Forty-three normal subjects were recruited to this study (24 men and 19 women) with a mean age of 39.0 years (SD 16.0, range 20–75).
Pupillary responses to the standard intensity light stimulus were measured in a randomly selected eye of each subject. Mean response amplitude was 1.92 mm (SD 0.39) and peak constriction velocity was 5.65 mm/s (SD 1.17). The amplitude measurements show a Gaussian distribution (
Fig. 2A) across a wide range (from 1.19–3.15 mm). Velocity measurements also are dispersed over a wide range (3.83–9.27 mm/s); their distribution is positively skewed (
Fig. 2B) but does not depart significantly from normality (
P > 0.20). A scatter plot of amplitude versus velocity measurements shows positive correlation between these variables; pupils showing larger amplitude responses to the light stimulus also achieved higher peak velocities of constriction, and vice versa (
Fig. 2C).
In the second part of this experiment each subject was presented with a pseudo-random sequence of 10 stimuli in which the intensity of the light was varied over a 4 log unit range (in 0.5 log unit steps). An example of the resulting pupillogram and its first derivative is given in
Figure 3A, which shows the pupillary responses to the first three stimuli in the sequence, at intensities of 0.0, −4.0, and −1.5 log units attenuation, respectively. Measurements of the amplitude and velocity of constriction of the pupillary responses to all 10 light stimuli are plotted in
Figure 3B. These data confirmed that in this subject amplitude and velocity measurements remain positively correlated across the whole range of tested stimulus intensities (linear regression coefficient
R = 0.983,
P < 0.001). Similar results were obtained in all 43 subjects.
Because of this interdependence between amplitude and velocity of constriction, it was necessary first to normalize the velocity measurements with respect to response amplitude before investigating the possible influence of pupil size and age on peak constriction velocity. This was achieved in each subject by using the regression plot to extrapolate the constriction velocity that would be expected if the stimulus intensity had been adjusted to produce exactly a 1.0 mm response amplitude (
Fig. 3B, dashed lines). Only one randomly chosen eye was selected from each subject to prevent duplication of the independent variable in the subsequent analysis. The mean value for these estimates of normalized velocity was 3.56 mm/s (SD 0.40, range 2.79–4.41). A scatter plot of these normalized velocity estimates (“NV”) against corresponding measurements of the resting pupil diameter is shown in
Figure 4A. No clear relationship emerges across a wide range of pupil size (3.87–7.84 mm), and linear regression analysis gives a coefficient
R = 0.242 (
P = 0.118). A similar approach also reveals no apparent influence from age.
Figure 4B shows a scatter plot of normalized velocity estimates against a wide range of ages (20–75 years), but the linear regression coefficient is not significant (
R = 0.193,
P = 0.215). If the pupil measurements in the youngest 10 subjects (mean age 24, range 20-26) are compared to those in the oldest 10 subjects (mean age 65, range 53–75), no significant difference is found in their normalized velocity estimates (mean 3.51 mm/s in the younger subjects, 3.42 m/s in the older subjects,
t = 0.488,
P = 0.632).
The interdependence of velocity and amplitude measurements for all recordings from both eyes in this cohort of normal subjects is illustrated in
Figure 5 (
N = 658 recordings, average of 8.1 measurements per tested eye). When all these data from across the entire 4-log unit range of tested stimulus intensities are considered, the previously noted positive correlation between these two variables is seen to be curvilinear. There is a slight reduction in measured velocity for response amplitudes <0.50 mm, although the correlation for all amplitudes ≥0.50 mm appears to be linear. Despite this minor nonlinearity at one end of the graph, the data can be fit well by the equation
V is velocity and
A is amplitude (
R = 0.919,
P < 0.001). The upper and lower 95% prediction intervals either side of the regression line also are shown in
Figure 5. These show that the lower limit to constriction velocity expected in normal subjects is given by the equation