This study introduces the concept of navigated PRP and offers several observations in comparison with currently used multispot laser photocoagulation techniques. We herein demonstrate that the navigated laser system achieves more uniform laser spots with less variation in size compared with the conventional pattern laser. The navigated laser appears to be safe, faster, and associated with less pain when using certain treatment parameters in comparison with conventional laser during treatment of similar sets of eyes.
One of the main outcomes of this study was laser tissue interaction of the two photocoagulation methods. Using both systems, the laser spot characteristics depend on the location of the spots on the retina and the pulse duration. When using short pulses, both systems show smaller laser burn area (spot size) variation. However, when using shorter pulses, both systems produce more elliptical laser spots.
The smaller variation of laser burn area when using short pulse duration can be explained by the reduced impact of eye movements on laser exposure. The shorter the pulse, the fewer movement artifacts occur. This also may explain why the navigated approach shows better results in spot size variation when using longer pulse durations as compared with the conventional pattern laser with longer pulse durations, as navigation compensates for eye movements. Differences in thermal expansion of the spots may have an additional impact. Each specific spot on the retina has slightly different characteristics in terms of RPE (thickness, amount of melanin, blood flow in area around spot), which may have an impact on the thermal expansion of the spot. The shorter the pulse, however, the less impact such parameters have on the spot size.
The initial shape (ellipticity) of the spot is defined by aberrations of the optical systems, whereas the thermal expansion may potentially be influenced by the initial shape of the laser spot.
In both systems, the spots applied to the far periphery suffer from a higher ellipticity, with the navigated laser having less of this effect and showing in general more circular spots. The increasing ellipticity can be explained by the characteristics of refraction of the lens. To image the far periphery, the light must pass the outer segments of the lens, where distortions are less compensated. This effect applies to all optical concepts and can therefore be observed in both systems. For the navigated laser, the contact lens has aspheric surfaces specifically designed for peripheral imaging and treatment with the navigated photocoagulator. With the conventional laser systems, large movements of the contact lens and the slit lamp are usually used to visualize the far periphery. These larger movements cause tilt of the lens versus the optical axis of the system, resulting in astigmatic spot imaging.
14 Because the lens of the navigated laser requires less tilt to reach the far periphery, the astigmatism effects are reduced/minimized.
Treatment time tended to be shorter when using the navigated laser. This can be explained with the navigated treatment method. Once the system is “locked” into the correct position with a clear image, only a few more actions are needed to apply a large series of spots, thus supporting an increase of treatment speed with at least the same and even better results when visually evaluating the laser spot quality results. However, especially the first step of initial positioning involves a learning curve with the navigated system and may require some time for inexperienced users. Larger retinal area can be visualized with a wide-field lens used for navigated PRP requiring less lens positioning and aiming beam maneuvering. Illuminating larger areas (with white light) on slit-lamp laser delivery increases patient discomfort. Depth focusing in the “z”-axis thus becomes the only time-consuming part in the nPRP process. With conventional laser, the illuminated area has a slit shape that is smaller. Therefore, in addition to depth focusing, more manipulation is needed, including constant manual prepositioning in the “x-y”-axes.
Level of subjective pain was similar between both lasers. Only the conventional pattern laser treatment showed significantly more pain when applying spots with 100 ms. This result is supported by previous studies about the conventional pattern treatment systems.
9,10 The navigated laser shows a small benefit in terms of pain. The provided infrared treatment in navigated systems may induce this additional benefit.
Clinical implications of laser burn area variation and also ellipticity may be relevant only for treatments closer to the arcades or in selective or targeted treatments. It is assumed that very circular spots have less or at least more regular expansion over time. Thus, a treatment plan can correctly include this expansion to minimize collateral damage. However, this impact for therapeutic efficacy needs to be further analyzed over time. Currently, there are no data that “ellipticity” of the laser spot may have some therapeutic relevance for PRP. However, with increasing ellipticity, the spot area is subject to change. Additionally, with changing spot area and maintaining pulse duration and power, the energy density changes. If the first burn is done with circular spot and an appropriate power, and the second spot is more peripheral and thus more elliptical with an uncontrollable spot area development (area turns to be larger), the power may not be sufficient to create the desired effect: ablation of ischemic retina. The standard reaction would be to turn the power up once no more effect is visible. However, turning back to other retinal areas, the spot ellipticity decreases and the intensity may now become excessive. If the spot is applied in a relatively slow repeat mode where spots are placed one by one, this can be avoided easily. However, with the pattern laser, a relatively large area would be treated with the wrong power. Nevertheless, there are no published data that explain the effect of the different laser spot shape on therapeutic efficacy of PRP. As seen in clinical practice, retinal laser photocoagulation using indirect ophthalmoscope delivery provides similar clinical efficacy in spite of irregular burns.
In conclusion, our study reports on navigated PRP as a new way to perform PRP. It is a safe and feasible method with some benefits over the conventional pattern photocoagulation relating to treatment time, pain perception, and laser spot characteristics. Navigated laser treatment achieves more uniform laser burns with less pain experienced by patients during a shorter treatment duration in comparison with the currently mostly used pattern laser system. The navigated laser could be a new alternative for future PRP. Further studies are ongoing to compare the clinical efficacy between both laser delivery systems.