Following the synthesis of all-
trans retinyl esters by LRAT, the next step in the visual cycle is the isomerization of the all-
trans retinyl esters into 11-
cis retinoids, which is facilitated by RPE65.
10–12 In agreement with previous studies in which cultured human fetal RPE were observed to uptake and complete the visual cycle under specific culture conditions,
67,68 we demonstrated that human iPS-RPE incubated with all-
trans retinol accumulated all-
trans retinyl esters (
Fig. 4) and released 11-
cis retinaldehyde into the culture media (
Figs. 6,
7). Synthesis of 11-
cis retinaldehyde from all-
trans retinol in iPS-RPE completes retinoid isomerization and further demonstrates the presence of an active 11-
cis retinol dehydrogenase (RDH), presumably RDH5. In vivo and in culture, the amount of 11-
cis retinoids detected in the RPE is relatively small by comparison to all-
trans retinyl esters.
62,68 The lack of detectable 11-
cis retinoids in iPS-RPE agrees with the physiologically low levels of intracellular 11-
cis retinoids in RPE. In vivo 11-
cis retinoids are released to the IPM as 11-
cis retinaldehyde. The exact mechanism of release or secretion of 11-
cis retinaldehyde from the RPE remains unclear. However, retinoid-binding proteins such as interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP) and BSA have been shown to enhance the release of 11-
cis retinaldehyde into the culture media.
67,68 Here we demonstrate that iPS-RPE is able to synthesize and secrete 11-
cis retinaldehyde (
Figs. 6,
7) presumably to support visual pigment regeneration. Minute amounts of 9-
cis and all-
trans retinaldehyde were detected by HPLC analysis of the media from iPS-RPE after incubation with all-
trans retinol. We attribute the presence of these isomers to isomerization of the 11-
cis retinaldehyde during sample handling. The 9-
cis retinaldehyde is not a physiological retinoid, and the amounts of both 9-
cis and all-
trans retinaldehyde are much lower than that of 11-
cis retinaldehyde, suggesting a gradient of isomerization toward a more stable isomer. HPLC analysis of media from iPS cells after incubation with all-
trans retinol revealed peaks that may correspond to 9-
cis and
trans retinaldehydes by retention time (
Fig. 6C). However, the absorbance spectra of these peaks did not match the absorbance spectra of authentic retinaldehyde standards. Further analysis by isocratic elution revealed that these peaks did not match the retention times of the authentic retinaldehyde standards; therefore they could not be identified as retinaldehydes by this system (
Fig. 7B). This result, in combination with the lack of retinoid processing proteins in iPS cells, clearly demonstrates that the iPS cells do not possess the ability to metabolize vitamin A, via the classic visual cycle, to produce 11-
cis retinaldehyde, indicating that this ability is acquired as the cells differentiate into RPE. Our success at developing and maintaining expression and function of the visual cycle proteins in iPS-RPE may be attributed to several factors, including a high cell density (10
5 cells/cm
2) at the time of seeding, a high concentration of FBS during culture, and culture of cells for up to 6 months prior to the experiment, which may have allowed the cells to gain visual cycle competence.