized that light perception in the photoreceptors might be affected by the cystoid spaces in the OPL, whereas those in the INL might be associated with the dysfunction in signal transduction. Based on this, we speculated that the inner and outer thicknesses, which are associated with cystoid spaces in the INL or OPL respectively, represent the pathological effects on light perception or signal transduction individually. Furthermore, Spectralis OCT provides a better view of the inner border of the OPL, which divides the INL and OPL morphologically, compared with the previous generation OCT.
We also evaluated the foveal photoreceptor status based on the status of IS/OS, as described previously.
24 Briefly, the IS/OS appearance was classified into three grades: complete, discontinuous, and absent. IS/OS (+) indicates eyes with a complete IS/OS line, and eyes with either a discontinuous or absent line were allocated to the IS/OS (–) group. The association between the foveal photoreceptor status and retinal thickness was evaluated.